Hannibal...the series. WHY?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
OMG, you are in my head. :) I love Bluce, and I just got off the phone with him...and I have to stick with Ape on this particular thread. :)

For the record, we didn't get on the phone to discuss Dexter. :icon_lol: :lol:

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Well Known GateFan

Seriously? Seriously??? This is the kind of shit you use to defend your argument??? :shep_lol::icon_rotflmao::smiley-laughing021:

Psychopaths are assertive. Psychopaths don’t procrastinate. Psychopaths tend to focus on the positive. Psychopaths don’t take things personally; they don’t beat themselves up if things go wrong, even if they’re to blame. And they’re pretty cool under pressure. Those kinds of characteristics aren’t just important in the business arena, but also in everyday life.

And then there's this definition which pretty much includes anyone you want to pigeon hole into it:

When psychologists talk about psychopaths, what we’re referring to are people who have a distinct set of personality characteristics, which include things like ruthlessness, fearlessness, mental toughness, charm, persuasiveness and a lack of conscience and empathy.

Quite simply, to claim that surgeons and CEO's are psychopaths because some of them have some of these traits is laughable.

Look Bluce, the fact is you yourself stated that Dexter has the urge to kill. And the fact is that this character has killed -- repeatedly. He has demonstrated homicidal violence. What term would you be happy with me using to describe him other than psychopath? Whatever term you use won't change the fact that the character is a mental defective that kills. He's not a heroic protagonist. He's a demented killer.

Oh, but wait, I'm not done yet! Let's take a look at another snippet from your list of references to bolster your position. This is a good one because the list includes you, Bluce, under the heading of psychopath:


Seriously? You want us to take this seriously??? This is your proof that I'm using the term "psychopath" incorrectly??? LOL! :icon_lol:

Um, yeah, okay, we'll use your list here. And just for full disclosure not only do you, Bluce, fall under the heading of psychopath but so do I and so does my entire family and almost everyone I know. It also covers a pretty good chunk of the members of this very forum and many in their families too. So, yeah, we're all psychopaths. :rolleye0014::rolleye0014::rolleye0014:

Seriously dude, I love you, I really do, but you need to just stop. You're being obstinate in defending your stance not because it's right, but simply because you don't want to be wrong. As I've always maintained, you're better than that.
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Well Known GateFan
OMG, you are in my head. :) I love Bluce, and I just got off the phone with him...and I have to stick with Ape on this particular thread. :)

I love him too and I think it's great that we're able to intelligently spar over this topic. That's the whole point of a forum like this. If we all agreed all the time it would be boring as hell.

Plus I like winning. :P ;)


Well Known GateFan

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Seriously? Seriously??? This is the kind of shit you use to defend your argument??? :shep_lol::icon_rotflmao::smiley-laughing021:

And then there's this definition which pretty much includes anyone you want to pigeon hole into it:

Quite simply, to claim that surgeons and CEO's are psychopaths because some of them have some of these traits is laughable.

They're not complete psychopaths as they do have emotions tied to morals. However, a surgeon can lose a patient on the operating table and feel little to no empathy. A CEO can feel no empathy throwing out 10,000 employees to save on the bottom line and his/her bonus without batting an eye. Some soldiers on the battlefield can take lives without suffering any sort of PTSD or remorse. That takes a certain amount of psychopathy.

One can acquire psychopathic traits through desensitization.

Look Bluce, the fact is you yourself stated that Dexter has the urge to kill. And the fact is that this character has killed -- repeatedly. He has demonstrated homicidal violence. What term would you be happy with me using to describe him other than psychopath? Whatever term you use won't change the fact that the character is a mental defective that kills. He's not a heroic protagonist. He's a demented killer.

I'm starting to wonder if we're having two different conversations here. I didn't claim Dexter is a great guy to hang with or that he's a model of society. He is what he is, a serial killer with an uncontrollable urge to kill. That doesn't make the show and its stories any less brilliant.

Oh, but wait, I'm not done yet! Let's take a look at another snippet from your list of references to bolster your position. This is a good one because the list includes you, Bluce, under the heading of psychopath:


Seriously? You want us to take this seriously??? This is your proof that I'm using the term "psychopath" incorrectly??? LOL! :icon_lol:

Um, yeah, okay, we'll use your list here. And just for full disclosure not only do you, Bluce, fall under the heading of psychopath but so do I and so does my entire family and almost everyone I know. It also covers a pretty good chunk of the members of this very forum and many in their families too. So, yeah, we're all psychopaths. :rolleye0014::rolleye0014::rolleye0014:

Still trying to figure out what you're getting at here. There are varying levels of psychopathy and not all of them are demented (or relating to dementia). :icon_lol:

Psychopathy is more complicated than simply a mental illness.


Psychopaths, and to a degree, sociopaths, show a lack of emotion, especially the social emotions, such as shame, guilt, and embarrassment. Cleckley said that the psychopaths he came into contact with showed a “general poverty in major affective reactions,” and a “lack of remorse or shame.” The PCL describes psychopaths as “emotionally shallow” and showing a lack of guilt. Psychopaths are notorious for their lack of fear. When normal people are put into an experimental situation where they anticipate that something painful will happen, such as a mild electric shock, or a mildly aversive pressure applied to a limb, a brain network activates. Normal people will also show a clear skin conductance response produced by sweat gland activity. In psychopathic subjects, however, this brain network showed no activity and no skin conductance responses were emitted (Birbaumer et al., 2012).

You'll notice these traits are very similar to what one would expect from special forces or secret service. Some traits can be acquired but some of these jobs have very rigorous and extensive psychological profiles performed on their applicants to determine predisposition.

Seriously dude, I love you, I really do, but you need to just stop. You're being obstinate in defending your stance not because it's right, but simply because you don't want to be wrong. As I've always maintained, you're better than that.

What position am I defending? I said I like the show and that's it. I'm not trying to convince you to watch it based on some delusion I have. Now we've drifted into the subject of psychopathy and what defines a psychopath.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I guess the next series can be about a lovesick necrophiliac who awakens to find themselves in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.....dating hijinks ensue.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually, I decided it was time I left the closet and called OM1 because I felt like something big & black. Oddly enough, he was very receptive.



They're not complete psychopaths as they do have emotions tied to morals. However, a surgeon can lose a patient on the operating table and feel little to no empathy. A CEO can feel no empathy throwing out 10,000 employees to save on the bottom line and his/her bonus without batting an eye. Some soldiers on the battlefield can take lives without suffering any sort of PTSD or remorse. That takes a certain amount of psychopathy.

One can acquire psychopathic traits through desensitization.

I'm starting to wonder if we're having two different conversations here. I didn't claim Dexter is a great guy to hang with or that he's a model of society. He is what he is, a serial killer with an uncontrollable urge to kill. That doesn't make the show and its stories any less brilliant.

Still trying to figure out what you're getting at here. There are varying levels of psychopathy and not all of them are demented (or relating to dementia). :icon_lol:

Psychopathy is more complicated than simply a mental illness.


You'll notice these traits are very similar to what one would expect from special forces or secret service. Some traits can be acquired but some of these jobs have very rigorous and extensive psychological profiles performed on their applicants to determine predisposition.

What position am I defending? I said I like the show and that's it. I'm not trying to convince you to watch it based on some delusion I have. Now we've drifted into the subject of psychopathy and what defines a psychopath.

Under those conditions you can place me in the psychopath category. As a Firefighter/emt many calls we dealt with had many types of death, from auto accidents, suicides, burning and crushing.

After the call we would get cleaned up and go back to eating, watching tv, laughing and joking, the same as before the call. If you dwell on the scenes you saw or actions you needed to do to retrieve the body, that will drive you mad.

If you want me to tell you storys of what i've seen, buy me a spaghetti lunch, you stop eating i stop talking.


Well Known GateFan
I'm starting to wonder if we're having two different conversations here. I didn't claim Dexter is a great guy to hang with or that he's a model of society. He is what he is, a serial killer with an uncontrollable urge to kill. That doesn't make the show and its stories any less brilliant.

What position am I defending? I said I like the show and that's it. I'm not trying to convince you to watch it based on some delusion I have. Now we've drifted into the subject of psychopathy and what defines a psychopath.

Christ on a cross, you don't make this shit easy. It's like you've dumped the contents of your briefcase all over the parking lot on a windy day and now expect me to run and collect the scattered pieces. :facepalm: I'll try to pare it down to the bare bones because I'm tired.

Basically you are defending the position of liking (enjoying, being entertained by, etc.) a "serial killer with an uncontrollable urge to kill" in a show that is "brilliant". These are your words. Period. End of story. This is your position. You find the fictional examination of a demented psychopath (you said he had an "uncontrollable urge to kill", which is demented and psychopathic) to be entertaining to your own psyche. So the question is, why do you find a demented, murderous psychopath interesting? Why aren't you repulsed by it? What could you possibly find entertaining and/or redeeming in a character such as this?

And please don't accuse me of going off on tangents regarding word definitions. I was using the word "psychopathic" correctly and you were the one who took issue with it, hence the diversion into Websters dictionary. The bottom line is I used/use the word correctly. Dexter is a psychopath. The fact that that term gets sloppily and erroneously applied to countless people the world over is irrelevant to the fact that the character of Dexter is a psychopath. You like watching a show about a psychopath. You like watching a show about a serial killer. That's the position I'm asking you to defend. And calling it "brilliant" isn't defending it. Explaining why it's brilliant would be.

(*And quite honestly the links you posted regarding what defines a psychopath all lead back to people selling books that amount to nothing more than pop psychology. These are hardly scholarly tomes that have been peer reviewed. They're written by Oprah type authors that cherry pick data and/or make things up out of whole cloth to suit the hypothesis that they came up with when they were spit balling ideas in their agent's office. That laughable chart that listed psychopathic professions should have been more than enough to prove this to you. If it wasn't then there's really nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise. Needless to say the wedding is off and good luck getting the deposit back on the cute little Vera Wang number you were planning to wear. :P )

Now :anubis-pancarte01: !!!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Christ on a cross, you don't make this shit easy. It's like you've dumped the contents of your briefcase all over the parking lot on a windy day and now expect me to run and collect the scattered pieces. :facepalm: I'll try to pare it down to the bare bones because I'm tired.

That's just how your mind is perceiving it because, perhaps, I'm being too complex. So, allow me to dumb it down for you.

Me like show. Show have good story! Good writer write good entertaining and compelling story. Have good social commentary. Me no love Dexter the guy but me interested in the exploration of main character's metaphorical struggle and interaction with environment.

And please don't accuse me of going off on tangents regarding word definitions. I was using the word "psychopathic" correctly and you were the one who took issue with it, hence the diversion into Websters dictionary. The bottom line is I used/use the word correctly. Dexter is a psychopath. The fact that that term gets sloppily and erroneously applied to countless people the world over is irrelevant to the fact that the character of Dexter is a psychopath.

Are you reading the stuff I post or some altered version created in your mind for the purpose of spilling out this long-winded, practiced in front of a mirror soapbox speech?

You like watching a show about a psychopath. You like watching a show about a serial killer. That's the position I'm asking you to defend. And calling it "brilliant" isn't defending it. Explaining why it's brilliant would be.

I have tried to in a few threads. Obviously, a wasted effort.

(*And quite honestly the links you posted regarding what defines a psychopath all lead back to people selling books that amount to nothing more than pop psychology.

Yes, of course. Selling books. The fact you can say that about all of medicine is irrelevant, though, right? Let's do away with medicine because it's all quackery to sell books and acquire the glory and prestige of being published in medical journals.

These are hardly scholarly tomes that have been peer reviewed. They're written by Oprah type authors that cherry pick data and/or make things up out of whole cloth to suit the hypothesis that they came up with when they were spit balling ideas in their agent's office. That laughable chart that listed psychopathic professions should have been more than enough to prove this to you. If it wasn't then there's really nothing more I can say to convince you otherwise.

I suppose I could link you Scientific American, BBC, and whatever else that you wouldn't consider a "rag" but that would be a wasted effort. It's hard to get through someone when they're all ...


Needless to say the wedding is off and good luck getting the deposit back on the cute little Vera Wang number you were planning to wear. :P )

Pfff. You wouldn't have survived the wedding night. :icon_lol:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OMFG I haven't laughed this hard in a year!

Ape said:
Needless to say the wedding is off and good luck getting the deposit back on the cute little Vera Wang number you were planning to wear. :P

Bluce said:
Pfff. You wouldn't have survived the wedding night. :icon_lol:



What ship is this?
Staff member
So....if Shaved wouldn't have survived the wedding night but Bluce's wife did, that either says something about him, her or Bluce (either Bluce held back, shaved is unusually frail or Bluce's wife is powerful)...

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
So....if Shaved wouldn't have survived the wedding night but Bluce's wife did, that either says something about him, her or Bluce (either Bluce held back, shaved is unusually frail or Bluce's wife is powerful)...


My wife's a trooper. Why do you think I married her? :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
Blah blah blah blah blah blah poop blah blah...

I have tried to in a few threads. Obviously, a wasted effort.

Really? Where?

Blah blah blah blah bluh -- bluh bluh bluh *fart* blah. Blah blah blah. Bluh bluh ung! Blah blah blah blah...

Yes, of course. Selling books. The fact you can say that about all of medicine is irrelevant, though, right? Let's do away with medicine because it's all quackery to sell books and acquire the glory and prestige of being published in medical journals.

I suppose I could link you Scientific American, BBC, and whatever else that you wouldn't consider a "rag" but that would be a wasted effort. It's hard to get through someone when they're all ...

I never said anything about doing away with medicine and books. I said the sources you cited were essentially pop psychology that had little basis in official mental health medical journals. They were your sources and were the best you could come up with to prove some inane point that we're all psychopaths. Unfortunately those citations weren't good enough. If you expect me, or anyone, to believe that the "psychopath career list" is actually peer reviewed and officially sanctioned then you've got your work cut out for you.

Quite simply there's no way the AMA and/or its attending psychology arm would sanction such a blanket diagnosis of psychopathology. That's because it's a list made up by a pop psychologist, both of which, the list and the pop psychologist, are ridiculous and lend no support to your argument. Here's the list again just to refresh your memory of how laughable it truly is:


Pfff. You wouldn't have survived the wedding night. :icon_lol:

Meh, the marriage wouldn't have been sanctioned anyway as my groin hosts the "member" of a particularly large stallion and the state would consider what I would do to you on our wedding night to be bestiality -- and quite possibly murder as you'd no doubt bleed out in the heart shaped bed in our honeymoon suite shortly after the commencement of our first bout of coitus. But then again, since it's been established by your handy lil' list that I'm a psychopath the blood and screaming probably wouldn't bother me one way or the other, go figure. ;)

And here's the list again, even biggah for all to see!!! :daniel_new_anime021:
