Hannibal...the series. WHY?


Well Known GateFan
So....if Shaved wouldn't have survived the wedding night but Bluce's wife did, that either says something about him, her or Bluce (either Bluce held back, shaved is unusually frail or Bluce's wife is powerful)...

The answer is all three. ;)

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Really? Where?

Search the site. You can try that little white box in the corner with the faded word "Search" in it.

I never said anything about doing away with medicine and books. I said the sources you cited were essentially pop psychology that had little basis in official mental health medical journals. They were your sources and were the best you could come up with to prove some inane point that we're all psychopaths. Unfortunately those citations weren't good enough. If you expect me, or anyone, to believe that the "psychopath career list" is actually peer reviewed and officially sanctioned then you've got your work cut out for you.

There are plenty more.




Quite simply there's no way the AMA and/or its attending psychology arm would sanction such a blanket diagnosis of psychopathology. That's because it's a list made up by a pop psychologist, both of which, the list and the pop psychologist, are ridiculous and lend no support to your argument. Here's the list again just to refresh your memory of how laughable it truly is:

It's a list of careers where psychopathic traits are known to exist. It's not a defacto list of people sure to be psychopaths. Really, dude. You're obsessed with relating psychopath with the knife-wielding maniac. You know how medicine works. There's that thing called ... wait .. what's that word again ... oh, yeah, ADVANCES, as in they learn new shit that advances knowledge about old shit.

Meh, the marriage wouldn't have been sanctioned anyway as my groin hosts the "member" of a particularly large stallion and the state would consider what I would do to you on our wedding night to be bestiality -- and quite possibly murder as you'd no doubt bleed out in the heart shaped bed in our honeymoon suite shortly after the commencement of our first bout of coitus. But then again, since it's been established by your handy lil' list that I'm a psychopath the blood and screaming probably wouldn't bother me one way or the other, go figure. ;)

Strapping the severed member of a probably now dead horse around your groin won't do you much good. I may have been playing innocent twink as I lured you into a false sense of dominance during our courtship but you neglected to read between the lines when I said I'm a "Sagittarius". Half man, half horse. And it ain't "hosted", it's all me. :D


Well Known GateFan
Search the site. You can try that little white box in the corner with the faded word "Search" in it.

There are plenty more.





It's a list of careers where psychopathic traits are known to exist. It's not a defacto list of people sure to be psychopaths. Really, dude. You're obsessed with relating psychopath with the knife-wielding maniac. You know how medicine works. There's that thing called ... wait .. what's that word again ... oh, yeah, ADVANCES, as in they learn new shit that advances knowledge about old shit.

Strapping the severed member of a probably now dead horse around your groin won't do you much good. I may have been playing innocent twink as I lured you into a false sense of dominance during our courtship but you neglected to read between the lines when I said I'm a "Sagittarius". Half man, half horse. And it ain't "hosted", it's all me. :D



The Belle of the Ball
warning rant ahead!

[Begin Rant]Hollywood has NO CLUE about the real ramifications of severe mental illness! There is a show about a guy who is a raging schizophrenic (not on meds) who is a college prof and crime fighter...as if.:facepalm: The man wouldn't last a month in a real job with his problems. There is a reason that 90% of the homeless in America have mental health issues. That is why so many are drug addicted or alcoholic- self medicating is a serious problem among the mentally ill! My sister in law lived with us for 4 years because she took herself off her meds and lost her teacher's license in So. California...she never told us why but with unions etc I knew it had to have been pretty bad! I've seen molesters still allowed to teach, so she probably hit another teacher or something. it took her 4 years of stable meds and a stable home situation (with us) to get healthy enough to leave.

Hollywood seems to think that serious (not mere depression or bipolar disorder) is a condition that is easy to live with-they need a brick up side the head a few times. I have dealt with teens & young adults who have parents that don't see why their child can't be "normal"... after all you see "normal-acting mentally ill people"on tv all the time! Yes they actually say that! :rolleyes: It makes me want to scream as I TRY to explain to these people their child needs serious therapy and help...you can't simply close your eyes and hum a pretty tune and have everything okay! The USA hasn't got an effective mental health attitude or policy, or offer adequate mental health insurance! I find the wealthy send their troubled kids away and the poor ignore them. we must do more for our seriously mentally ill citizens! [/end rant]
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Well Known GateFan
warning rant ahead!

[Begin Rant]Hollywood has NO CLUE about the real ramifications of severe mental illness! There is a show about a guy who is a raging schizophrenic (not on meds) who is a college prof and crime fighter...as if.:facepalm: The man wouldn't last a month in a real job with his problems. There is a reason that 90% of the homeless in America have mental health issues. That is why so many are drug addicted or alcoholic- self medicating is a serious problem among the mentally ill! My sister in law lived with us for 4 years because she took herself off her meds and lost her teacher's license in So. California...she never told us why but with unions etc I knew it had to have been pretty bad! I've seen molesters still allowed to teach, so she probably hit another teacher or something. it took her 4 years of stable meds and a stable home situation (with us) to get healthy enough to leave.

Hollywood seems to think that serious (not mere depression or bipolar disorder) is a condition that is easy to live with-they need a brick up side the head a few times. I have dealt with teens & young adults who have parents that don't see why their child can't be "normal"... after all you see "normal-acting mentally ill people"on tv all the time! Yes they actually say that! :rolleyes: It makes me want to scream as I TRY to explain to these people their child needs serious therapy and help...you can't simply close your eyes and hum a pretty tune and have everything okay! The USA hasn't got an effective mental health attitude or policy, or offer adequate mental health insurance! I find the wealthy send their troubled kids away and the poor ignore them. we must do more for our seriously mentally ill citizens! [/end rant]

#1. Kudos for not using the word "psychopath" as that is frowned upon in this thread. ;)

#2. We agree completely on our country needing to do more regarding the mentally ill. Glamorizing mental illness by creating handsome, highly intelligent serial killers does nothing to help. It's just immoral and inane. It's also incredibly lazy and lame writing on the part of these people who produce such trash.

The fact of reality is, genius psychopathic serial killers don't really exist. Moriarty, if he can be considered a serial killer, is a highly stylized fictional creation. (He is a nemesis, an intellectual equal, of Sherlock Holmes, another highly stylized fictional creation that doesn't exist in reality.) Yet it's now popular to write fictional killers who have more intelligence than a warehouse full of Cray computers and the technical and magical abilities to carry out their devious plots with impunity. :rolleye0014:

It barely takes a cursory look at real serial killers to see that they aren't mastermind geniuses. Breaking into peoples houses and shooting them point blank and/or hitting them on the head is hardly genius level stuff (Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, etc.) So, yeah, the myth of the "super genius psychopathic serial killer" is just that -- a myth, and not a particularly good one as myths go.


#1. Kudos for not using the word "psychopath" as that is frowned upon in this thread. ;)

#2. We agree completely on our country needing to do more regarding the mentally ill. Glamorizing mental illness by creating handsome, highly intelligent serial killers does nothing to help. It's just immoral and inane. It's also incredibly lazy and lame writing on the part of these people who produce such trash.

The fact of reality is, genius psychopathic serial killers don't really exist. Moriarty, if he can be considered a serial killer, is a highly stylized fictional creation. (He is a nemesis, an intellectual equal, of Sherlock Holmes, another highly stylized fictional creation that doesn't exist in reality.) Yet it's now popular to write fictional killers who have more intelligence than a warehouse full of Cray computers and the technical and magical abilities to carry out their devious plots with impunity. :rolleye0014:

It barely takes a cursory look at real serial killers to see that they aren't mastermind geniuses. Breaking into peoples houses and shooting them point blank and/or hitting them on the head is hardly genius level stuff (Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, etc.) So, yeah, the myth of the "super genius psychopathic serial killer" is just that -- a myth, and not a particularly good one as myths go.



Council Member & Author
It's that whole trope of the "evil genius". If you're brilliant, you're obviously going to be up to no good. I think it has something to do with some peoples' suspicion of intellectualism and science.


Well Known GateFan
Disagree about that Hannibal and other serial killers on screen like Dexter are geniuses at all. I don't see why people see them as that way. They're not geniuses. If they're so smart, they'd realize the unintelligent nature of their serial killer self. They'd try to either use their intellect to work past such base human self indulgence. People I consider intelligent are able to think with their brains and find a healthy balance between their emotions and intelligence. However, being a serial killer is giving into their emotions, superseding their intellect altogether. That is not the action of someone that could be considered a 'genius'. I don't see why people see them as intelligent. Knowing how to do several different things also doesn't make a person intelligence. Knowing/memorizing facts doesn't make a person intelligence. All those things tell me is that, congratulations, you are able to think with the capacity of a computer. Intelligence, to me, has to do with how one thinks and even questioning the aspect of the why one thinks the way one thinks. I don't consider most doctors to be geniuses. They've memorized a lot of facts and a lot of procedures. Doesn't make them intelligent. In fact, those two aspects revolve around not thinking at all, but just ingraining certain things to memory so as not to think. However, some doctors are intelligent and able to use those facts and procedures to see things beyond them by thinking.

Anyways, that's my whole spiel. Also, it's obvious a lot of people bashing the show on here obviously haven't watched the show. They don't even really explore the psyche of Hannibal at all. Hannibal isn't even the main character as far as I can tell. The main character is Will. It explores his psyche. Will, one of the FBI profilers and analysts, tries to get into serial killers heads by examining crime scenes. That's it. Hannibal is like a little kid on the show, just wants a friend. No exploration of the psyche of a serial killer there. Neither Hannibal nor Will are geniuses. They aren't able to process things beyond their emotional state. They give in to them. Will is showing some hints of intelligence though this season by trying to work past his emotions through thinking. Note, I don't even like the show that much, but it's not as bad as people who obviously haven't watched are making it out to be. And it seems that people aren't able to think past superficial aspects/base impressions of the show, giving into their world mold, emotions, and psyche. See paragraph I.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Disagree about that Hannibal and other serial killers on screen like Dexter are geniuses at all. I don't see why people see them as that way. They're not geniuses. If they're so smart, they'd realize the unintelligent nature of their serial killer self. They'd try to either use their intellect to work past such base human self indulgence. People I consider intelligent are able to think with their brains and find a healthy balance between their emotions and intelligence. However, being a serial killer is giving into their emotions, superseding their intellect altogether. That is not the action of someone that could be considered a 'genius'. I don't see why people see them as intelligent. Knowing how to do several different things also doesn't make a person intelligence. Knowing/memorizing facts doesn't make a person intelligence. All those things tell me is that, congratulations, you are able to think with the capacity of a computer. Intelligence, to me, has to do with how one thinks and even questioning the aspect of the why one thinks the way one thinks. I don't consider most doctors to be geniuses. They've memorized a lot of facts and a lot of procedures. Doesn't make them intelligent. In fact, those two aspects revolve around not thinking at all, but just ingraining certain things to memory so as not to think. However, some doctors are intelligent and able to use those facts and procedures to see things beyond them by thinking.

Anyways, that's my whole spiel. Also, it's obvious a lot of people bashing the show on here obviously haven't watched the show. They don't even really explore the psyche of Hannibal at all. Hannibal isn't even the main character as far as I can tell. The main character is Will. It explores his psyche. Will, one of the FBI profilers and analysts, tries to get into serial killers heads by examining crime scenes. That's it. Hannibal is like a little kid on the show, just wants a friend. No exploration of the psyche of a serial killer there. Neither Hannibal nor Will are geniuses. They aren't able to process things beyond their emotional state. They give in to them. Will is showing some hints of intelligence though this season by trying to work past his emotions through thinking. Note, I don't even like the show that much, but it's not as bad as people who obviously haven't watched are making it out to be. And it seems that people aren't able to think past superficial aspects/base impressions of the show, giving into their world mold, emotions, and psyche. See paragraph I.

I agree with everything except the idea that Will is the star of the show (or anyone other than Hannibal as being the core of anything with Hannibal Lechter in it). If Hannibal and his psychotic cannibalistic behaviors were not the draw, they would have simply named the show Will and had Hannibal as the antagonist. In Silence of the Lambs, Jodie Foster's character was only there to frame the evil and character of Hannibal Lechter, thus making him the star. I find it insidious and sick. This is why they have Hannibal as the title of the show and why his actor character is on the posters. There is an audience who actually LIKES to watch the sick stuff that Hannibal does to victims.


Well Known GateFan
Will is the star of the show, name of the show hardly matters. Of course, they're going to use Hannibal as the name of the show. The name Hannibal is a draw. It's all about marketing. Firefly was the name of the show, doesn't mean the ship was the main star. It was one of the stars, but the main characters were most of the crew. Who the main star is is irrelevant to the naming of the show.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's that whole trope of the "evil genius". If you're brilliant, you're obviously going to be up to no good. I think it has something to do with some peoples' suspicion of intellectualism and science.

Excuse me, but I guess you've never hear of
Evil, have you?


What ship is this?
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Will is the star of the show, name of the show hardly matters. Of course, they're going to use Hannibal as the name of the show. The name Hannibal is a draw. It's all about marketing. Firefly was the name of the show, doesn't mean the ship was the main star. It was one of the stars, but the main characters were most of the crew. Who the main star is is irrelevant to the naming of the show.



What ship is this?
Staff member
I guess this is now the random strange media clip thread. :psychosga:


Well Known GateFan