Terra Nova


Well Known GateFan
Yep, WHY do these writers keep thinking that fans want to see so much drama? I look at a show with lots of drama like Breaking Bad and wonder why it works in that show and not in science fiction. I know why I dont like it in my science fiction, but I like it fine in Breaking Bad. I am waiting patiently for Falling Skies to return. They had started moving into drama, but then shifted back to action towards the finale and I loved it! The story lines need to stay fresh. In Falling Skies, the whole thing between Hal and the blonde girl that got taken and turned into a skitter/harness kid just dragged things down. In SGU, it was Scott and Chloe and Eli on his "losing my vrginity" quest that killed it in a big way.
If the drama legitimately is tied to the scifi aspects of the show then it is usually okay. The problem is when the drama is generic and could be played out within the confines of any genre that it becomes bad. SGU is a perfect example of drama that had little to do with the affects of science and technology on the humans who populated that world that's why it failed. So far Terra Nova is okay in this regard but could be much better. They try to show the affects of living in a prehistoric world via a scientific advancement but it's not wholly realistic. It could be worse though. Still, they need to be a bit more realistic about how people would live as opposed to the sappy family friendly show they are leaning towards. That, to me, is boring.


I hate the drama about the husband, wife and now this other guy. For Real? He planned it all along? Or did he? The bigger question to me is, why should I care? Show me more science and dinos. The ball is still up in the air for this one for me but I am starting to lean on one side.:rolleyes:

Yes, I know I mixed my metaphors...........


Well Known GateFan
Ahh ok, will just wait to hear a dramatic change of tune from you guys if any, then will pick it up.

I think, most of the times in sci-fi, the crappy drama is just there because they don't have a good story, just milking up a lot of the airtime to prolong their insufficient story filling it up with nonsense.


Ahh ok, will just wait to hear a dramatic change of tune from you guys if any, then will pick it up.

I think, most of the times in sci-fi, the crappy drama is just there because they don't have a good story, just milking up a lot of the airtime to prolong their insufficient story filling it up with nonsense.

I think the drama is mostly there because "the times have changed" and "the audience demands it". :) But also for the reason of convenience like you said.


The Belle of the Ball
Okay watched "runaway" ep of Terra Nova- it was a yawner IMHO. a secret box? mistreated orphans or not? terrorizing a child is NEVER okay IMHO. :P will watch it at my convenience but not going to go out of my way to see it. the "secrets" part is getting quite dull...give us the great secret and get it over with...if they don't soon I might not care what it is! :P


You know full well that their stearing this in the direction of one of those godforsaken cliffhangers that nobody's really looking forward to.


Well Known GateFan
You know full well that their stearing this in the direction of one of those godforsaken cliffhangers that nobody's really looking forward to.

I think many viewers are fatigued over how tedious these cliff hangers are getting. I know there has to be drama, conflict and suspense but it's so heavy handed and so over done these days that it's a turn off. Plus none of the cutesy cutesy kids has been eaten by a dinosaur yet which, to be honest, is what we've all been waiting for. If it doesn't happen soon I'm going to give up on the show.


I think many viewers are fatigued over how tedious these cliff hangers are getting. I know there has to be drama, conflict and suspense but it's so heavy handed and so over done these days that it's a turn off. Plus none of the cutesy cutesy kids has been eaten by a dinosaur yet which, to be honest, is what we've all been waiting for. If it doesn't happen soon I'm going to give up on the show.

I never thought I would say something like this but indeed it would be quite uplifting if one of the cutest little kids got ripped apart by a ferocious dinosaur. That would really shock people and put the unexpected on the menu. Who really needs a cliffhanger? All those things do is annoy people because they make people wait for half a year or longer before they can find out how the story will continue. It's not like people are spending that half year counting the days till that series returns. They're just doing and watching whatever they see fit and when a series comes back from a break they'll catch it when it's convenient for them. Cliffhangers are the enemy! All they really accomplish is for series to end abruptly without being resolved, which is probably the thing I hate most about any series.


My avatar speaks for itself.
I think many viewers are fatigued over how tedious these cliff hangers are getting. I know there has to be drama, conflict and suspense but it's so heavy handed and so over done these days that it's a turn off. Plus none of the cutesy cutesy kids has been eaten by a dinosaur yet which, to be honest, is what we've all been waiting for. If it doesn't happen soon I'm going to give up on the show.




Well Known GateFan
I never thought I would say something like this but indeed it would be quite uplifting if one of the cutest little kids got ripped apart by a ferocious dinosaur. That would really shock people and put the unexpected on the menu. Who really needs a cliffhanger? All those things do is annoy people because they make people wait for half a year or longer before they can find out how the story will continue. It's not like people are spending that half year counting the days till that series returns. They're just doing and watching whatever they see fit and when a series comes back from a break they'll catch it when it's convenient for them. Cliffhangers are the enemy! All they really accomplish is for series to end abruptly without being resolved, which is probably the thing I hate most about any series.

You miss SGU don't you kitten? :D

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I think many viewers are fatigued over how tedious these cliff hangers are getting. I know there has to be drama, conflict and suspense but it's so heavy handed and so over done these days that it's a turn off. Plus none of the cutesy cutesy kids has been eaten by a dinosaur yet which, to be honest, is what we've all been waiting for. If it doesn't happen soon I'm going to give up on the show.

THAT would be a truly satisfying moment to me if it happened. At this point, it has to be a good one too....a dino head tossed back, two-bite kill/swallow. Im pretty much done with this show, and I think I will just wait until Falling Skies returns. Sanctuary is back on my list!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I think many viewers are fatigued over how tedious these cliff hangers are getting. I know there has to be drama, conflict and suspense but it's so heavy handed and so over done these days that it's a turn off. Plus none of the cutesy cutesy kids has been eaten by a dinosaur yet which, to be honest, is what we've all been waiting for. If it doesn't happen soon I'm going to give up on the show.

I'm surprised you're still hanging on. I sat through two episodes and had the urge to throw my shake at the screen after the 2nd one.


Well Known GateFan
I'm surprised you're still hanging on. I sat through two episodes and had the urge to throw my shake at the screen after the 2nd one.

To be honest I missed an episode and half of another because I simply forgot the show was on. It isn't compelling enough for me to record or to make a point of watching religiously. If I happen to be around on Monday night when it's on and I remember I'll tune in but so far I'm not feeling that 'must see' sort of need. Being a Spielberg production this isn't a surprising response on my part.

The problem is the show wants to be dark but also family friendly at the same time. It has something of an identity crisis. This doesn't bode well for the shows longevity but I won't be too broken up when the axe falls.


Okay, a couple of quick things.

Am I the only one that thought the dino egg looked like Dino's egg from Fred Flintstone? LOL.:icon_lol:

Okay, second, I think this is the second time one of the kids got sent home from school. I believe the first one was not their's but the sixer kid, but still. :facepalm:

The second part of the storyline was better, they found out another traitor. It was only given about 10 minutes or so of real screen time though. Other than the egg, not much dinos that I saw at all. Nice kick butt scene at end. :icon_cool:


Well Known GateFan
I think this show is having an identity crisis. On one hand it wants to be a cutesy "Let's watch the dino egg hatch!" kids show and on the other hand it wants to explore some dark themes. I find that annoying. Plus in this episode it was obvious who the real bad guy was early on. They always give the traitor at least one line of dialogue so we get to know them before they are revealed and that's exactly what they did here.

The scenes for next week I found rather boring actually. I guess I'm just not feeling it for this show.

Oh -- and I hate the teen age son. I would tolerate his crap for all of 2 minutes and then he'd be so preoccupied with removing my boot from his ass that he wouldn't have time to get into stupid trouble.


I think this show is having an identity crisis. On one hand it wants to be a cutesy "Let's watch the dino egg hatch!" kids show and on the other hand it wants to explore some dark themes. I find that annoying. Plus in this episode it was obvious who the real bad guy was early on. They always give the traitor at least one line of dialogue so we get to know them before they are revealed and that's exactly what they did here.

The scenes for next week I found rather boring actually. I guess I'm just not feeling it for this show.

Oh -- and I hate the teen age son. I would tolerate his crap for all of 2 minutes and then he'd be so preoccupied with removing my boot from his ass that he wouldn't have time to get into stupid trouble.

I agree with all this, except I think next week's ep looks better than this weeks.

"In this family we have no secrets." :puke:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I was going to post a giant gif of a monkey vomiting undigested banana but I figured it might be a little R-rated for this forum, so ...



I was going to post a giant gif of a monkey vomiting undigested banana but I figured it might be a little R-rated for this forum, so ...


Did you watch this ep Bluce?
That egg looked so Flintstones. :rolleyes:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Did you watch this ep Bluce?
That egg looked so Flintstones. :rolleyes:

I was getting angry at the tv for playing the damned ep. I couldn't sit through it without channel surfing most of the time.