The Walking Dead S9


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually the IDEA of their first time jump (to show rebuilt communities and also show buildings and such starting to deteriorate from the encroach of nature) was not bad. It's the execution that was wanting, as apparently the time jump did not also have them learn not to constantly make ham fisted decisions.

The SECOND time jump? It seems like it was forced by Andrew Lincoln's exiting during the season and in effect means the show has rebooted. They REALLY could not have gotten Lincoln to finish out the season which would have made for a smoother transition?
Actually the IDEA of their first time jump (to show rebuilt communities and also show buildings and such starting to deteriorate from the encroach of nature) was not bad. It's the execution that was wanting, as apparently the time jump did not also have them learn not to constantly make ham fisted decisions.

The SECOND time jump? It seems like it was forced by Andrew Lincoln's exiting during the season and in effect means the show has rebooted. They REALLY could not have gotten Lincoln to finish out the season which would have made for a smoother transition?

The time jumps miss the elephant in the room which is the fact that zombies would no longer exist in that world other than as rare occurrences. There would be no groups of them and certainly no herds, not after years have passed. (As I understand it baby Judith is now a teenager. That is a time jump of over a decade. There is absolutely no biological way that zombies could exist en masse at this point. In fact, there's no biological way zombies would have existed en masse after the previous time jump. But even allowing for this discrepancy the first time around there simply is no way it can be ignored at this point. So basically TWD is now a "post-apoc western soap", which I guess is what it has always been at its core.)


What ship is this?
Staff member
When you add the two time jumps together per the show runners we are eight years in the future from the end of the last season. So Judith is either 10 or 11. So still having walkers from the original outbreak shambling around has entered into beyond ludicrous territory.
When you add the two time jumps together per the show runners we are eight years in the future from the end of the last season. So Judith is either 10 or 11. So still having walkers from the original outbreak shambling around has entered into beyond ludicrous territory.

I can only roll my eyes at people who get triggered over episodes like last night's because that means they have been willfully ignoring all the previous bad writing for years. Why they're shocked by it is beyond me. Did they really expect the writers to suddenly give them filet mignon when they've been serving up dog food for years? Only a self-deluded moron would expect that. :icon_lol:


Well Known GateFan
And as for the wagon, every farm in existence that has equine livestock has some type of wagon.

some of the wagons and buggies the amish are sporting around in now are pretty modern. shock absorbers, highly engineered steel axles and wheels..

kind of impressive actually


Well Known GateFan
i read a yahoo review of the most recent episode.

i didn't even know it was back on! :)

if i understand it right, the junk yard chic is some kind of agent for the 'helicopter people' and she gave them Rick? so does this mean he is not dead?


TWD movies on AMC..really, do we really need that? and, they are going to feature Rick Grimes

ok, rick from when? haven't they shown all of Rick that there is to see? its not like Morgan or Daryll both of whom we dont know all there is to know.

just milking out that contract i guess


now WHY cant the shows we like do what TWD TPTBs are doing? that is, expand the 'world' of twd into other shows and movies?

hasn't happened, successfully, with something i think we all like since SG ATLANTIS yes?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
When you add the two time jumps together per the show runners we are eight years in the future from the end of the last season. So Judith is either 10 or 11. So still having walkers from the original outbreak shambling around has entered into beyond ludicrous territory.

There were "time jumps"? Really?

The time jumps miss the elephant in the room which is the fact that zombies would no longer exist in that world other than as rare occurrences. There would be no groups of them and certainly no herds, not after years have passed. (As I understand it baby Judith is now a teenager. That is a time jump of over a decade. There is absolutely no biological way that zombies could exist en masse at this point. In fact, there's no biological way zombies would have existed en masse after the previous time jump. But even allowing for this discrepancy the first time around there simply is no way it can be ignored at this point. So basically TWD is now a "post-apoc western soap", which I guess is what it has always been at its core.)

Wait, so there were still zombies years later? Did NO ONE anywhere come up with a cure for whatever was making people into zombies? What about the zombie bear on that farm way back? If the virus jumped species, there would have been zombie mountain lions, zombie rats and oppossums, zombie squirrels and dogs and cats too. I don't regret stopping my viewing of this show.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
some of the wagons and buggies the amish are sporting around in now are pretty modern. shock absorbers, highly engineered steel axles and wheels..

kind of impressive actually

Perhaps, but not very Amish. Such tech goes against everything Amish. Why accept shock absorbers and steel axles, and not engines?


Well Known GateFan
Perhaps, but not very Amish. Such tech goes against everything Amish. Why accept shock absorbers and steel axles, and not engines?

thing about the perception on the amish is much like the perspective on the military, or police, or many other things ppl get their info from movies and hollywood on

the amish are not even amish when compared to the hollywood/popular perception on them

no engines? no, they use engines and other powered equipment all the time. just not for vehicles, see, a motor would require them to get a license. getting a license is what is the biggest hang up with amish tradition. a license ties them to 'the world'. not an engine

they use powered farm gear, chainsaws, electric generators to run saw mills and wood shops

many local 'church districts' (comprised of a set number of families and no more set the rules for their district. one district may allow what a neighboring will not

very few, mainly in missouri and ohio now, still completely hold to the standards we see about amish on tv.

amish around here and most defi done in lancaster county-where they are even more progressive, own and use cell phones, shop at walmart and all local stores. you will see them in all restaurants, even chinese buffets

many have powered lights and appliances in their home. they either use solar or propane (hooked to propane appliances). because the prohibition is not on the cell ph or the light but the connection to the world that a electric or other utility hook up would represent. amish owned business' have landline phones

amish buggies here even have lights on them. i dont believe they are required, but too many have been wiped out by drivers at night so they use lights.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
thing about the perception on the amish is much like the perspective on the military, or police, or many other things ppl get their info from movies and hollywood on

the amish are not even amish when compared to the hollywood/popular perception on them

no engines? no, they use engines and other powered equipment all the time. just not for vehicles, see, a motor would require them to get a license. getting a license is what is the biggest hang up with amish tradition. a license ties them to 'the world'. not an engine

they use powered farm gear, chainsaws, electric generators to run saw mills and wood shops

many local 'church districts' (comprised of a set number of families and no more set the rules for their district. one district may allow what a neighboring will not

very few, mainly in missouri and ohio now, still completely hold to the standards we see about amish on tv.

amish around here and most defi done in lancaster county-where they are even more progressive, own and use cell phones, shop at walmart and all local stores. you will see them in all restaurants, even chinese buffets

many have powered lights and appliances in their home. they either use solar or propane (hooked to propane appliances). because the prohibition is not on the cell ph or the light but the connection to the world that a electric or other utility hook up would represent. amish owned business' have landline phones

amish buggies here even have lights on them. i dont believe they are required, but too many have been wiped out by drivers at night so they use lights.

Why bother with the whole Amish cult side of it then? Lol. You mentioned being tied to the outside world as being a problem...then why cell phones? It's a facade that the Amish are living in a basic way. They have stores, and I even see their products on Amazon. When they act in this fashion, they are no longer Amish.

From Wikipedia:

Two key concepts for understanding Amish practices are their rejection of Hochmut (pride, arrogance, haughtiness) and the high value they place on Demut (humility) and Gelassenheit (calmness, composure, placidity), often translated as "submission" or "letting-be". Gelassenheit is perhaps better understood as a reluctance to be forward, to be self-promoting, or to assert oneself. The Amish's willingness to submit to the "Will of Jesus", expressed through group norms, is at odds with the individualism so central to the wider American culture. The Amish anti-individualist orientation is the motive for rejecting labor-saving technologies that might make one less dependent on the community. Modern innovations like electricity might spark a competition for status goods, or photographs might cultivate personal vanity. Electricity lines would be going against the Bible, which says that you shall not be "Conformed to the world" (Romans 12:2)

Sounds a lot like Islam to me...
There were "time jumps"? Really?

Wait, so there were still zombies years later? Did NO ONE anywhere come up with a cure for whatever was making people into zombies? What about the zombie bear on that farm way back? If the virus jumped species, there would have been zombie mountain lions, zombie rats and oppossums, zombie squirrels and dogs and cats too. I don't regret stopping my viewing of this show.

Yup, there are still herds of zombies years after the virus outbreak. Herds. :rolleye0014:

Oh and get this, it looks like they are going to be introducing talking zombies in the future. It's only a matter of time before we have ourselves a magic zombie/human baby! :anim_59:


Well Known GateFan
You mentioned being tied to the outside world as being a problem...then why cell phones?

no wires

and there are many 'benefits' to remaining legally amish as with other religious groups who have exemptions

no taxes.. only income tax and sales tax

no passports needed to go to and from mexico and canada

no social security number so no ss or medicare witholding even if they are working with the 'english' at mcd's or wherever

are not forced to send their kids to public schools after the 8th grade

do not need a hunting or fishing license in most states though most states do make them obey seasons and limits

they can and do buy firearms of all types. plenty of amish carry semi auto's! though in pa you cant hunt with one.
even withg tighter gun laws and their not having a ssn or a dl, if they wantt o buy a firearm in pa they must at least get a state issued id card

on being connected--yes physically tied to a grid-

Do Amish use electricity?

Amish use electric power selectively
The Amish approach to electricity is somewhat complicated. Almost all Amish groups forgo using power from the public grid. But the Amish do rely on a variety of other sources to generate electric power.

Why do Amish avoid public power?
Amish do not use power from the public electric grid due to a belief that too much reliance on public power ties one too close to the world. Amish are cautious about worldly influences and ideas which may run counter to Christian values. Amish are careful about what they let into their homes, a fundamental sphere of Amish existence.

While Amish do not see much to fear in an electric iron or vacuum cleaner in and of itself, with electric sockets in the home, any of a variety of devices could be plugged in and used. Electricity does not discriminate, and eliminating public power from the home prevents the temptation of using television, radio, and the internet in the home. Additionally, too much reliance on labor-saving devices, Amish feel, may deprive children of character-building opportunities to work.

In Lancaster County, Amish had banned public power by 1920. Leaders saw public power as a threat for a number of reasons. Public power was considered a worldly luxury. Acceptance of public electricity was associated with a more liberal local group, the Peachey Amish, who had previously adopted it. Additionally, use of public power was also seen as a physical and symbolic connection to the non-Amish world. The decision to abstain from public power in the home, which has held strong for nearly a century, is a strong statement of Amish desire to remain separate (Riddle, Kraybill pp 198-202).

Some amish do not let their districts use any ph for any reason. but they are fewer and far in between
and yes, amish go to our hospitals and have operations and their babies there. actually, most amish districts have excellent health care coverage as each district and sometimes districts combine financially to form a type of 'health care credit union'

every provider in pa and other states i'd guess knows this, so they readily welcome amish patients even in private facilities and bill the cooperative health care fund if someone visits a facilitiy


Well Known GateFan
Sounds a lot like Islam to me...

yes, they do have a lot of islam like beliefs

but, the amish do not evangelize or seek out converts. they will accept converts though..anyone of any color or background can become amish. one must fist be 'adopted' by an amish family and then taught the faith and baptised again (the 'ana' in Anabaptist)

most amish-the majority, follow these rules and usually never cross them. the amish community can be quite harsh on those who break their rules through shunning and expulsion

one reason for the rumspringa for 16yr olds is to have kids get this disobedience, etc 'out of their system'

most kids choose to go back to their families after rumspringa and become anabaptist after experiencing the 'english way' of life

they are even encouraged by their families to drink and use drugs, and to try and fully experience normal life to see what 'world' they want to live in


What ship is this?
Staff member
BTW the “talking zombies” are actually the Whisperers. They are people who clothe themselves in human skins from the dead and talk in whispers. They actually live within walker herds and have learned over time how to guide them like livestock.

In the Comics they attack the communities and are wiped out in the ensuing war.
BTW the “talking zombies” are actually the Whisperers. They are people who clothe themselves in human skins from the dead and talk in whispers. They actually live within walker herds and have learned over time how to guide them like livestock.

In the Comics they attack the communities and are wiped out in the ensuing war.

Not that we needed anymore proof that Robert Kirkman is a neckbeard but nonetheless, here we have it.


Well Known GateFan
BTW the “talking zombies” are actually the Whisperers. They are people who clothe themselves in human skins from the dead and talk in whispers. They actually live within walker herds and have learned over time how to guide them like livestock.

In the Comics they attack the communities and are wiped out in the ensuing war.

So, they are kind of like Furries?



What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually the IDEA of the Whisperers is not a bad one. We already know from early in the series that walkers can be fooled if you are covered with human remains so the notion of wearing garments made from the remains and also learning ways to "control" herds is not totally goofy.

Where it breaks down is that there are still herds 9+ years after the outbreak and as usual for this show the execution I am sure will be poor. Nine years? What exactly are the walkers using for energy after that length of time? Putting aside the elephant in the room of decay what nourishes them? I guess an earlier joke I made is true - the walkers are perpetual motion machines...
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Actually the IDEA of the Whisperers is not a bad one.

I can only partially agree. Sure it's a good idea for being able to slip through zombie hoards without getting eaten, but what is the value of living amongst zed herds? So you can direct the zombies to go in a certain direction, what's so great about that other than using it as a method to direct them away from living areas? But why would you want to direct them towards peaceful enclaves? If you overrun a productive little town what do you get out of it in the long run? The fresh foodstuffs disappear along with the people doing the productive work and in a few days time you will be back to living in the Stone age.

And yeah, it might be a method of dealing with enclaves of bad guys but it makes no sense in the other context. Then again, this is Kirkman so I guess it's pointless to bring "sense" into the discussion.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well I wanted to see what the show would be like without Rick. So I watched the episode tonight.


It actually wasn't horrible. Things have actually developed over the years and at least in Alexandria and the Kingdom they are set up pretty good. Alexandria is now run by a council made up of a lot of those from the old Grimes gang. There are still some outcasts from Negan's old gang to deal with and the Whisperers make their first appearance but otherwise they have matters in hand.

The acting was decent and while was some navel gazing it was definitely dialed down from past outings. The pacing was inconsistent. Sometimes it was crisp but other times it dragged badly. Carol had a vintage Carol psycho moment and Michonne was still (after six years?) dealing with Rick's "death". Of the whole episode I think I found Michonne's reactions the worst part - to mourn is one thing but this many years? By contrast the kid they had playing Judith was actually okay.

We'll see but so far it looks like getting rid of Rick may help things...