Craig Engler - VP and Syfy Tweeter Guy


Well Known GateFan
You must have a more durable pair of fan goggles than I do. It's never even occured to me to blame the network, I just get bummed that more people didn't share my opinon of the show.

My problem is that I don't actually own "fan goggles" per se, more like "fan shades", the difference between the two being that with Shades you can still look out of the sides if you want to, and I seem to be unable from stopping myself from doing that :P


The Belle of the Ball
Wasn't the biggest fan of Farscape. I didn't hate it, but I didn't bother to watch it much and I never really figured out what was going on in that show. But I really liked the way Browder and Black fit into the final seasons of SG1. I didn't have any problem accepting them and think they added some good energy to the show.

Me too ape. I enjoyed the two final was interesting seeing the differnce an on set leading man was good that sg1 was 4 people so as RDA backed off, there were others to fill in ...but I also enjoyed seeing the leading man character (cam in seasons 9 & 10) in action again! I also looooooooooved Vala. Can't you tell? ;)Daniel did nothing for me at all until Prometheus Unbound...then his character looked HOT...but once vala escaped - he was the same boring old daniel again. :P


Well Known GateFan
And another question about SGU to Craig (this is getting repetitive):

Q) @JoeyyRizza_ why is #stargate universe ending? A) Unfortunately too few viewers to let us to continue it. Still 10 great eps to air tho!

Craig should just have a default answer of "check out", might save his fingers :D


GateFans Member
Newsflash: SGU wasn't wildly successful on Fridays!

SPStouffs tweeted:
@Syfy Maybe if you didn't move it to Tuesday for f***ng WRESTLING, it would have had more viewers!

Syfy tweeted back:@SPStouffs Unfortunately SGU lost close to a million viewers airing on Fridays so leaving it there wasn't practical.

ETA: bleeped out the profanity, sorry -didn't even think when posting it.


Well Known GateFan
Newsflash: SGU wasn't wildly successful on Fridays!

SPStouffs tweeted:
@Syfy Maybe if you didn't move it to Tuesday for fucking WRESTLING, it would have had more viewers!

Syfy tweeted back:@SPStouffs Unfortunately SGU lost close to a million viewers airing on Fridays so leaving it there wasn't practical.

And here we go again, attack one of the products that has made Syfy the most watched cable channel. I don't know how these people balance on thier double standards sometimes.


GateFans Noob
Put me down for a +1 in the like S9 and 10 column. I was a huge fan of Farscape, so having two of my favorites pop over on to another show I liked was a pleasing development for me. You could tell Claudia was having a good time playing Vala too. A big departure from Aeryn. That girl was as serious as a triple bypass. Ben Browder had no trouble fitting in either, though he did have the thankless job of stepping in to RDA's team leader role.


GateFans Member
Put me down for a +1 in the like S9 and 10 column. I was a huge fan of Farscape, so having two of my favorites pop over on to another show I liked was a pleasing development for me. You could tell Claudia was having a good time playing Vala too. A big departure from Aeryn. That girl was as serious as a triple bypass. Ben Browder had no trouble fitting in either, though he did have the thankless job of stepping in to RDA's team leader role.

Put me in the -1 column. Cam and Vala COULD have been great but they got pathetic writing and no planning as to a sensible incorpration into the SG world. Just a foreshadowing of the depths to which TPTB would stoop with SGU.

And don't you mean AT's team leading role? She was the one kicked out of the role for an unqualified newbie.


GateFans Member
a bit more:

captainbryguy asks: @Syfy how do you know #sgu actually had such low viewers? Was this based on a any peer-reviewed study OTHER THAN NIELSEN? #savesgu

Craig answers: @captainbryguy Nielsen ratings don't exist alone. We measure things like web site visits, streaming video views on places like Hulu, etc.
@captainbryguy so if there were huge discrepancies, they'd show up in some form or fashion.


GateFans Noob
No I meant what I typed. Diehard Sam/AT fans could still enjoy her being on the show, while RDA fans were shit out of luck.


Well Known GateFan
I love it!

a bit more:

captainbryguy asks: @Syfy how do you know #sgu actually had such low viewers? Was this based on a any peer-reviewed study OTHER THAN NIELSEN? #savesgu

Craig answers: @captainbryguy Nielsen ratings don't exist alone. We measure things like web site visits, streaming video views on places like Hulu, etc.
@captainbryguy so if there were huge discrepancies, they'd show up in some form or fashion.

I love how this person is arguing the point and demanding multiple scholar level "peer reviews" as if JAMA or The New England Journal of Medicine or Lancet is required to figure out that SGU is a failure.


GateFans Noob
Heh. Seriously. The live viewership was low. The video sales were low. The show had a small fan base. Plenty of shows I have liked over the years were not stellar in the ratings department. Rabid SGU fans, you are the fans of a niche show. Accept it already.

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
I love how this person is arguing the point and demanding multiple scholar level "peer reviews" as if JAMA or The New England Journal of Medicine or Lancet is required to figure out that SGU is a failure.
Oh boy, another one from the "blame the Nielsen system" crowd... :facepalm:


Well Known GateFan
For the Rabid Fans

Heh. Seriously. The live viewership was low. The video sales were low. The show had a small fan base. Plenty of shows I have liked over the years were not stellar in the ratings department. Rabid SGU fans, you are the fans of a niche show. Accept it already.

Sung to the tune ( This is The Song That Never Ends )

This is a show that no one watched , and it was such a horrid boch . Nobody ever watches it because it's full of crap, and now that it is canceled we can wear our party hats . ,,, This is the that show no one watched , and it was such a horrid boch . Nobody ever watches it because it's full of crap , and now that it is canceled we can wear our party hat's ,,, This is the show that no one watched , and it was such a horrid boch . Nobody ever watches it because it's full of crap , and now that it's been canceled we can wear our party hat's ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


GateFans Member
Some tweets from today (some of them are obviously responses to things people tweeted him, but I'm too sleepy to go back and find the initial comments, maybe later...):

Don't forget, the final 10 eps of #Stargate Universe being airing Monday after a NEW episode of #BeingHuman.

@waragainstsleep SGU will be aired weekly, not all in one night.

@PlayItGrand SGU started well on Fridays w/about 2.4 million viewers but by episode 10 it had dropped to 1.3 million.

@DavidBlue When I use the #Stargate hashtag my tweets show up on the SGU site. Keeps only relevant @syfy tweets on the site.

I agree. We'd like to be able to renew ALL our shows. RT @darryljholmes Shame you couldnt renew #SGU

@TopherMade The problem is viewers didn't stay with it when it was in the same slot. Timeslot clearly wasn't the issue.

@JoHowell Unfortunately it's endemic to the TV model. The only way to really try out a show is to put i on the air & see how it does.

@ThomAllen What do you feel I have't been truthful about?

@ebrophy Best thing is to watch online if you don't have TV service, altho being a TV business, TV viewers are what we really need ;)

@ThomAllen Like any TV show, some do, some don't, just as not all sci-fi fans like all sci-fi TV shows.

Q) @VirgMobileBlows Do you feel Nielsen's are accurate of the viewership? A) Yes, tho no system can be 100% accurate.

@VirgMobileBlows Keep in mind we have data to correlate with Nielsen ratings like online viewing, etc.

@Darrolm we'd already seen bigger drops with it when kept in the same timeslot, before it moved. that's the real crux.

@jostawebisna If split seasons hurt ratings no one would do it. The perception of split seasons does not much the reality of them.

@jostawebisna V actually proves the point. V's ratings dropped more before its hiatus than after.