VW Screwed


Well Known GateFan
I forgot about the car hacking stuff . I can only suggest one thing other than not buying hitech cars . If for some reason the stupid robot car messes up , throw the dam thing in nuetral . Just push the stick forward and it will stop in the neutral positiion and will not go into reverse or park unless you hold the stick shift button down . This is with automatic transmissions only as a standard you always have control of the drive train . With the car in nuetral then you have a better chance of getting the robot car under some control at least . My friend will be getting the robot 2016 Platinum Explorer . The friggin thing can drive itself ... I've watched her Ford Escape and Ford CMAX park themselves ...

Creepy ...

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Oh, I am a networking guy not a programmer. Programmers are to guys like me as a soldier is to an officer. The programmers are the gods of IT. They are the ones who are the architects of the internet and all things cyber. :) Other computer geeks like me usually have some programming skills (and I do), but not on their level. There are database geeks, scripting geeks, AI/algorithm geeks...all are dangerous. :biggrin:

Most everything in modern life is dangerous. A baseball bat in the hands of a mad man can do a great deal of damage.

That cars can be hacked is just plain frightening. Planes have been vulnerable to things like this for decades.

I would be willing to risk having some evil person take over the driving of my car in exchange for having the car able to drive itself home from the bar/"coffee" shop/weed edibles restaurant.

Iran stole one of our drones by hacking it and making it land in Iran in 2011: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Midd...hijacked-US-drone-says-Iranian-engineer-Video

Without knowing it, you have justified some of the Pentagon's research and development budget. Welcome to the Republican Party.


People in Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia are not stupid, and those societies produce excellent engineers who can solve most any problem given enough time and resources. Therefore, the military technology of the west has to constantly improve to ensure that the west can keep the peace.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Oh, I am a networking guy not a programmer. Programmers are to guys like me as a soldier is to an officer. The programmers are the gods of IT. They are the ones who are the architects of the internet and all things cyber. :) Other computer geeks like me usually have some programming skills (and I do), but not on their level. There are database geeks, scripting geeks, AI/algorithm geeks...all are dangerous. :biggrin:

That cars can be hacked is just plain frightening. Planes have been vulnerable to things like this for decades. Iran stole one of our drones by hacking it and making it land in Iran in 2011: http://www.csmonitor.com/World/Midd...hijacked-US-drone-says-Iranian-engineer-Video

I suppose there is nothing preventing Al Qaeda from bribing my cab driver without self driving cars.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
VW is REALLY screwed. Looks like the Skoda chief (another VW company) will take the helm. It is also looking like VW will be fined around 18 BILLION for the scam in the US. This is outside of the liability to civil suits from individuals and class action suits from fleet buyers, and does not count the yet undetermined fines from European nations. :facepalm:. Today, the EPA decided to conduct road testing emissions of ALL diesel automobiles sold in the US and Canada:


The VW models with the TDI engines sitting on dealer lots have been stop-sold. Since they are illegal, VW will be responsible for buying the unsold cars back:


This scandal is bad in the US...it is 11 MILLION times worse in Europe, where this scandal involves several dozen times more customers, millions more cars and even more fines from multiple nations.


The European fines will be worse because diesel automobiles are much more popular in Europe.

We are seeing the end of the diesel automobile.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Most everything in modern life is dangerous. A baseball bat in the hands of a mad man can do a great deal of damage.

I would be willing to risk having some evil person take over the driving of my car in exchange for having the car able to drive itself home from the bar/"coffee" shop/weed edibles restaurant.

Without knowing it, you have justified some of the Pentagon's research and development budget. Welcome to the Republican Party.


People in Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia are not stupid, and those societies produce excellent engineers who can solve most any problem given enough time and resources. Therefore, the military technology of the west has to constantly improve to ensure that the west can keep the peace.

This is a good point. Actually, you are describing the entire dynamic of "cold war". My issue is that they keep upgrading when the previous systems can just be modified and or upgraded. We do not need computers controlling our vehicles. Why put a drive by wire steering system on an automobile? I can see computers being used to control fuel injection systems and other engine functions, but why extend it to steering, braking, locking doors and windows and shifting gears?

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Without knowing it, you have justified some of the Pentagon's research and development budget. Welcome to the Republican Party.

I would say it justifies MORE oversight and supervision, not a bigger budget. If NASA can make machines that fly through the vastness of space with surgical precision, land on distance worlds and conduct meticulous exploration all with near impossible durability and reliability in harsh environments on a shoestring budget then the Pentagon should be able to make a damned weapon that can't be hijacked.


Well Known GateFan
HAHA !!! Found this today by accident . Forgive the pun . Now if only someone would drive over my car when I am not in it and put the poor thing out of it's misery . Mine is the same model . Sure crunches easy huh ...


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
VW --- Very Worried ... ,,, TDI ... Totally Deceptive Installation

:shame: :shame: :shame:

There are actually owners who are embarrassed to drive them! The "hit the fan" effect is even affecting other models that are not diesel.


Former CEO Martin Winterkorn is being investigated for fraud, and is being scorned as "an embarrassment for Germany". His actions have cast a dark cloud over all German automobile manufacturers.


BMW has been officially cleared, and they did not cheat:


Can you imagine the ads from here on out? Jokes about cheating and not getting what you are paying for, etc. I can see Pinnochio as a VW salesman in a Toyota commercial.
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Well Known GateFan
Ok so I am really pissed about this one and not for what you think . I don't give a rats ass about VW and would never own one and find there cars to be some of the ugliest on the road . My pisser here is that Hyundai has done the exact same thing in the past and are outright lying mf's as I held an oil leaking shock from my 2013 elantrash gt in my hand showing it to them and they still told me there was nothing wrong with it ffs .
Also as with VW , Hyundai keeps consistanly lying about the mpg's . My car is supposed to use 4 to 6 litres of gas per 100 klm's highway . It's always from 9 to 14 litres per 100 klm's . I barely get 400 klm's out of a 60 litre tank . I recently rented an F150 pickup and I was averaging 10 litres per 100 klms . So a 4500 lb vehicle with a v8 ,300hp engine gets better fuel economy than my 1.8 litre 143 hp 3000 lb car .
Hyundai gave me a whopping $250 for the fuel discrepancy . My friend owns a Ford CMAX and her car was off by 1klm per litre and Ford refunded her $600 frakin dollars .
What I want to happen to Hyundai is what is happening right now to VW . They are both at fault and I am so hoping for the authority's to bring the hammer down on Hungdie as they are doing with V wuble u...
Your lucky . This is a short rant because right now I feel really tired and not just physically , but mentally having to deal with these lying dirtbag Hungdie manufacturer ... ... ...VW, GM , Dodge, Hungdie , Toyota , Honda ... The worst of the worst this bunch ...



well ,they know they have a product that many of us need/want don't they? all of the auto companies

but it is not just cars

i trust very little or not at all when companies that make anything start slapping govt nouns on things--like "organic, free range, low carb, fresh, etc,etc"

in fact the more something IS HYPED as being better, the less i trust it

i will only trust it after I have had it/used it-then I believe

this is what I was saying a while back about grocery stores

a store like say (i'll make it up) WELL ROUNDED DIET FOODS--I wouldn't trust the water there

they can place labels and certifications and any other label they want to-as wel las the literature and web sites to back it--none of that makes it true. all that is true is that they know what drives so many consumers today. they will create droves of mega bit files and reams of paper to "prove" that their items are fresh,wholesome or organic

take organic--how can we trust this when the USDA allows the company producing the items to self inspect? we can't

it is very akin to what VW has done-say "we have this awesome onboard comp system that will control your emissions..." then re write or manipulate the code to pass every test and make it appear that their cars are "earth friendly", etc

smoke and mirrors, mirrors and smog


Well Known GateFan
I've owned Hyundai's for a while now (currently a Sonata). Nice car, rides well, very reliable and gives really good mileage (my recent PA trip in it got 38 MPG). Before that I had an Elantra that got destroyed when a Ford Ranger plowed into it while it was parked (the guy was going about 45 mph when he hit - on a side street).

Hyundai Motor is an interesting company (it was spun off of the old Hyundai chaebol about 10 years ago into its own company). When they first started they had major reliability issues that turned out to center on the (at the time) engines they were buying being underpowered (the motors were not putting out the correct rated hp which overstressed the whole drive train). They then bought Mitsubishi engines for a few years that were radically up-powered and solved the reliability problem. Now they make their own. Plus their main design facility is in California (Chino) with a satellite in Michigan, and their main manufacturing facility is in Alabama.

never buy any brand of car or appliance that was made in Korea AND INTENDED for the korean market

Korea-compared to us-has virtually no consumer protection laws and therefore, much of what they sell there is inferior to the identical product designed for american or european sales

they know that koreans will simply turn around and buy another item after their first lemon fails them because "its the way it is..."

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
HAHA !!! Found this today by accident . Forgive the pun . Now if only someone would drive over my car when I am not in it and put the poor thing out of it's misery . Mine is the same model . Sure crunches easy huh ...

I have watched this over and over and I cannot figure out what is going on here. The Hyundai seems to have been driving in traffic, then the guys in the truck came up to it and started saying crap, then the Hyundai changes lanes and the truck crashes into the back of it smashing the rear of the car. So, the truck was the road rager, right?


What ship is this?
Staff member
never buy any brand of car or appliance that was made in Korea AND INTENDED for the korean market

Korea-compared to us-has virtually no consumer protection laws and therefore, much of what they sell there is inferior to the identical product designed for american or european sales

they know that koreans will simply turn around and buy another item after their first lemon fails them because "its the way it is..."

Except that Hyundai's sold in the USA are manufactured for sale here and indeed most are built in Alabama. Hyundai was one of the first of the foreign carmakers to build production lines in the US for sale to the North American market. In fact, the HQ for Hyundai Motor America is in Fountain View, CA.

I've had Hyundai's since 2000. Never given me a cause to complain. Now the GE I had once (a Buick) was a piece of crap...


Well Known GateFan
Except that Hyundai's sold in the USA are manufactured for sale here and indeed most are built in Alabama. Hyundai was one of the first of the foreign carmakers to build production lines in the US for sale to the North American market. In fact, the HQ for Hyundai Motor America is in Fountain View, CA.

I've had Hyundai's since 2000. Never given me a cause to complain. Now the GE I had once (a Buick) was a piece of crap...

thats what I said--hey I have a Murano-the last american car i had was a chevy cavalier (only as a second for driving the B&F to school--40 miles one way) it was great on gas but otherwise sucked--technically I suppose I owned a Pontiac (VIBE) but they are really TOYOTA MATRIXs with a pontiac label slapped on

not just auto's--ANY appliance made in korea and intended for Korean use. there are many appliances made by LG, SAMSUNG, etc that can be purchased here (via AMAZON, etc ) for a lower price that were intended for use in korea only

they look alike and work alike for a time, but are far inferior--if made in korea and intended for american use, then ok (one way to tell--if labels on sides (warnings, operation,etc) are in Hangul and not english--your screwed


What ship is this?
Staff member
Got it, my bad I misread your post.


Well Known GateFan
I have watched this over and over and I cannot figure out what is going on here. The Hyundai seems to have been driving in traffic, then the guys in the truck came up to it and started saying crap, then the Hyundai changes lanes and the truck crashes into the back of it smashing the rear of the car. So, the truck was the road rager, right?
I meant to say that also in the post . Something must have happened prior to the jesturing and bump crunch . I just liked seeing the elantrash get trashed .

;) ;) ;)


Well Known GateFan
Except that Hyundai's sold in the USA are manufactured for sale here and indeed most are built in Alabama. Hyundai was one of the first of the foreign carmakers to build production lines in the US for sale to the North American market. In fact, the HQ for Hyundai Motor America is in Fountain View, CA.

I've had Hyundai's since 2000. Never given me a cause to complain. Now the GE I had once (a Buick) was a piece of crap...

My 2011 Elantra Touring to me was a perfect car other than eating gas like a full sized pickup .

But from here on in , they are dead to me and I will have nothing to do with them ever again once I sell this fricken pos ..
2013 Elantrash POS GT


Well Known GateFan
Latest update on my pos . My friend was sitting in the passengers seat and she usually wears open toe shoes . It was rainig the other day and she kept telling me her feet were getting wet . And I looked down quickly whilts braking and I could see droplets on her feet !!! WTF hungdie !!! I complained to them once already and told them I could feel water hitting my arms when I was in the car wash . Again as before they told the pos is fine . So why are my passengers feet getting wet then ? This friggin car is beyond a garbage design
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What ship is this?
Staff member
Hi Tripler!

Is this an actual Hyundai dealership that is acting like that? If yes, refer the matter up the line to corporate. Take photos of the stuff and bypass the dealer. for the USA company this is the site:


For Canada email:


I included both because I was unsure if you are in Canada or US. :)


Well Known GateFan
Oh trust me . I have a huge file on these dicks . I have reported them to Hyundai Canada directly as they have horrible service skills . I was told that they would have a stern talking to . In other words , Huyndai Canada did nothing other than perhaps give the dealership a minor black eye if even that . The ( I have to get used to it statement) was the last straw for me . I now go to another dealer whom is more accommodating and actually fix things under warranty instead of telling me theres nothing wrong , and never tell me that I just have to get used to it .


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