Twitter Madness


GateFans Noob
Yep, it's colleagues holding together.
Jewel has already been in 2 awesome shows that was cancelled way too early, but she shouldn't be projecting her experience onto the pile of shit that is going down because it sucks and nobody watches it.

How Firefly got cancelled while shows like SGU get renewed for subsequent seasons is beyond me.


GateFans Noob
All the cool kids are doing it

That statement can not possibly be more wrong...


GateFans Noob
Keller character pretty much runined the last two years of SGA for me.

True, for me too (I dislike Keller with a passion compared to my SGU dislike), but I can't get myself to NOT like Jewel for that ;) Also, some Jewel's tweets suggest that she wasn't crazy about Keller either.

Carl Binder (I've discovered I'm following him on Twitter for some reason :confused:) retweeted an SGU fan's promo for the show:

Fellow Canadians: don't forget that #SGU airs in 48 mins on #SPACE!! Let's see if we can't keep those ratings up from last week eh? about 18 hours ago via web Retweeted by cpbinder and 2 others