Falling Skies Gets Fourth Season


Well Known GateFan
The Strain? :) Remember I am a cord cutter...never heard of it before now.

It's opposite Failing Skies. It's about a plague that is really caused by a (worm-like) vampire. It's by the guy who did Pans Labrynth (del Torro something or other). It's not great by any means but I just got so tired of FS I had to watch something else.


What ship is this?
Staff member
If The Strain on TV runs like the book did get ready for a profoundly weird trip. Written by Guillermo Del Toro who is one of my favorite directors (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim).


If The Strain on TV runs like the book did get ready for a profoundly weird trip. Written by Guillermo Del Toro who is one of my favorite directors (Pan's Labyrinth, Hellboy, Pacific Rim).

So far the strain hass run like the book. Can wait till the vamp.......


Well Known GateFan
I like the subtext of them taking on American Greed (or just greed in general) with the uber rich guy paying the way for the head vampire/virus carrier/generator? to come to the US. JUST so he can get a cure for his liver disease!


Well Known GateFan
I like the subtext of them taking on American Greed (or just greed in general) with the uber rich guy paying the way for the head vampire/virus carrier/generator? to come to the US. JUST so he can get a cure for his liver disease!

And at least they're telling the story from the beginning unlike Failing Skies.


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Staff member
And now for this weeks dose of screwball comedy.....Falling Skies!


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well, a whole episode where basically nothing happens and we get a lot of silly, forced angst. Clearly setting the stage for having Lexi save the world next week - as if anyone cares....

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, a whole episode where basically nothing happens and we get a lot of silly, forced angst. Clearly setting the stage for having Lexi save the world next week - as if anyone cares....

This episode was a complete waste. It almost seems as though it was made up as they were filming it, then some editor somewhere crafted the episode from random footage and threw in some unconvincing, lame CGI mechs. Notice how the mechs are less than 50 feet away, but the humans are not detected and they do not move out of the way? At one point, Hal is in the forest and a mech is walking directly towards him...then it turns as he watches it pass? Not very good composite acting. I know, the mech wasnt really there, but he could have acted like there was. And Lexi :facepalm: They have done the magical powers thing and hair blowing fan in EVERY episode this season, bar none. I think the credits should list Hair Blower Guy


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Staff member
Not this week - Lexi is in a cocoon the whole episode. I think you saw last week's.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Not this week - Lexi is in a cocoon the whole episode. I think you saw last week's.

Ah yes, episode 6 which has not yet been posted. :) I watched episode 5. Im not expecting much...it should be up before the night is out.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Episode 6 now downloaded...Im going to watch it now.


Well Known GateFan
Well, a whole episode where basically nothing happens and we get a lot of silly, forced angst. Clearly setting the stage for having Lexi save the world next week - as if anyone cares....

I only saw a couple minutes of this episode while commercials were playing for The Strain and even with that little bit of viewing I could see they were setting up the battle between "good alien" vs. "bad alien" for next week.

And the family angst and drama, oy vey! "Don't touch Lexi!" "No one's gonna touch Lexi!" "I'm staying here to guard Lexi!" "Let's all insert tampons as we guard Lexi!" "Lexi! Lexi! Lexi!" :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


What ship is this?
Staff member
And remember when we speculated that it would have a 2nd Mass capturing a ship and going into space to fight the Isveni? The previews pretty much confirm that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Falling Skies was meh, this season it has gone off the rails. :tealc_new050:

Exactly. It is as though it was sober for three seasons, and then it got hooked on something and started rapidly degrading. :moody:. I felt the same way with Battlestar Galactica just before season 2. With magical changing Lexi and the awesome work of the Hair Blowing Guy, we have an utterly ridiculous dive into incoherent fragments of a plot. Ben dreaming of banging Maggie, cocoons and inter-family angst, and it all centers on magical Lexi. :facepalm:. Hopefully, season 5 wraps it up neatly. They have no excuse.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Actually I would say BSG went off the rails at the end of S2 - it was still good up until the "Pegasus" two parter and even after that had a couple of good episodes (The Captain's Hand, Scar). But the finale of S2 was not good and the show went loopy next season.

And who came on board later in S2? David Eick who this season took over as the show runner of Falling Skies!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Actually I would say BSG went off the rails at the end of S2 - it was still good up until the "Pegasus" two parter and even after that had a couple of good episodes (The Captain's Hand, Scar). But the finale of S2 was not good and the show went loopy next season.

And who came on board later in S2? David Eick who this season took over as the show runner of Falling Skies!

Quite right! I meant to say before season 3. :) You know, from when we discussed it before. But yes, this felt like that. I was like..."what happened?". Everything has gone wonky this season in Falling Skies. Its the kind of stupid that you have to intentionally create for dramatic effect.