Dominion (aka the war against the angels) Ratings and Predictions (Awards Given)


Well Known GateFan
Agreed. I think watching episode 1 (most of it) was all I needed for this show in terms of watching it. The show started out wrecked and undriveable. It can go nowhere except off the air. What a waste of money! Who the hell at Syfy greenlighted this thing, and why? Lots of shows get pitched at Syfy. Why was this one picked to air? Somebody with greenlight powers needs to be fired. Who could NOT see this was a turd? I cannot even imagine a religious person liking this.

One interesting theory might be that the "coolest" part of the Bible for those few young people who have read any part of it, is Revelation with it's literal pew pew and wars and epic events. In a way, Matrix Revolutions and the two movies before it were telling the story of Jesus. VERY LOOSELY, and in an -almost- completely secular way. From the rise of Neo, to the "rapture" of selected humans being freed from the Matrix, to the apocalyptic destruction of Zion and it's last minute salvation by the Savior, Neo. This show, however, is way more overt IMO.

I bet more than anything that someone(s) in the Dominion pitch meeting with SyFy compared it to The Hunger Games. Clearly that's what sold it. It has to be.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Let me clarify what I mean by there being only angels in Christianity. No other religion except Christianity has an actual anthropomorphic figure...

Think again.

Having said that, the "angels" in Judaism and Islam are not referred to as angels, but "messengers", and they have no forms, and definitely do not have wings. The only religion that has "angels" of the type depicted in Dominion and in art, with human forms (usually children) and wings (and sometimes halos and robes), is Christianity and no other religion...

Isaiah is from the Jewish bible.

Isaiah 6:1-2 New International Version (NIV) said:
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. Above him were seraphim, each with six wings: With two wings they covered their faces, with two they covered their feet, and with two they were flying.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Think again.

Isaiah is from the Jewish bible.

THANK YOU for recognizing that I was not arguing with you. :) Isaiah (Yeshayahu) in not in the Torah. He is a prophet mentioned in the Tanakh. Also, the book of Isaiah was written in 735 B.C. and thus could not have had anything to do with Jesus. The New Testament is considered by Jews to be much like the Book of Mormon is seen in Christianity. A later, parasitic addition to the original.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I bet more than anything that someone(s) in the Dominion pitch meeting with SyFy compared it to The Hunger Games. Clearly that's what sold it. It has to be.

Either that, or one of the pitch men was under the table making "silent negotiations". :anim_59:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Opening scenes from Dominion

Is anybody going to still maintain that this thing is not religiously or not Biblically based? How else am I supposed to take this?


Well Known GateFan
There is no need for this to turn into an RSP debate I would say. Whether you take it as fantasy or religion it still is awful and has awful ratings. Good riddance to crud when this gets flushed.

Thats why I first stated that I would save my "hypothesis" for a show that was actually worth a damn


Well Known GateFan
Agreed. I think watching episode 1 (most of it) was all I needed for this show in terms of watching it. The show started out wrecked and undriveable. It can go nowhere except off the air. What a waste of money! Who the hell at Syfy greenlighted this thing, and why? Lots of shows get pitched at Syfy. Why was this one picked to air? Somebody with greenlight powers needs to be fired. Who could NOT see this was a turd? I cannot even imagine a religious person liking this.

One interesting theory might be that the "coolest" part of the Bible for those few young people who have read any part of it, is Revelation with it's literal pew pew and wars and epic events. In a way, Matrix Revolutions and the two movies before it were telling the story of Jesus. VERY LOOSELY, and in an -almost- completely secular way. From the rise of Neo, to the "rapture" of selected humans being freed from the Matrix, to the apocalyptic destruction of Zion and it's last minute salvation by the Savior, Neo. This show, however, is way more overt IMO.

to the bolded--at least a yr ago, there was a syfy 'special' movie on. It was aired has a 'pilot' though I forget the name. It was about the discovery of time travel through a SG styled gate. The mission of the team assembled was hinted at being going through time after a villain who was changing things to his advantage, (implied that it would be a theme in any series)

It was pretty good too. It seems to have completely disappeared from syfy, can't find any mention of it in their website either

It would have been a far better bet than DOMINION for sure


Now I really liked the SPARTACUS series on STARZ, BUT, why the hell is it on SYFY? It is not sci fi nor fantasy--though some elements are dramatized or ad libbed to fill in the historical record it is far from a 'fantasy' show-- It must only be for one reason-SEX and violence. It runs after DEFIANCE and DOMINION 2 other shows with sex and violence--guess thursday is sex night at syfy now.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
to the bolded--at least a yr ago, there was a syfy 'special' movie on. It was aired has a 'pilot' though I forget the name. It was about the discovery of time travel through a SG styled gate. The mission of the team assembled was hinted at being going through time after a villain who was changing things to his advantage, (implied that it would be a theme in any series)

It was pretty good too. It seems to have completely disappeared from syfy, can't find any mention of it in their website either

It would have been a far better bet than DOMINION for sure


Now I really liked the SPARTACUS series on STARZ, BUT, why the hell is it on SYFY? It is not sci fi nor fantasy--though some elements are dramatized or ad libbed to fill in the historical record it is far from a 'fantasy' show-- It must only be for one reason-SEX and violence. It runs after DEFIANCE and DOMINION 2 other shows with sex and violence--guess thursday is sex night at syfy now.

I shudder at the thought of the masses watching all this crap being aired. I dont care how much sex and violence is in these shows. Who CANT click up some full on porn, or watch girl fights on YouTube? The vision of the post-apocalyptic world in Dominion is full of disgusting concepts of government, feudal, classist mentality and narcissism. That future does not deserve to exist. I do not find it interesting or entertaining. And the CGI is cool, but so what? A CGI turd is still a turd, even if it does not smell.


Well Known GateFan
I shudder at the thought of the masses watching all this crap being aired. I dont care how much sex and violence is in these shows. Who CANT click up some full on porn, or watch girl fights on YouTube? The vision of the post-apocalyptic world in Dominion is full of disgusting concepts of government, feudal, classist mentality and narcissism. That future does not deserve to exist. I do not find it interesting or entertaining. And the CGI is cool, but so what? A CGI turd is still a turd, even if it does not smell.

and it is clear that syfy has no interest in the history or the story of rebellion against slavery as is shown in SPARTACUS--they only acquired it because of the sex and violence content

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yeah, looks like it.

He got the red ball! CONGRATS, SciphonicStranger!

Dominion Season 1 episode 3 Predictions

Overmind One - 1.3m


Well Known GateFan
Do they mean a family named Johnsons, or are they using the nickname for men's dangly bits? :anim_59:

I am sure it is double entendre

Stupidity it looks to me-- "norse gods inhabit bodies of the Johnson family and goddesses take their power.."

I guess it is a show from New Zealand