Stargate Magazine to Shut Down

Red Mage

Can't say I'm suprised. I've seen tons of magazines close up shop in recent years. With the rise of internet news sites and devices like Kindle and the iDevice over the past decade, print media has taken a hit. The draw of magazines years back was all the insider info, interviews, reviews etc. Unfortunately for magazines, the very second news is leaked now it's immediate spread all over websites and internet forums to the point it's common knowledge within a few days. Daily newspapers or weekly magazines are released frequently enough to keep up with the news. However, there's no way a niche bi-monthly magazine can compete with the internet for delivering news anymore unless the content is absolutely outstanding. Even if SGU was a resounding success there still would be a great chance of that the magazine would be still closing.


GateFans Noob
theres been people saying that they stopped their subscription when SGA canceled. I never subscribed as I'm cheap and it was 10 bucks an issue. ROFL, stargate still has a military adviser?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, real Stargate really doesnt exist anymore....

theres been people saying that they stopped their subscription when SGA canceled. I never subscribed as I'm cheap and it was 10 bucks an issue. ROFL, stargate still has a military adviser?

Stargate Universe is not science fiction, and the (much smaller) audience is way different than the readers of the magazine. Did they ever think of the effects they would have on all the other stuff connected with Stargate? They affected these things:

The video games: How do you gain popularity for a first person/MMORPG game, if the current show hardly uses the Stargate, and there are no battles or aliens to meet?

Gateworld: Gateworld has been severely crippled because they are a science fiction fansite, not a soap opera love forum. They have had to try to morph and change and they used censorship to do that. Bad move.

Fan magazines: What science fiction fan wants to read stories that read like dimestore romance novels, only in space? OF COURSE the Stargate Magazine is a fail now. So will many other Stargate related fanmags and clubs.

And last but not least:

The Fanbase: These producers (with Cooper and Wright still at full power) thought they could trade off losing "some" of their fanbase to draw in a new younger audience by making the show more "edgy and gritty" (god I hate that description!). Instead, they alienated MOST of the fanbase, and the small audience they drew werent all that thrilled. Too much drama, and it was mediocre drama. Not enough science fiction, and the little alien interaction they had was with a boring alien (the fishstick people). Now, the show is choking for air and TPTB are going to swerve back onto the road and try to breathe life into it by having Atlantis cameos?

These new kids who squee about SGU have made it VERY clear that cameos from SG-1 characters mean very very little to the point of them not wanting to even watch those episodes. The same thing will happen with the Atlantis characters. Its because the only meaning those characters had were with the OLD fanbase (you know, the one they alienated?). The new one doesnt even know about Atlantis or any of our beloved characters.

They screwed up all the way around and I cant WAIT to see what they have cooked up. The show will fail miserably with the move to Tuesday, and a mini-arc involving the Lucian Alliance. I think it may be time for a new Prediction thread! I would like to make my predictions and see how many of them come to pass.


GateFans Noob
So no more Magazine.

Well I guess we can add another chapter to, "The Decline and Fall of the Stargate Empire."


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
So no more Magazine.

Well I guess we can add another chapter to, "The Decline and Fall of the Stargate Empire."

Oh how wrong you are! according to the musings of JM the stargate franchise is strong under universe's leadership.Never mind the worst ratings for a premiere season in the franchise and having the second and third lowest rated eps of the franchise in its PREMIERE SEASON. The considerabley less than stellar interaction between the fans and the actors and there you have it a strong show grounded in.....err, no, i got nothing.


Professor Plum needs to come here and pull up a chair!
Yeah he would fit in well with me & Overmind re the military advisor stuff (I'm going on the assertion he is mil or ex-mil based on his comments)

That poster called Pioneering who was in the 1st screen cap really gripped my shit - "Whatever do you mean? How so? Be specific." ....................... clearly a clueless prick & hence, a civvie if he even had to ask JohnSN7 to elaborate on the glaringly obvious.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No such thing as an EX Marine! Oooh Rah!

Yeah he would fit in well with me & Overmind re the military advisor stuff (I'm going on the assertion he is mil or ex-mil based on his comments)

That poster called Pioneering who was in the 1st screen cap really gripped my shit - "Whatever do you mean? How so? Be specific." ....................... clearly a clueless prick & hence, a civvie if he even had to ask JohnSN7 to elaborate on the glaringly obvious.

Yes, I am a Marine veteran, 1980-1984 active duty. No wars, but there was the Beirut situation. Carter was President then. The Faulkland incident was going on too. I find it funny that the media said the US was not involved in that but I was on a ship which was part of a small flotilla of American vessels (assigned to the Marine Airwing).

There are NO military advisors on SGU and Mallozzi has been called on that not many times by active and veteran soldiers. You are active, right?


Yes, I am a Marine veteran, 1980-1984 active duty. No wars, but there was the Beirut situation. Carter was President then. The Faulkland incident was going on too. I find it funny that the media said the US was not involved in that but I was on a ship which was part of a small flotilla of American vessels (assigned to the Marine Airwing).

There are NO military advisors on SGU and Mallozzi has been called on that not many times by active and veteran soldiers. You are active, right?

Yeah, haven't you checked my pictures in my albums? But incidently, I've got a couple of years left of my 4 year open engagement, theeeen I'm not sure if I want to stay on for the full 22 years or not.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
There was NO WAY for me ever to become a lifer.

Yeah, haven't you checked my pictures in my albums? But incidently, I've got a couple of years left of my 4 year open engagement, theeeen I'm not sure if I want to stay on for the full 22 years or not.

I never wanted to be a lifer. My dad felt that serving in the military would give me discipline and structure and thats what I did. When I got short, they offered me a re-up bonus of $16,000 cash, tax free. LOL! I of course turned it down and went back to college with the VEAP benefits I got. There was no New GI Bill then. Reagan brought that back.

I couldnt deal with all of the regimentation and sudden deployments to unknown locations (until you got there). But Im not sorry I served at all.

I looked at your album! Very cool!


I never wanted to be a lifer. My dad felt that serving in the military would give me discipline and structure and thats what I did. When I got short, they offered me a re-up bonus of $16,000 cash, tax free. LOL! I of course turned it down and went back to college with the VEAP benefits I got. There was no New GI Bill then. Reagan brought that back.

I couldnt deal with all of the regimentation and sudden deployments to unknown locations (until you got there). But Im not sorry I served at all.

I looked at your album! Very cool!

I wanted to put some pics up there so that my friends on here could put a face to the name (which obviously isn't Robbie)


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
Yes, I am a Marine veteran, 1980-1984 active duty. No wars, but there was the Beirut situation. Carter was President then. The Faulkland incident was going on too. I find it funny that the media said the US was not involved in that but I was on a ship which was part of a small flotilla of American vessels (assigned to the Marine Airwing).

There are NO military advisors on SGU and Mallozzi has been called on that not many times by active and veteran soldiers. You are active, right?

Well i thought (probably am wrong) that the sgu military advisor had done a piece in this magazine (35) or is slated for the issue 36 final one?

one side of my family are Falkland Islanders did you ever end up on the island itself? im told its ragged but beautiful. ive only seen pictures and vids its not the same though.


GateFans Noob
General Rocket Pants

Yeah, haven't you checked my pictures in my albums? But incidently, I've got a couple of years left of my 4 year open engagement, theeeen I'm not sure if I want to stay on for the full 22 years or not.

I guarantee you'll be promoted much faster here. :D


I guarantee you'll be promoted much faster here. :D

Yeah it looks as though the rank thresholds here are lower than they were previously. So I should get beyond my previous rank in no time at all.


Illusive Deity of Fanfic
I don't think anyone's surprised the Magazine is shutting down, For one, the actual scope of SGU is much much smaller than SG-1 or SG-A and there just isn't anything to talk about that doesnt' sound like a soap opera

Reporter: So Chloe, the fans want to know, since there doesn't seem to be any soap or femenine products or birth control on Destiny, how do the women on board maintain their hygiene, as well as the buns out of the ovens?

Chloe: Beats me, i just use my ass more than my cooch.



GateFans Noob
It's a real shame that they going to shut down.It was a great magazine that i enjoyed very much and got it every month if i could. But then since SGU came along i stopped getting it.I can't remember what issue it was but it was pretty much a whole SGU magazine and i haven't read any of it only the parts that was not SGU.

It's totally true that SGU is the destroyed of the Stargate franchise. It has destroyed pretty much everything which is very sad.

Makes wonder about those audio books to.Will they be cancelled or will it be a bunch of crappy SGU stories.