I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!


The Belle of the Ball
I know you guys love me and all, but I was surprised to find a sweet note in my inbox from the webmaster inviting me back...very nice and kind. I was only gone due to a funeral and didn't have time to spend on line. (shocking I know!) but I did think the email was nice. :) thanks for sending it! :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
even i noticed you abscence... anohoo.. welcome back i guess NEMESIS!! :P


Welcome back Rac.

I feel your pain. I have been there.
GF is a nice place to come back to, indeed.


The Belle of the Ball
awwww i know you secretly can't resist my logic omni! ;) ty for the welcome back! :D


Council Member & Author
Welcome back.

I am, however, sorry to hear that there had to be a funeral for something.



Well Known GateFan
even i noticed you abscence... anohoo.. welcome back i guess NEMESIS!! :P

You do know that the term "nemesis" refers to an opponent that is your intellectual equal and/or better, correct? :D

(For instance Sherlock Holmes had Dr. Moriarty whom he could not defeat.)


You do know that the term "nemesis" refers to an opponent that is your intellectual equal and/or better, correct? :D

(For instance Sherlock Holmes had Dr. Moriarty whom he could not defeat.)

Oh Noes, you are not trying to stir this pot are you Shaved? :eek:


Well Known GateFan


The Belle of the Ball
Welcome back Rac.

I feel your pain. I have been there.
GF is a nice place to come back to, indeed.

thank you my friend. it seems as time passes more and more of my friends share these "experiences"...just a fact of life I know. makes one feel a bit old. As hubby and i are both the youngest in our families, this has been happening more and more- grandparents, aunts and uncles are mostly gone for me, he's lost quite a few too; only his father is left out of our parents (and he's a rotten guy so he'll live forever!:P) - time passages despite how we would change it!

Yes gatefans is a wonderful place to return to! :D my new home away from home as it were. :D:D

thanks again everyone...and ape...my true nemesis is Stclare but she's busy so omni is her stand-in! ;)


The Belle of the Ball
welcome bk Rac80. Hope the funeral was on a positive note and not one of family bickering.

thanks sweetie, the funeral and burial (she's buried in sleepy hollow cemetary with the likes of the alcotts, thoreau and emerson! ;) ) were beautiful...it was the days after that my father in law reverted back to type! :P Luckily, Hurricane Irene gave us an excuse not to venture too far from our hotel! ;)