Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance


Well Known GateFan

Good stuff starts at 0:45.


Council Member & Author
Where we once again get to watch a bad dye job channel Elvis Presley even more badly.


What ship is this?
Staff member

The first film was not the greatest, though it did have a clever ending (where letting the big bad guy achieve his goal turned out to be the key to defeating him).

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Was he peeing flames at the end of the trailer?

I hope the latest installment has a better story and better execution.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

The first film was not the greatest, though it did have a clever ending (where letting the big bad guy achieve his goal turned out to be the key to defeating him).

How many movies and tv shows have done that cliche to death? :icon_lol:


Council Member & Author
Nic Cage's career is what's going down in flames...much like your suggested stream of flaming urine.

Smells about as attractive, too.


Nic Cage's career is what's going down in flames...much like your suggested stream of flaming urine.

Smells about as attractive, too.

Indeed. I was just about to say that I can't believe that he lend himself to this role a second time. Times must be bad for him.

What are his exact words at the end of the clip when he responds to the kid's question "What if you have to pee while you're on fire?"?