Anyone watching "Vikings"?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Exactly right. :) The term "barbarian" has it's root in "barb" or 'hair'.

Later, the term "Barbarian" came to mean anyone from Western Europe who was part of the clans. Huns, Britons, Saxons, Anglos, Ostragoths, Visigoths, Mongols, Norse, Vikings, etc.

I knew this person from China who would habitually refer to the Japanese as barbarians.


Well Known GateFan
I knew this person from China who would habitually refer to the Japanese as barbarians.

Yes, the Chinese concurrently developed an attitude like the greeks--anyone outside of china-even vassal states paying homage to the Emperor, were barbarian


Well Known GateFan
Sophisticated people do not attack for resources or burn villages and commit genocide. Desperate people do. The Vikings were just as uncivilized and unhygienic as the other barbarian tribes.

How desperate is America?
(I'll give you a pass on the Genocide, I am feeling generous)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
How desperate is America?
(I'll give you a pass on the Genocide, I am feeling generous)

VERY! My country is as barbaric as the barbarians were. Except they killed more people. Also, we have managed to stay socially and spiritually retarded as a nation whilst the formerly barbarian nations have become wise over time. :)

Oh, and NO we dont get a pass on genocide. Are you kidding me?


Well Known GateFan
Why are you upset with the notion that these "barbarians" actually were traders and explorers first and foremost? They got to the America's before anyone else didn't they?


What ship is this?
Staff member
Then there is this Vikings:


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Why are you upset with the notion that these "barbarians" actually were traders and explorers first and foremost? They got to the America's before anyone else didn't they?


Sorry bro, but for you to even say such a thing is proof that you have NO CLUE who these people were or what they did. Sorry! Perhaps you should rephrase your comment?

They were not traders. They were THIEVES. They were not explorers, they were CONQUERORS. Bitch PLEASE!!!!! You are falling victim to the revisionists. Here is the Wiki on the barbarian"migrations". :anim_59: Go beyond the Wiki and read Roman accounts of the barbarians too. :)

The facts are that these people were thieves. They stole from each other and warred amongst themselves before going after civilization and then destroying that too (Rome). After Rome fell, they started a global campaign of conquest and oppression, and the gains from those conquests are still (mostly) in place.


These people killed, burned, pillaged and stole their way into power. Exploration MY ASS. :beckett_new050:

:facepalm: (catching my breath and allowing the vein in my forehead to go back to normal)
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Don't bother Illit, it is a waste of time.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Vinland, OM1.

You think I dont know about Vinland? :facepalm:. Before you post them, yes I know about Vinland, the travel along the (then) ice wall along the Bering strait, the landing on the various islands, Nufoundland and also America. New evidence is emerging that the Africans did it long long before the vikings did. Logical, since they built the first boats and have been around at least 100,000 years longer than any other peoples. Proof of their exploratory behaviors are the Out of Africa migrations. Unlike the barbarian conquests and forcible takeover of land to steal resources, the expansion of peoples out of Africa was not for resources, since all of Africa below the Sahara is rich in them. Im neither African or European, so I dont really have any interest in the biased accounts of history on either side. But the evidence mounts. The Viking "discovery" of America will fall like Columbus did. The conquering Europeans have claimed much they did not create or invent or accomplish.

When they are no longer telling history, the stories will change significantly. Already, you can find the Aryan, Chinese and ancient Korean accounts of who the invading barbarians were and how they behaved. My beef is that the only reason TRUE history gets written in a revisionist fashion is because a tiny group of powerful people dont like what they hear. They dont want to know the truth. They want to "clean it up" and make it all pretty and shiny. Tell the real story!


Well Known GateFan

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I need to breathe...I am now 6 hours into NO SMORKING. Im snapping at people. :( Im yelling at my cats. :( Not a happy camper.


But the Vikings and their filthy cohorts dont interest me in the least. :) Enjoy!


Well Known GateFan
You think I dont know about Vinland? :facepalm:
Yes, facepalm
. Before you post them, yes I know about Vinland, the travel along the (then) ice wall along the Bering strait, the landing on the various islands, Nufoundland and also America. New evidence is emerging that the Africans did it long long before the vikings did. Logical, since they built the first boats and have been around at least 100,000 years longer than any other peoples.
100, 000 years ago, you would not need a boat, you could just WALK their based on geological maps. The African peoples, homo-sapiens really did WALK their over time, but over the centuries and millenia, the connections got lost.

Proof of their exploratory behaviors are the Out of Africa migrations
Of course, they were curious, but they did not need ocean going vessels to satisfy that curiosity, they could just migrate.

. Unlike the barbarian conquests and forcible takeover of land to steal resources, the expansion of peoples out of Africa was not for resources,
Uh huh

since all of Africa below the Sahara is rich in them.

what resources are you talking about?
Im neither African or European, so I dont really have any interest in the biased accounts of history on either side. But the evidence mounts. The Viking "discovery" of America will fall like Columbus did. The conquering Europeans have claimed much they did not create or invent or accomplish.
what do you think they claimed?

When they are no longer telling history, the stories will change significantly. Already, you can find the Aryan, Chinese and ancient Korean accounts of who the invading barbarians were and how they behaved. My beef is that the only reason TRUE history gets written in a revisionist fashion is because a tiny group of powerful people dont like what they hear. They dont want to know the truth. They want to "clean it up" and make it all pretty and shiny. Tell the real story!
You don't want to hear the "real story" so why expect anyone else to follow your "real history" either??
Homo sapiens expanded out of Africa, they killed all that stood in their way in their attempt to grasp and control. Over time the continents drifted and separated and Homo sapiens evolved to adapt to their then environment, and unsurprisingly when THEY expanded, they killed all that stood in their way.
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes, facepalm

100, 000 years ago, you would not need a boat, you could just WALK their based on geological maps. The African peoples, homo-sapiens really did WALK their over time, but over the centuries and millenia, the connections got lost.

They did not walk to South America (where the African cemetary was found). :) The oldest boat ever found was found in West Africa and build by non-Caucasoid Africans.

Of course, they were curious, but they did not need ocean going vessels to satisfy that curiosity, they could just migrate.

Perhaps, but the fact is that they had them.

what resources are you talking about?

I have to answer that? The world's largest reserves of EVERY resource is in Africa. Oil, Minerals, Uranium, wildlife, flora fauna...please. :)

what do you think they claimed?

They claim to have discovered America, for one. False.

You don't want to hear the "real story" so why expect anyone else to follow your "real history" either??
Homo sapiens expanded out of Africa, they killed all that stood in their way in their attempt to grasp and control. Over time the continents drifted and separated and Homo sapiens evolved to adapt to their then environment, and unsurprisingly when THEY expanded, they killed all that stood in their way.

The Europeans are incapable of telling the "real story". You dont know the real story either. But forget what I am telling you...investigate for yourself. To tell the "real story" is to admit deception, and would would put them in a very VERY bad light...worse than the one it already has to deal with. It would erode pride in many groups of people. It would cast the "glorious" shield and sword era as a bloody, sociopathic orgy of killing for treasure and land. And sometimes, just for fun.


Well Known GateFan
They did not walk to South America (where the African cemetary was found). :) The oldest boat ever found was found in West Africa and build by non-Caucasoid Africans.
Do you think I am trying to take something away from the African Peoples??
Perhaps, but the fact is that they had them.
There is NO EVIDENCE of long draft African boats. they had river going vessels, and costal hugging shipping, but no evidence of ocean going vessels, sorry dude.

I have to answer that? The world's largest reserves of EVERY resource is in Africa. Oil, Minerals, Uranium, wildlife, flora fauna...please. :)
Yes, please go on when I live in a country with the highest ratio of uranium and wildlife. Flora and Fauna exist no where else on the planet due to our nigh on 50 thousand year separation from the rest of the planet, yes, please, go on................
show me your "superior evidence"

They claim to have discovered America, for one. False.
OK, so if Africans found in 20k years before, they "discovered" it first??
Who hooked up with those Africans 20k years later??

Africans got EVERYWHERE first, we CAME from AFRICA, what is your point??

The Europeans are incapable of telling the "real story". You dont know the real story either.
But Africans are??
Jesus Christ, how blatant do you want to make your racism you fool??
Should I just say all blacks are Crims or some other such bullshit??

But forget what I am telling you...investigate for yourself. To tell the "real story" is to admit deception
What deception??

Where is my "disconnect"??

I deny nothing, we have been bastards.
, and would would put them in a very VERY bad light...worse than the one it already has to deal with. It would erode pride in many groups of people. It would cast the "glorious" shield and sword era as a bloody, sociopathic orgy of killing for treasure and land. And sometimes, just for fun.
You do know that whites bought black slaves from black slave sellers, right??
Whites had no chance of getting into the African interior, but black tribes did, and they sold them (slaves and captives) on the shelf the same as apples, Whites abused what you were selling, but you "put the on the chopping block" to start with. Wanna blame US for buying what you were selling??

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Do you think I am trying to take something away from the African Peoples??

There is NO EVIDENCE of long draft African boats. they had river going vessels, and costal hugging shipping, but no evidence of ocean going vessels, sorry dude.

Why needed a long draft boat? Thor Hyerdahl made the trip on a freakin raft. Whatever type of boat they used to get to South America, it did the job. And they did it first.

Yes, please go on when I live in a country with the highest ratio of uranium and wildlife. Flora and Fauna exist no where else on the planet due to our nigh on 50 thousand year separation from the rest of the planet, yes, please, go on................
show me your "superior evidence"

Uranium...only a resource valued by a nation which has nuclear ambitions with either energy or weapons. There is wildlife in California that does not exist anywhere else. So what? I am talking tonnes and deposits. Resources for the ages like oil, fresh water, rainforest, arable land, etc. In sheer volume of resources, Africa has everyone beat. But hey, I am not cheerleading for Africa since I am not African nor do I identify with that continent. What its people did in ancient times is my interest. What they left behind tells me a lot abouit who they were, and they were not who the Europeans are saying they were.

OK, so if Africans found in 20k years before, they "discovered" it first??
Who hooked up with those Africans 20k years later??

The Asiatics. The truth is, nobody "discovered" anything. They simply explored and expanded into areas they did not previously inhabit. The whole notion of taking credit for "discoveries" is a European thing. Other cultures simply record information and collect it to create a bigger picture that others can interpret as they see fit. The Europeans seemed to be seeking glory and decoration in all things they did. A medal for this, a knighting for that, rewards of treasure and land for "discovering" things. It is sickening. Why do so many natural occurrences and processes and particles have the names of European men attached to them? They most certainly were not created by them. Im glad Europeans are not like that today.

Africans got EVERYWHERE first, we CAME from AFRICA, what is your point??

Most whites believe that Africans never built boats, never left Africa and had no interest in exploring...despite the evidence. They cite the absence of the wheel, and then ignore the fact that the wheel was not needed in Africa. Stuff like that...too many stupid people believe these things. You arent stupid. :)

But Africans are??
Jesus Christ, how blatant do you want to make your racism you fool??
Should I just say all blacks are Crims or some other such bullshit??

Racism? I dont think so! Just history. I would prefer to read Asian or Aryan (Indian) accounts of history when it comes to what was going on during the Conquest times.

What deception??

Where is my "disconnect"??

Why are you going here? This is not about race. It isnt about "white people". It is about a culture of honor in thievery, murder and oppression. The Romans were more civilized than the barbarians, but not as civilized as the Greeks. Im specifically talking about the barbarian clans of western Europe..since this is a Vikings thread.

I deny nothing, we have been bastards.

We who...white people? Well lets leave that for the other thread in Flame Hell. :) I mentioned the Africans only because we were talking about who came to the Americas first. But the Vikings themselves are much different than what is being portrayed in the series:

You do know that whites bought black slaves from black slave sellers, right??
Whites had no chance of getting into the African interior, but black tribes did, and they sold them (slaves and captives) on the shelf the same as apples, Whites abused what you were selling, but you "put the on the chopping block" to start with. Wanna blame US for buying what you were selling??

Whites created the market for slaves. Without that market there would not have been a slave trade. End of story. :) But this is a drift again into "race" which is not where we should be taking this thread.