The Frankenstein Chronicles


I've been watching this show on Netflix and am almost done with the first season. So far it's pretty good and I have to say I'm amazed at the production level in terms of scene setting and costuming/make up. The director has also managed to capture a dark tone and scary atmosphere throughout the entire thing.

Sean Bean does an amazing job in the lead role of Inspector Marlott. He's wrestling with his own demons while trying to investigate a weird crime involving murder and body snatching. The setting is early 19th Century England post-publication of Mary Shelly's Frankenstein. At that time body snatching was a business in that a dead person was considered to be no one's property so grave robbers could dig them up and sell them to hospitals for the surgeons to use as teaching tools. It was a legally turbulent time in this regard and the show uses that as a motive for a lot of what happens.

I wouldn't call the show gory but it is gruesome. I know that sounds like semantics but that's what it is: gruesome, not gratuitously gory. They don't show a lot of blood but they do show disturbing scenes with dead bodies and body parts. Normally I'm not into anything this dark but the gruesomeness makes sense in the context of the story. It's not mindless gore like is typical with modern horror. If it was I wouldn't recommend it for viewing.

Another disturbing thing is the fairly accurate depiction of how poor people, namely poor children, were treated in that era. They don't soft peddle or retcon just how inhumane life was back then, especially if you were born into a lower class.

At any rate, I'm liking this show and hoping that the season finales (there are 2 seasons I believe) are satisfying. It would be a shame if they weren't. I'll let you know.

*Netflix might be promoting this show as an "original" when in truth it's an "exclusive". It was aired in the UK on a different network.
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Well Known GateFan
I wonder if bean's character will survive?

In nearly everything he has been in, his character gets whacked...kind of becoming his signature


Well Known GateFan
watched it all...really liked it!

very good on shedding light on daily life for 'real' ppl in London at the time.

wonder if there will be a 3rd installment? It ends in way where there certainly could be

though they have nothing in common by way of plot or even genre really, two other shows I watch give good context to british life of the time as well. one slightly before in time and the other near contemporary to TFC's

POLDARK for the period about 20 yrs before and TABOO a bit nearer the time.

don't judge me.... :redface: