Star Trek (2012) to Begin Filming January 2012, Probably Won’t Open Until Summer 2013 or Later


Earl Grey
Development on Star Trek 2 (which, yes we know won’t actually be titled Star Trek 2, but until they come up with a better title that’s what we’re calling it) got off to a slow start, but in the last several months the project has finally begun picking up steam. Over two years after the release of J.J. Abrams’ first Star Trek film, the production is now gearing up for an early 2012 start.

une 2013 perhaps?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

Cool, but this snip from the article at that link gave me pause:

"Some of the old sets from the 2009 film (including the USS Enterprise) have been pulled out of storage and dusted off, while construction has begun on some of the new sets."


How come they have to dust them off? You dont just go and redesign a set like a Trek bridge for each movie. They did that with Batman and more recently with Iron Man. They kept redesigning the Batmobile and the Irom Man's suit. But in trek, if you want to have a new ship design then you have to have a new DIFFERENT ship, which is supposed to be a variant on a Class of ship. They cant change the bridge one iota if they want traditional Trekkies to follow the new rebooted Trek. If they make fashion decisions for that bridge (as much as I hate it), or change the ship, they better explain it.


The Belle of the Ball
Maybe they are building additional areas of the Ent? a conference room, crew quarters, etc? but please no "holodeck":P


What ship is this?
Staff member
Cool, but this snip from the article at that link gave me pause:

"Some of the old sets from the 2009 film (including the USS Enterprise) have been pulled out of storage and dusted off, while construction has begun on some of the new sets."


How come they have to dust them off? You dont just go and redesign a set like a Trek bridge for each movie. They did that with Batman and more recently with Iron Man. They kept redesigning the Batmobile and the Irom Man's suit. But in trek, if you want to have a new ship design then you have to have a new DIFFERENT ship, which is supposed to be a variant on a Class of ship. They cant change the bridge one iota if they want traditional Trekkies to follow the new rebooted Trek. If they make fashion decisions for that bridge (as much as I hate it), or change the ship, they better explain it.

I think they are referring to new sets for the movie. They pulled out the 09 Enterprise sets which they already had in storage and are starting to build the additional new sets they need. So I would gather that any new Enterprise sets would be areas of the ship we have not seen yet.

Regarding Iron Man, the suit redesigns are deliberate and indeed go all the way back to the comics (it's one reason the suits keep having different mark and model names). It's part of the attraction of Iron Man - he is a superhero not because he has innate special powers but because he is a genius who invented the arc reactor and the suits.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I think they are referring to new sets for the movie. They pulled out the 09 Enterprise sets which they already had in storage and are starting to build the additional new sets they need. So I would gather that any new Enterprise sets would be areas of the ship we have not seen yet. [...]

I hope we get to see the bridge and engineering this time. We mostly got to see the on-board Apple Store where the command crew always hung out and the ship's Brewery where Scotty got carried away and fell into one of the beer vats.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Well I am likely in the minority here because I had no issues with the bridge. It does not look like an Apple Store at all (to do that the walls would be covered with pictures of young models using equipment with silly statements calling the equipment magical captioning the pictures). The engine room/brewery thing could use a facelift though.

The reason the bridge has bright colors and glass is the same reason the corridors are light colored and indeed most of the ship is. Abrams and Orci were using color and layout to convey an optimistic mood (they discussed it in an interview on to the film as a counter to what was felt was the excessively dark mood and feel of recent scifi films - especially the later Trek films. And it works in that context.

Now what they need to do is redo engineering. But I suspect the new sets are mostly non-Enterprise locations.


I think the bridge does resemble the apple store because the lighting is soooooooo bright. :facepalm: I get the mood thing, but they way over did it, IMO. ;)


"Dusting off the old set" doesn't mean they'll change it. I just means they're taking it out of storage.

Anywayz, it's about bloody time they started on that darn movie. It's not gonna be Star Trek 2012 if it's gonna be released in 2013.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well I am likely in the minority here because I had no issues with the bridge. It does not look like an Apple Store at all (to do that the walls would be covered with pictures of young models using equipment with silly statements calling the equipment magical captioning the pictures). The engine room/brewery thing could use a facelift though.

DUDE :) There are lights facing OUT from the walls at eye level:


Looking a lot like an Apple store to me.

The reason the bridge has bright colors and glass is the same reason the corridors are light colored and indeed most of the ship is. Abrams and Orci were using color and layout to convey an optimistic mood (they discussed it in an interview on to the film as a counter to what was felt was the excessively dark mood and feel of recent scifi films - especially the later Trek films. And it works in that context.

Now what they need to do is redo engineering. But I suspect the new sets are mostly non-Enterprise locations.

Trek is about form and function, not "fashion". The bridge and corridors and overall concepts inside the ship are all stylish, and not very functional looking. Lots of bling. This is what has me worried about the next one...what if they think "this is it!", and add yet more bling and flash. I will vomit if I see LED lights in the front of the shuttles like Audi headlights.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Hi Overmind!

I had the misfortune of having to go to an Apple store last week (Christmas shopping for one of my 8 neices and nephews). Hence I have the horrid vision of it burned into my mind - the descent of the once honorable arena of personal computing into utter banality...

Also, I would not be too worried about them turning Trek into Glee. What the 09 film showed was that while there may have been some visuals that were debatable, Orci and Abrams gave us a real Trek film. It took the basic elements that made Trek appealing in the first place and built around them. It totally avoided the dark, moody slop which made films like Nemesis unwatchable (all the more impressive given that they destroyed an entire inhabited world in the film) and was a total breath of fresh air.

I wrote a tome here a while ago on why I liked Trek 09 - still stand by it:


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, the set designs are probably the biggest bone I have to pick with the new ST, but other than that it's pretty damn good. So nice to have something sci-fi that I actually enjoy. Believe it or not I hate being a cynical bitch about everything but to be honest the offerings these day in the genre of sci-fi really do suck. Nice to have an exception to the rule of late. Hope the next one is just as good. Fingers crossed!


My avatar speaks for itself.
DUDE :) There are lights facing OUT from the walls at eye level:

View attachment 6310

Looking a lot like an Apple store to me.

Trek is about form and function, not "fashion". The bridge and corridors and overall concepts inside the ship are all stylish, and not very functional looking. Lots of bling. This is what has me worried about the next one...what if they think "this is it!", and add yet more bling and flash. I will vomit if I see LED lights in the front of the shuttles like Audi headlights.
???????????????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!! thats the most ridiculous thing youve ever said man seriously... my fanboi detector is going off the charts***

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
???????????????? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAH!!! thats the most ridiculous thing youve ever said man seriously... my fanboi detector is going off the charts***

Why ridiculous? LOL. Trek shows have never been about trendy fashions or swoopy, blingy non-functional designs. :) Yes, I am most definitely a Trek fanboy! There are millions of us worldwide, you know. :icon_lol:


Why ridiculous? LOL. Trek shows have never been about trendy fashions or swoopy, blingy non-functional designs. :) Yes, I am most definitely a Trek fanboy! There are millions of us worldwide, you know. :icon_lol:

You are in good company OM1, I am most definitely a Trek Fangirl and darn proud of it.;)


What ship is this?
Staff member
I dig Overmind. I just think that they got so much right in ST09 (the plot, the characters, the tone and atmosphere and mood) that I am willing to overlook and forgive matters of style. We already have seen the results when they get the style (form and function in this case) right but screw up the tone, atmosphere, plot and characters - its called Star Trek Nemesis (and Insurrection and for that matter parts of DS9 and Enterprise).


What ship is this?
Staff member
You are in good company OM1, I am most definitely a Trek Fangirl and darn proud of it.;)

And I am a Trek fan as well (I guess in my current incarnation "fanosaur"?).

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I dig Overmind. I just think that they got so much right in ST09 (the plot, the characters, the tone and atmosphere and mood) that I am willing to overlook and forgive matters of style. We already have seen the results when they get the style (form and function in this case) right but screw up the tone, atmosphere, plot and characters - its called Star Trek Nemesis (and Insurrection and for that matter parts of DS9 and Enterprise).

That avatar cracks me up every time I see it. :icon_lol: Bad Barney! :rotflmao:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You are in good company OM1, I am most definitely a Trek Fangirl and darn proud of it.;)

I, too, am a huge Trek fan. I just don't go to Trek conventions and don't wear rubber Vulcan ears or own a Trek uniform. :)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I, too, am a huge Trek fan. I just don't go to Trek conventions and don't wear rubber Vulcan ears or own a Trek uniform. :)

Me either. Im more than a bit worried about a possible iTrek. :(