
Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Started She-Hulk a while ago, but had a lengthy intermission after episode 7. Didn't think much of the show to be honest. Episode 8 was a pleasant surprise, incorporating Daredevil. I'm amazed at the fact that the actor didn't look like he aged at all since the Daredevil show, which to my recollection was quite a while ago, probably more than ten years. That was a good episode. The finale, episode 9, was very weird. The fourth-wall breaking elements of this show are not good. Marvel should really leave that sort of thing to Deadpool. I did enjoy the Kevin Feige part of the finale.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Gotta disagree here; She Hulk was absolute trash. BAD writing and characterization and the acting wasn't far behind in badness. Jen was totally unlikeable, narcissistic and basically a self insert for the "show runner" (her being with like 3 guys in a show that only covered about a month of "realtime" didn't help). It went over like a lead balloon also - all signs (including statements by the cast) are that it has been uncerimoniously cancelled.

Overall I haven't really either loved or hated the Marvel streaming series - Wandavision is likely the cream of that crop, with Winter Soldier following it then Hawkeye then Loki which was VERY uneven. She Hulk is not uneven - it is trash start to finish.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
O, it's definitely not good. But it had some entertainment value. There was a fair amount of cringe. The whole lawyer angle felt rather out of place to me. I thought the Daredevil team up worked well though.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Daredevil was the only redeeming angle. The lawyer angle felt out of place partly because the cringe writers had zero law knowledge and also no law consultants were called upon.