Previews and Discussion: SGU Episode 14 "Hope" - (Spoilers)




I hate this greening system. I'm not allowed to give any of you green or you both would have some more now.
What's the point in giving someone bonus points if you have to give it to everybody??? :mad:

So when i green some one, i am also greening myself? That's not right.


Well Known GateFan
So when i green some one, i am also greening myself? That's not right.

No, the system works in such a way that you just can't keep greening one person and ignore everyone else. Think of it like this:
At any given time you have 8(?) "slots" to give rep to people. when you green someone, you fill up that slot and each new person "bumps down" the list. Until that person no longer occupies one of those slots, you can't green them.
Make sense?



I hate this greening system. I'm not allowed to give any of you green or you both would have some more now.
What's the point in giving someone bonus points if you have to give it to everybody??? :mad:

An excellent point.


GateFans Noob
Was this episode supposed to make the throngs of millions upon millions of "new and edgy" fans feel a bond somehow for Volker? Why the bravado from Greer with the bone marrow extraction, and why all the scenes of surgery? They chose to play that story against the one with Chloe and Ginn and Amanda Perry and the magical communications stones? They are trying to make it seem like the stones are actually real technology and that consciousness (the soul, in essence) is something that can be uploaded and downloaded into an ancient computer?

Too many plotholes and I just cant suspend belief enough to accept them:

  1. If Amanda Perry was in the computer and was aware that she was in there, then how did she get there if she wasnt "uploaded"?
  2. If Ginn was in there and has no memory of it, WHY?
  3. How did Ginn and Chloe co-exist in Chloe's body if the stones were used (using SGU's own description of how they work).
  4. In the last episode, Telford on earth requested to connect with his other copy using the stones, but they hadnt found out Telford on the future Destiny was already dead...but what if he wasnt? What would happen if the future Telford connected with the other Telford using the stones?
  5. What happened with the "disconnects" they had with those stupid stones in season 1, where people suddenly switched?
WHY do they rely on those f'ing stones so much anyways? LAZY WRITING.

I did not like the episode, but I saw the ever so beautiful Amanda Perry again. :)
I have answer for your fourth question:

Anyway...I found this episode really hilarious but at least they did take time to explain stuff now, unlike other episodes where I found it lacking. Sure it was overblown, but really, I saw a bit of improvement there! :p