Patrick Gilmore (Volker) - Same Ol' Same Ol'


Objects may be closer than they appear


I knew I could "count" on you. ;)

I would but I can't yet again. :(

Wonder how many more of these, somebody else blaming the fans whiny babies we are gonna be getting. Maybe we should do a crystal darn ball contest on that one. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
I knew I could "count" on you. ;)

How many bad jokes are we going to get now??



Objects may be closer than they appear
Bad jokes are my specialty. ;)

Here in the US every child is forced to watch Sesame Street and The Count was always one of my favorites. :D

Red Mage

How many bad jokes are we going to get now??

Hey I love bad puns. My stepbrother and I will on rare occasion have "pun battles" where we will go back and forth with bad puns using primarily inaminate objects ex. holding up a box of alumimum wrap and exclaiming something like "Why must you always 'foil' my plans"


Bad jokes are my specialty. ;)

Here in the US every child is forced to watch Sesame Street and The Count was always one of my favorites. :D

Coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooookie Monster was my fav.

Sorry for the OT.


Objects may be closer than they appear
I'll get it back on topic.

Let's say SGU had been the super-awesome success that TPTB wanted it to be. Let's say they achieved their objective by significantly expanding the SGU fanbase with new viewers who never watched SG-1/SGA. Why does this mean that they would they go back and make an SGA movie?


GateFans Noob
I'll get it back on topic.

Let's say SGU had been the super-awesome success that TPTB wanted it to be. Let's say they achieved their objective by significantly expanding the SGU fanbase with new viewers who never watched SG-1/SGA. Why does this mean that they would they go back and make an SGA movie?

Of course not, don't you remember they can't do two things at one time or their art would suffer. They wanted to do it right this time, big budget, huge stars, porn lighting and shaky cam. Geez where you been!

Red Mage

I'll get it back on topic.

Let's say SGU had been the super-awesome success that TPTB wanted it to be. Let's say achieved their objective by significantly expanding the SGU fanbase with new viewers who never watched SG-1/SGA. Why does this mean that they would they go back and make an SGA movie?

They wouldn't. That's why none of us are fooled by that argument. The sets were destroyed and the writers showed enough disdain for SGA that it was clear it was not in their interests to make an SGA movie. SGU being a success would have meant more SGU. If SGU was the super awesome success they wanted it to be it would have likely been a great show that most of us could have gotten into we probably wouldn't have been so upset about the lack of an SGA movie. But alas, SGU episodes were by large awful to watch so of course fans of the older material are upset that there is no more SGA and it was cancelled in favor of a lackluster show.


Well Known GateFan
I'll get it back on topic.

Let's say SGU had been the super-awesome success that TPTB wanted it to be. Let's say they achieved their objective by significantly expanding the SGU fanbase with new viewers who never watched SG-1/SGA. Why does this mean that they would they go back and make an SGA movie?

If SGU had worked and was "all that and the kitchen sink" I strongly suspect that many people from SGUS would have been at the front of the line, singing it's praises. :D


If SGU had worked and was "all that and the kitchen sink" I strongly suspect that many people from SGUS would have been at the front of the line, singing it's praises. :D

Exactly, because science fiction fans are fans of GOOD science fiction shows. ;)


Well Known GateFan
Perfect! Perfect! Perfect!


Joe Mallozzi, thank you very much for your lurking in our forum. We appreciate the support!

As for your comment above, you are wrong for at least 4 reasons:

1. Fans of SGA who "lobbied for the cancellation" of SGU were absolutely right in recognizing that SUPPORTING the new show - which is based on a concept almost opposite to SGA - is exactly the one thing sure to kill any hopes of SGA ever returning again. That would have been the false sign to TPTB that the new direction was what fans wanted. So, yeah, cancelling SGU was the only hope to save SG1 and SGA. Just like the failure of ST:ENT led to a return to the classic roots of ST:TOS.

2. SGA wasn't ever going to return under yours or BW's direction anyway. That was just a carrot you were dangling to get people to watch a show they hated so that you could keep your job. We proved that in our threads that dealt with the early tearing down of the sets for SG1 and SGA. BW was blatantly lying. You were either lying yourself as well or just so clueless and out of the loop as to know even less than the fans.

3. None of the fans hoping for the cancellation of SGU stood around wondering what happened. What happened is exactly what they were expecting. And last time I checked they were partying. So apparently you are confusing your bizarre dream world with reality.

4. And finally, you are wrong, because SG1 and SGA will return. OK, maybe not exactly those shows, but Stargate will return in its old adventure-scifi spirit - not in the form of another soap-fi travesty.

JM's delusional rewriting of what actually happened with the cancellation of SGU is clearly a sign of someone mentally unable to accept reality. You are right Mr. A, all of us were celebrating when the cancellation announcement came out. And I don't know of any SGU detractors who are now standing around thinking they shot themselves in the foot. If anything people are now quite anxious and impatient for the Stargate concept to be reworked. We're all looking forward in hopeful anticipation not looking backwards in anger and confusion.

It's really rather pathetic how both Gilmore and Mallozzi trot out the tired line of crap about how everyone thought that by getting SGU cancelled we'd get SGA to return. :roll: I think most of us simply wanted SGU dead and buried because it was a horrendously crappy show that was besmirching the Stargate concept.

And if some people are guilty of expecting a return of SGA in some form that is the fault of people like JM and BW because they had been using that lie to blackmail/trick people into viewing SGU from the beginning. It's shocking how JM can miss that point, just shocking.

The twisted thinking that comes from the brief quote of Mallozzi's is incredibly pathological. I won't say the man is mentally ill but he clearly has a severe personality disorder. Think about it, this late in the game and the man still blames people for not watching his show. There's all kinds of crazy in that way of thinking and I feel sick just discussing the surface elements of JM's mental disorder. The dude just ain't right. Yuck!

But then again, what do I know, I'm just a lowly moron. :D


Well Known GateFan
Dear Patrick, put down the pipe, dude. Put down the pipe.

...The writers and creators, Brad, Rob, Joe, Carl; they are artists and artists need to
change.They can’t continue to do the same thing, they need to test themselves.What’s wonderful is all three series were written by the same people in completely different styles.They succeeded, and I think if they had it to do over again, they would do exactly the same thing.

#1. Artists? Um, yeah, sure. :roll:

#2. They succeeded? How is blowing millions on producing a horribly contrived, derivative, failure of a show somehow a success? Is this some form of new math that no one has told me about?

#3. Why would anyone do exactly the same thing again in regards to a project that failed? Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Your statement Patrick, is, quite simply, insane.

Good Christ, can someone please corral these SGU folks and give them Jewel Stait's primer on how not to insult the fans? Thank you.


The Belle of the Ball
tomorrrow comes the poison pen!

Okay this guy has joined the whiner club and I will be getting out my poison pen to deal with him tomorrow. :P (can anyone remember where I put the Mallozzi last?)

I'll get it back on topic.

Let's say SGU had been the super-awesome success that TPTB wanted it to be. Let's say they achieved their objective by significantly expanding the SGU fanbase with new viewers who never watched SG-1/SGA. Why does this mean that they would they go back and make an SGA movie?

heck no....i never beleived that- i thought the tooth fairy was real longer than I beleived that load of bs.

Of course not, don't you remember they can't do two things at one time or their art would suffer. They wanted to do it right this time, big budget, huge stars, porn lighting and shaky cam. Geez where you been!

I wanna say something rude, but since this isn't in flame hell all I can say is GREEN for that one! ;)

Exactly, because science fiction fans are fans of GOOD science fiction shows. ;)

So very true my dear! I watched the premier of sgu hoping to be surprised but fearing what I would see. My fears were realized after the first ep, but I watched the first 6 to give it a chance. i have also watched a number of other eps I reviewed and Time which I was suckered into watching by a very good promo. (the promo was better than the ep!) the show was terrible! HORRIBLE! AWFUL! IT STUNK TO HIGH HEAVEN!!!!!! if that makes me a bitter stargate fan- well then tough cookies. I have spent more on stargate than any other show I loved (bought all ten seasons of sg1 twice and sga once!) sgu wasn't worth my time much less my money! :P


Moderator & Mckay Super Fan
Well that was another enlightning look into the minds of the SGU actors. Again the lack of comprehension from them is unsurprising, there show got cancelled and they are looking for someone to blame other than the show itself.

I do however wonder where those standing ovasions came from? not any convention ive been to or watched on line? nevermind.

Mallozi, who cares what he says anymore realy, he was going to turn sga's movie into the most contrived plot in the world evahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I do wonder sometimes what these people hope to achieve by having a pop and the fans again? sgus is no longer going most sites have moved on to other shows and new shows will be filling more spaces as time goes on. We the fans seem to have moved on unless somone is still having verbal's with BJS? and the like. So why cant they?