Joseph Mallozzi's New Show


GateFans Noob
So I was trying to post on Joseph Mallozzi's weblog about his episode this week and he wouldn't approve my comment... sigh. So I had an idea. SGU is on its way out but Joe's gotta make a living. That pug isn't going to feed itself. So how about we help him with other show ideas that are just as awesome as SGU?

I'm thinking SGC: Walter's Cats. Its got everything that SGU does. Walter from SG-1. There is our loose tie in to the other Stargate series. The major characters could be between 3 and 5 cats. Since the setting is Walter's one bedroom apartment, you dont' even have to worry about that weird ring thing in the set that was never used in SGU. Walter can come home and recap requisitions and mission reports that he filed for stargate staff that day. This way Joe doesn't have to pay for any CGI and we get some rousing space adventures as a little side story to the real plot..... which is human/cat interaction.

I know you guys have some good ideas too. Let's get them out there and keep Joe at those douchey sushi bars he's always posting about.


GateFans Noob
Well, let's not get carried away, I mean, no stargate on the show??? No, there has to be a stargate, so what we'll do is talk about how the stargate is down in the apartment building laundry room, that way we can have a more legit connection to the Stargate franchise, but we don't have to actually show the stargate (budget concerns and all).

And we need drama! Like Walter coming home and finding someone has parked in his reserved space, but it's that really hot chick from the third floor so he doesn't want to call and have her car towed so he just sucks it up and takes it like a man-child. Then of course there's the fighting lesbians next door to Walter whose fights he can hear thru his cheap walls. And let's not forget the sociopath that lives above him who skulks about the halls at all hours of the night and day and who never bathes or shaves but for some reason the women in the apartment building are attracted to him like cats in heat.

And let's not forget the lighting. We have to set the mood and style of this new show and it needs to be gritty and show that Walter is a serious man and not some square jawed, wise crackin' hero type, no siree! So, every scene will be poorly lit and even though the show will be filmed in color it will look black and white (mostly black) because with such low lighting the color will be washed out. Yeah, dark and gritty, that's how Walter rolls.

First episode: "Tabby's Dilemma". Walter's cat "Tabby" swallows a ping pong ball and needs surgery to remove it because it's blocking her intestine. Walter can't afford an operation (not on what the SGC pays) so he frets he'll have to put Tabby down, but then his mother calls and says to give Tabby some castor oil, which happens off screen of course (budget concerns again) and the episode ends with Tabby pooping out the now greasy ping pong ball onto Walter's white linen sofa. Whew! Close one Tabby! Next week, someone keys Walter's Geo Metro with the phrase: 'We don't like YOUR kind here!'. Who could it be? Crazy mental sociopathic hall wanderer? Angry lesbian? Third floor hot chick who doesn't know Walter is alive??? Tune in to find out!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
OMFG....I was laughing so hard at this thread!

Well, let's not get carried away, I mean, no stargate on the show??? No, there has to be a stargate, so what we'll do is talk about how the stargate is down in the apartment building laundry room, that way we can have a more legit connection to the Stargate franchise, but we don't have to actually show the stargate (budget concerns and all).

And we need drama! Like Walter coming home and finding someone has parked in his reserved space, but it's that really hot chick from the third floor so he doesn't want to call and have her car towed so he just sucks it up and takes it like a man-child. Then of course there's the fighting lesbians next door to Walter whose fights he can hear thru his cheap walls. And let's not forget the sociopath that lives above him who skulks about the halls at all hours of the night and day and who never bathes or shaves but for some reason the women in the apartment building are attracted to him like cats in heat.

And let's not forget the lighting. We have to set the mood and style of this new show and it needs to be gritty and show that Walter is a serious man and not some square jawed, wise crackin' hero type, no siree! So, every scene will be poorly lit and even though the show will be filmed in color it will look black and white (mostly black) because with such low lighting the color will be washed out. Yeah, dark and gritty, that's how Walter rolls.

First episode: "Tabby's Dilemma". Walter's cat "Tabby" swallows a ping pong ball and needs surgery to remove it because it's blocking her intestine. Walter can't afford an operation (not on what the SGC pays) so he frets he'll have to put Tabby down, but then his mother calls and says to give Tabby some castor oil, which happens off screen of course (budget concerns again) and the episode ends with Tabby pooping out the now greasy ping pong ball onto Walter's white linen sofa. Whew! Close one Tabby! Next week, someone keys Walter's Geo Metro with the phrase: 'We don't like YOUR kind here!'. Who could it be? Crazy mental sociopathic hall wanderer? Angry lesbian? Third floor hot chick who doesn't know Walter is alive??? Tune in to find out!

Ah HAHAHAHA!!! I would actually watch that show because it would be a better situation comedy than the current dreck that they have been airing since last October. They could make the name of the street that Walter lives on Stargate Avenue, and that way its still stargate, right?



Council Member & Author
I wonder how Simon would feel about a rename and adding a few more kittehs...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

I wonder how Simon would feel about a rename and adding a few more kittehs...

I love that video! :rotflmao:


Council Member & Author
I remember the Angels episodes.

Weird shit.

This video is fucking epic. Cat's apparently got a sense of humor. Hehe!

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well, let's not get carried away, I mean, no stargate on the show??? No, there has to be a stargate, so what we'll do is talk about how the stargate is down in the apartment building laundry room, that way we can have a more legit connection to the Stargate franchise, but we don't have to actually show the stargate (budget concerns and all).

And we need drama! Like Walter coming home and finding someone has parked in his reserved space, but it's that really hot chick from the third floor so he doesn't want to call and have her car towed so he just sucks it up and takes it like a man-child. Then of course there's the fighting lesbians next door to Walter whose fights he can hear thru his cheap walls. And let's not forget the sociopath that lives above him who skulks about the halls at all hours of the night and day and who never bathes or shaves but for some reason the women in the apartment building are attracted to him like cats in heat.

And let's not forget the lighting. We have to set the mood and style of this new show and it needs to be gritty and show that Walter is a serious man and not some square jawed, wise crackin' hero type, no siree! So, every scene will be poorly lit and even though the show will be filmed in color it will look black and white (mostly black) because with such low lighting the color will be washed out. Yeah, dark and gritty, that's how Walter rolls.

First episode: "Tabby's Dilemma". Walter's cat "Tabby" swallows a ping pong ball and needs surgery to remove it because it's blocking her intestine. Walter can't afford an operation (not on what the SGC pays) so he frets he'll have to put Tabby down, but then his mother calls and says to give Tabby some castor oil, which happens off screen of course (budget concerns again) and the episode ends with Tabby pooping out the now greasy ping pong ball onto Walter's white linen sofa. Whew! Close one Tabby! Next week, someone keys Walter's Geo Metro with the phrase: 'We don't like YOUR kind here!'. Who could it be? Crazy mental sociopathic hall wanderer? Angry lesbian? Third floor hot chick who doesn't know Walter is alive??? Tune in to find out!

OMG!! I laughed so hard I couldn't catch my breath! :rotflmao:


GateFans Noob
That cat is amazing. If i weren't a dog person that would convince me to actually get a cat and I have been making fun of my cousin's cats for well over a decade.