Hannibal...the series. WHY?


Well Known GateFan
Did I mention my car got smashed? Some old lady came at me from the left side and smashed the left side door, fender, wheel and the suspension. The car isn't totaled but it wasn't drivable.

My insurance sent me to the Lexus dealership near me that specializes in complete restoration of total losses. In the mean time, they gave me a Lexus GS Hybrid to drive around. I gotta say, I'm having fun with this car! I dare say this car is BMW class in comfort, layout and technology. On Eco mode the gas needle doesn't move and in gas mode the car tears out like a bat out of hell. :icon_lol:

You got beaten up by an old lady??


Well Known GateFan
Dexter may not have been a gory bloodfest but it certainly was advertised as such:






*Demented, thoroughly demented. The pictures don't lie.

Yes, picture's NEVER lie, especially in advertising................

Give the bong back to OM will ya??

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
It's laughable how they try to make Hannibal sexy and appealing to women. Gone is aged, haggard Anthony Hopkins and in his place is a younger, hipper psychopath with an oh-so-sexy smattering of facial hair. :rolleyes:

OMG, that is twisted, isnt it? Somebody in casting or the producers team decided that this psychopath cannibal needed to be sexy...its just sick. Are they wanting women watching this to get wet by investing in this demented character?


Well Known GateFan

What the flying HELL does this has to do with the *story* of either Hannibal, or Dexter??
Dexter has AMAZING storytelling, especially at the start. I don't LIKE the subject matter especially, but that does not detract from the skill of the writers. You guys are way too quick to dismiss something as "crap. shit or rooted" simply because you don't like the window dressing.
Frankly, its small minded, and pathetic.
Billions of people do not like sci-fi yet the stories it tells resonate with people, they just don't like the sci-fi window dressing.
I would tell you to grow up, but it's too late for that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
What the flying HELL does this has to do with the *story* of either Hannibal, or Dexter??
Dexter has AMAZING storytelling, especially at the start. I don't LIKE the subject matter especially, but that does not detract from the skill of the writers. You guys are way too quick to dismiss something as "crap. shit or rooted" simply because you don't like the window dressing.
Frankly, its small minded, and pathetic.
Billions of people do not like sci-fi yet the stories it tells resonate with people, they just don't like the sci-fi window dressing.
I would tell you to grow up, but it's too late for that.

Huh? Dexter is a serial killer. Who the hell cares about the story, no matter how good the storytelling is. Many people have an issue with the premise of the show (like myself) and will not watch it. Same with Hannibal. I dont give a fritz about the writing or the story being employed in the show. So, if we tell a romantic comedy about Charles Manson, I am supposed to judge it on the merit of the writing? I dont think so. No compromize. Zero tolerance.


Well Known GateFan
Huh? Dexter is a serial killer. Who the hell cares about the story, no matter how good the storytelling is. Many people have an issue with the premise of the show (like myself) and will not watch it. Same with Hannibal. I dont give a fritz about the writing or the story being employed in the show. So, if we tell a romantic comedy about Charles Manson, I am supposed to judge it on the merit of the writing? I dont think so. No compromize. Zero tolerance.

By that standard, anything you consider "good" is on "open season" to be dickish.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
By that standard, anything you consider "good" is on "open season" to be dickish.


Im saying that no matter how you dress up "serial killer" or "psychopath", it will never be palatable. I dont care who they get to play the person or who the writers are. I never want those lines blurred, and I don't ever want to be desensitized to the utter scum that are serial killers. Absolutely NO entertainment value in that for me.


Well Known GateFan

Im saying that no matter how you dress up "serial killer" or "psychopath", it will never be palatable. I dont care who they get to play the person or who the writers are. I never want those lines blurred, and I don't ever want to be desensitized to the utter scum that are serial killers. Absolutely NO entertainment value in that for me.

And you can dress up a starship captain, or a spurned lover, or whatever.
I am not talking about "palatable", I am not a Dexter or Hannibal fan, but I can still appreciate good writing.
Again, you like it, so it is "ok" but when you don't, it's not.
ST:TOS writing blew DOGS, it was SHIT, it was CRAP, it was CHILDISH and PATHETIC.
It *still* launched more stuff than I could even try to say because it *resonated* with people. A bad man seeking justice? It *resonates* as well.

Does what ST did have far more hope?
Yup, no denying it.
Does that make it *better*??

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
And you can dress up a starship captain, or a spurned lover, or whatever.
I am not talking about "palatable", I am not a Dexter or Hannibal fan, but I can still appreciate good writing.
Again, you like it, so it is "ok" but when you don't, it's not.
ST:TOS writing blew DOGS, it was SHIT, it was CRAP, it was CHILDISH and PATHETIC.
It *still* launched more stuff than I could even try to say because it *resonated* with people. A bad man seeking justice? It *resonates* as well.

Does what ST did have far more hope?
Yup, no denying it.
Does that make it *better*??

Not a good comparison. What Dexter and Hannibal and Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy do is to take the dregs of society, people who kill and steal and lie and betray...then turn them into "good guys" by making them the central focus of the show. I have a problem with that. They take a turd and coat it with frosting and make a show about it. Star Trek TOS being shit or crap or childish or pathetic does not put it in the category of psychopathic or sociopathic or demented. Star Trek is not about a pervert (even TOS. :)) Misogynistic, idealistic, sure. Cannot be compared to Dexter or Hannibal.

BTW, this applies to Hannibal movies or any future Dexter movie.
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Well Known GateFan
Not a good comparison.
No, it's a GREAT comparison, because they are stories, YOU just like one more than another.
What Dexter and Hannibal and Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy do is to take the dregs of society, people who kill and steal and lie and betray...then turn them into "good guys" by making them the central focus of the show.
They are not "good guys", nor do they *try* to be good guys, they try to be understandable, and they tell the story *well*
I have a problem with that.
You have a "problem" with it!!!

They take a turd and coat it with frosting and make a show about it. Star Trek TOS being shit or crap or childish or pathetic does not put it in the category of psychopathic or sociopathic or demented. Star Trek is not about a pervert (even TOS. :). Misogynistic, idealistic, sure. Cannot be compared to Dexter or Hannibal.
You keep saying that. ST is about the human condition, so is Dexter. You just don't like the perspective from which it tells it's story.

BTW, this applies to Hannibal movies or any future Dexter movie.
Look, I can't say I am a fan of the direction these shows take, but I will not say "that's crap cause I don't like it"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No, it's a GREAT comparison, because they are stories, YOU just like one more than another.

They are not "good guys", nor do they *try* to be good guys, they try to be understandable, and they tell the story *well*

You have a "problem" with it!!!

You keep saying that. ST is about the human condition, so is Dexter. You just don't like the perspective from which it tells it's story.

Look, I can't say I am a fan of the direction these shows take, but I will not say "that's crap cause I don't like it"

I get what you are saying. I really do. But the fact that these shows are telling me the story from the perspective of the turds of society does not make it any more acceptable to me than seeing them in real life. Why should I be interested in seeing a story from the perspective of a serial killer, murderer, cannibal, pedophile, gang member, etc? Dexter is NOT about the human condition. It is about a serial killer...a very tiny, yet exceptionally demented variety of psychopath, and they are found mostly concentrated within a specific demographic of males worldwide. Its NOT the human condition at all.

The perspective of the story of a serial killer is irrelevant. Its the subject matter I find repulsive.


Well Known GateFan
I get what you are saying. I really do. But the fact that these shows are telling me the story from the perspective of the turds of society does not make it any more acceptable to me than seeing them in real life.
No, you *don't* "get what I am saying", if you did, you would not say that. All you are saying is "turds have no value", think about that net time you have a good shit.
Why should I be interested in seeing a story from the perspective of a serial killer, murderer, cannibal, pedophile, gang member, etc?
I am not "interested" in it either, but I will not "make statements" about stuff I don't watch either.
Dexter is NOT about the human condition. It is about a serial killer...a very tiny, yet exceptionally demented variety of psychopath, and they are found mostly concentrated within a specific demographic of males worldwide. Its NOT the human condition at all.
It's not about humans, just a small percentage of humans??
Are you nuts??

The perspective of the story of a serial killer is irrelevant. Its the subject matter I find repulsive.
That's fine, and it's the same reason I don't watch it all the time.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No, you *don't* "get what I am saying", if you did, you would not say that. All you are saying is "turds have no value", think about that net time you have a good shit.

You know what I mean. Do you want to watch a show about the life of a turd? Do you want to be made to feel sorry for it when it gets flushed? That is what I mean.

I am not "interested" in it either, but I will not "make statements" about stuff I don't watch either.

I can respect that. :) But I did watch Dexter Sons of Anarchy. Three episodes of it. Also Breaking Bad.

It's not about humans, just a small percentage of humans??
Are you nuts??

Its not about the "human condition" (your words). Nobody is going to be able to "relate" to a serial killer...a real one. They will see Dexter as a fantasy like any comic book or fantasy hero, and never connect it with what "serial killer" means. I find it offensive.

That's fine, and it's the same reason I don't watch it all the time.

Of course! I know Im in the minority. Im no more special than any other average Joe. Im just outspoken. :) That doesn't ever mean Im right or that my opinion counts more than anyone else. Just sayin!
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Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Yes, the theme they suggest is demented psychopathology. How is this at all entertaining?

Watch the series before passing judgment. You may actually enjoy it. :D

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Not a good comparison. What Dexter and Hannibal and Breaking Bad and Sons of Anarchy do is to take the dregs of society, people who kill and steal and lie and betray...then turn them into "good guys" by making them the central focus of the show.

You're overreaching with your assumptions.

Dude, you smoke pot. You even grow it at home. If you lead with that, by most people's standards, that's enough to write you off as a drug addict and be done with you. However, if they took a moment to get their heads out of their asses and get to know you, it's a completely different story. You're intelligent, articulate, professional, generous, fun and generally a really good person.

These shows don't glamorize the subject matter. Walter White does not become a drug kingpin living in a mansion with fast cars and women around him. Dexter doesn't dawn a cape and the serial killer persona is not adored and beloved by those who know of him. SOA does not make one want to run out and join a biker gang. It's just really good story telling.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
It's not about humans, just a small percentage of humans??
Are you nuts??

Yeah, that one threw me off, too. :icon_lol:

You won't get your point across. OM1 judges a book by its cover and it ends there. He'll even judge people by their cover. Look at the thread where he criticized my choice in friends and even suggested it's because I respect what they did in the past because, as you know, you can't possibly be friends with someone unless you like 100% of everything they've ever done, said or thought. :D

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
You know what I mean. Do you want to watch a show about the life of a turd? Do you want to be made to feel sorry for it when it gets flushed? That is what I mean.

I can respect that. :) But I did watch Dexter. Three episodes of it. Also Breaking Bad and SoA.

Come on, man. First you saw the pilot then the first two episodes now three? Which episodes of BB or SOA did you watch? The last two I recall you saying you caught a random episode. You can't just jump into the middle of a serial and expect to like it.

Its not about the "human condition" (your words). Nobody is going to be able to "relate" to a serial killer...a real one. They will see Dexter as a fantasy like any comic book or fantasy hero, and never connect it with what "serial killer" means. I find it offensive.

One relates to an internal struggle or conflict. His demon is his urge to kill. His urges are more like a metaphor for addition as he tries to cope with understanding emotions and controlling his urges while balancing a family and a social life. The story is not about a senseless serial killer.

Of course! I know Im in the minority. Im no more special than any other average Joe. Im just outspoken. :) That doesn't ever mean Im right or that my opinion counts more than anyone else. Just sayin!

You're judgmental, brother. You'll pass judgment on anything or anyone simply based on window dressing.