Apples Applies For Wireless Charging Patent -- Wait, They Didn't Invent It!


Council Member & Author

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Apple used to be the rebel's brand symbolizing the fight against the machine. Now they ARE the machine. Frankly, I hope Apple finds itself in Blackberry's shoes someday soon and dies.


Council Member & Author
Apple used to be the rebel's brand symbolizing the fight against the machine. Now they ARE the machine. Frankly, I hope Apple finds itself in Blackberry's shoes someday soon and dies.
I'm disgusted by Apple's avarice. They have so much money now, they don't know what to do with it, but they still want to own the world. Well, at least split it between themselves and the "(Don't) Be Evil" folks at Google.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
I'm disgusted by Apple's avarice. They have so much money now, they don't know what to do with it, but they still want to own the world. Well, at least split it between themselves and the "(Don't) Be Evil" folks at Google.

Haven't you heard? They hate Google, too. Apple wants the whole pie to itself.


Council Member & Author
Haven't you heard? They hate Google, too. Apple wants the whole pie to itself.
The teardown on the newest iMac simply shows that Apple's into having you buy entirely new equipment, rather than simply upgrading what you have. Of course, to one degree or another, that's always been the case with Apple.

I use a homegrown PC that changes out bits and pieces as time goes on and really prefer things that way.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
How much more idiocy must we endure before they revamp the patent office? How do they qualify employees of the patent office? Is the minimum requirement a high school diploma, at the very least?


Objects may be closer than they appear
Dwight Schrute already solved this problem...


Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
How much more idiocy must we endure before they revamp the patent office? How do they qualify employees of the patent office? Is the minimum requirement a high school diploma, at the very least?

A friend knew of someone who worked for the patent office. The employee of the patent office was a patent attorney.


What ship is this?
Staff member
I suspect both patents are dead in the water. Qualcomm and its partners have an open and close case of prior art on the wireless charging one and the other one is too moronic to comprehend.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
A friend knew of someone who worked for the patent office. The employee of the patent office was a patent attorney.

So, incompetence? Loose guidelines? They can't all be patent attorneys. I can't imagine the depths of stupidity required to allow patents on shapes.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
So, incompetence? Loose guidelines? They can't all be patent attorneys. I can't imagine the depths of stupidity required to allow patents on shapes.

Patent attorneys (should) know patent law, not science or engineering or anything relevant to invention.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Patent attorneys (should) know patent law, not science or engineering or anything relevant to invention.

Common sense. A rectangle not only qualifies for the obviousness rule but also has prior art dating back to Babylonia.


Well Known GateFan
Common sense. A rectangle not only qualifies for the obviousness rule but also has prior art dating back to Babylonia.

If I can prove my genetic heritage is the babylonian "inventor" or a rectangle, can I sue?
Better question, If my heritage includes the first artist to have the "bitten apple" design, can I take over Apple or at least claim copyright infingement?


Council Member & Author
If I can prove my genetic heritage is the babylonian "inventor" or a rectangle, can I sue?
Better question, If my heritage includes the first artist to have the "bitten apple" design, can I take over Apple or at least claim copyright infingement?
Apple already got into a pissing match with Apple Corp (created by The Beatles in the mid-60's, I believe) over the Apple logo several years ago. I think that Apple wanted to own it outright, and Apple Corp said "no way" in creative British slang. I think they have come to some kind of accommodation, by this time, though.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Thanks for the correction. I had that backward. I blame diminished capacity, as I've been so focused on getting the book completed.

Still happy that Apple had to pay something to SOMEone, for a change.

You're partly right, though. Apple did manage to piss off the Beatles on a few occasions by not sticking to the agreement. :icon_lol: