Downloading episode 2 of Season 4 now....
I liked this show up until this season, and I was willing to forgive cheesy dialogue and unlikely scenarios. But Lexi ruined all of that, along with the undefined "alien threat". My favorite actor in this show has to be the guy that plays Ben (Connor Jessup). He is actually a very good actor. His relationship with his younger brother Matt is exactly what the brotherly relationship should be. Very convincing. And all of the other dumb dialogue they have given him, he has done the best he can with it. Square jawed (but 2-dimensional) Hal is not convincing in his role. Tom does okay, but his persona puts me in My Three Sons mode. Anne Glass went from interesting Doctor/genius, to emotional wreck, whiny Star Mommy. Maggie is there...but she has nothing to do. They will most likely play on her body again, perhaps have her standing around in a camisole at some random moment. Weaver, they just ruined him this year. It is about time to kill him off. Pope, he is okay, but they need to make him direct his anger towards the aliens and stop with the infighting.
I hate it when they do this to a decent show.
So, I am preparing to watch episode 2.