North Woods Law


The Belle of the Ball
I recently discovered North Woods Law on animalplanet while channel surfing. I admit it's now become a guilty pleasure...why? well being from the western mountains of Maine this series is set in the backyard of my childhood. I have seen people I know (:facepalm: ok getting cited for violations) and places I am very familiar with! It's been fun to watch the game wardens drive past my high school and through my small home town. Because Maine is sparsely populated with a lot (and I mean A LOT) of hunting and fishing going on, the game wardens are in more of a law enforcement role than they are elsewhere. Sometimes the only "help" in a crisis you can get comes from a game warden. they investigate boating/hunting accidents, will be the ones who drag rivers for suspected bodies, and find a pot grower's stash in the mountains. It's interesting and a walk down memory lane for me (as well as a reminder of how far from my past I am :) ).


Well Known GateFan
So you've finally admitted your still a schoolgirl eh Rac............ :lol:


Objects may be closer than they appear
Wait - this show highlights the dragging of rivers for bodies near Rac's hometown? How many bodies did Rac leave behind? :eek: :D


The Belle of the Ball
too many to count honey! ;) actually they were dragging the river for the little girl who went missing in Waterville Maine (about 100 miles from my hometown) last december. They still haven't found a trace of the child. :(