Can the syfy channel survive mgm's bankruptcy?


GateFans Noob
Looking at the situation MGM will be restructured. But what happens if they decide the whole channel is just too expensive to continue operating? Is this unrealistic?


Syfy is owned by NBC Universal. The only connection between Syfy & MGM is a contract to air the show.

Red Mage

The Syfy channel is separate from MGM. Syfy is owned by NBC Universal while MGM is not part of that conglomerate as far as I know. Outside of ordering some shows made by MGM like Stargate, the two have very little to do with each other.


Looks like we all answered the question around the same time.


GateFans Noob
What are the chances, with only two, maybe three successful shows, that the channel itself can survive? I know I don't like the rebranding. And with the loss of viewers they lose ratings which loses money. Will NBC stand behind this channel if they continue to lose viewers? Can ghost hunters, Eureka, Sanctuary and Warehouse keep this channel afloat? After the losses of SG-1 and Atlantis the channel is obviously looking for ways to make cheap progamming. Doesn't that mean they are hurting for cash? If they are, when does NBC tighten the purse strings, or have they already begun to do that? Mary knows best is a perfect example of a show that takes almost no money to run when compared to sg or eureka. Just spinning...trying to understand the methodology to the madness.


What its getting from showing wrestling will be more enough to keep them afloat. Its in no danger.


GateFans Noob
There are much worse channels than SyFy that keep going and going and going. SyFy makes money so it will continue in some form. No worries there.