BENSON and MOORHEAD Films; subtle time travel masterpieces


Well Known GateFan
BENSON and MOORHEAD, these two men have made 4 semi, sorta connected in theme, films that I love.

Of course I loved THE PENITENT MAN as well, and I don't even know if anywhere here has ever watched it yet :)

SYNCHRONIC (2020) is the latest starring Anthony Mackie (FALCON and WINTER SOLDIER, ALTERED CARBON, more) and Jamie Dornan (FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, THE FALL, more)

in brief without spoilers, its about 2 life long friends who work as paramedics. They begin to go on calls where people are coming down from strange highs and have strange wounds that don't fit their surroundings.

I had previously made a post somewhere about another of their films called THE ENDLESS where Benson and Moorhead also star as in the dua lead roles as brothers who return to a commune where they grew up as orphans

the other two in the tetralogy I have not yet seen but they are titled, RESOLUTION and SPRING

none of these films have much in the way of SFX, and the earlier ones are fairly 'low budget' but, imo damn well made with the money they had

and you know that the Industry thinks well of them when two well known and talented actors are working well below their pay grade in the latest film SYNCHRONIC. These two filmmakers deserve the attention of a bigger studio that can back them with a bigger production-- if they want it that is

Anthony Mackie is excellent in this film

SYNCHRONIC and THE ENDLESS are available on NETFLIX and Prime. I believe all 4 films are available on HULU



What ship is this?
Staff member
Looks interesting!


Well Known GateFan
Looks interesting!
if you did watch penitent man or maybe the series DARK like me and @Lord Ba'al did, these films, at least the ones i have seen, are kind of like that

not a lot of SFX/CGI. and ENDLESS had some Lovecraftian elements in it for good measure i guess