William Shatner confirms: I will not be in Star Trek 2



I only watched the movies up to Undiscovered Country and I didn't really enjoy that one. Didn't see Generations though. I always liked Shatner in the role maybe in exception of the first Star Trek movie where he acted bit too much like beurecrat and the sixth movie where he sounded bit rasistic at times (the whole over the top Klingon hate, wtf), but it was explained it was because some scenes, dialogue was cut, so that makes sense.

I think the fourth Star Trek movie was rather funny, but then again it was very cliched story wise and I personally prefer Search for Spock out of the movies, don't ask me why.

I would recommend you watch the TNG movies, including Generations. Even though Bluce did not like the merits of the movie I believe even he found the movie itself to be entertaining, Am I correct Bluce?


The Belle of the Ball
Generations, Massive fail IMHO.

I thought they ended his character horribly and Generations should be struck from canon. That being said, I also have no desire to see him return.

It was enjoyable but you can't deny the whole movie was a hodge podge. They tried to cram too much into a single movie and make too many things happen. It was badly written, disorganized, they apparently lacked the budget to give everyone one set of uniforms and the whole thing with Kirk riding a horse out of the Nexus to punch out Soren in the typical ST painfully unchoreographed fight scene was sad, all leading to the grand finale that was Piccard burying Kirk under a pile of rocks like a dead gold fish in spite of the fact that he had traveled time, was a legend, and should have had a proper Star Fleet hero's burial.

To me, Generations was enjoyable like Galaxy Quest was enjoyable, on its own merit and not necessarily as part of any real sci-fi canon. But, because TPTB forced that square peg into the round hole that is ST canon, it's not the case.

Without it, they would have jumped straight to First Contact which, IMO, was the best TNG movie. What they should have done is open that huge ST Universe Continuum bible of theirs and force all the "writers" (term used loosely) to double check their work before turning in their high school essays which eventually were all glued together and became the Generations movie we saw. :(

Someone should also have told them to stick to one uniform. I have no idea how the heck that film made it to the can in its final cut without anyone saying, "what the hell are we doing?"

They should have just written a better movie instead of hodge podging Generations. :icon_lol:

They borrowed the uniforms tailored for cast members on DS9. You can see that Riker's uniform didn't fit him if you watch the video closely. It's even mentioned here:


They were supposed to get a new uniform but Berman nixed them last minute and they decided, instead, to use a colorful mixed collage of DS9 and TNG uniforms.


People went to see the movie in droves not because it was good but because they were starving for anything Trek. After all, TNG left the airwaves purposely at a ratings peak to keep the hype in preparation for a series of movies that would focus on maximizing franchise revenues and have little regard for quality and continuity.

They tossed the Trek bible out the window for this movie and broke so many golden rules of writing just to get it out the door cheaply with a dumb story that was written not because they wanted to tell a good story but because they wanted to cram all that crap they did into one movie. :(


Sure I can. They could have made another movie altogether instead of Generations. :D

See, that's the same sort of logic the SGU camp likes to argue. Maybe SGU was the "Generations" that would have led to the "First Contact" of SG but it didn't work out that way and none of us accepted it. Maybe we were wrong about SGU and were too tough on it and should have just accepted it for what it was, looking at the bigger picture, but I still don't feel that to be true. :( It doesn't make us fans who shot ourselves in the foot. It just means we didn't get what we wanted, what we expected and within the parameters of the universe the legacy established. They just took our show, mashed it in a blender, got amateur high school prize winning writers and slapped a show in our faces with a big SG sticker on it and told us to eat it and be thankful. :(

I'm not nit picking details. I think the entire movie was so badly put together with so many contrived situations that it stunk to high heavens. More often than not, the small details can make or break the whole movie.

Nevertheless, I still found it entertaining as a "what if?" sort of movie (i.e. what if the writers / producers took a dump on ST?).

I like to think of Generations as the "Who Short JR" of Star Trek, which turns out to be a bad dream for whichever crew member experienced it. Only a dream can contain so much nonsense put together in one sequence with complete disregard for the reality it represented.


Multigreens my friend. I too am one who isn't a fan of generations for all of the reasons you stated and more. I actually like First Contact (and I am NOT a TNG fan) but this one rates just above the final frontier and Nemesis at the bottom of the list. I was quite pleased that Shanter wrote a book called the Return (an excellent book) to give us back Kirk after his ignoble death at the hands of the pathetic Soren (Malcom McDwell did not make a good super-villian in that movie!). :facepalm: