Stargate - The Next Generation


GateFans Noob
After throwing the SG/A fanbase in the garbage (thats after snatching their wallets of course) I bet TPTB have blown the movie deal altogether. I believe that the momentum they had a year ago for a movie has just fizzled. Are you really going to capture the SGoo demographic (small as it is) for a movie on "the old stuff"?

Sure the actors still tell the fans what they want to hear, it's work for them as well. But I think every year SG/A is off the air the fanbase diminishes and the prospect for another movie along with it.

A few bad omens are; Coop leaving, although he may be "available" for special projects. Disposing of sets and props. Actors getting committed to other projects. MGM circling the drain. The Stargate fanzine exiting the business. And the worst omen of all is the current production machine becoming attuned to producing the SGU slop and being unable to return to normal production values for a movie.

If someone was selling me this project I'd dismiss it as being 90's. Like selling disco today. We're looking at an idea over a quarter century old, and based on a theatric release. I'd be looking for a larger audience and it's pretty clear the SGoo group are just brain dead zombies. The biggest sci-fi demographic in the future will be those of us waiting for a Star Trek series based on the movie to re-start. Remember the ST PTB never alienated (pun) their fanbase by screwing them over with something as horrible as SGoo. It's pretty clear that the sci-fi audience has become immensely fractured and unable to provide a hit series. The 500 channel universe has guaranteed that. Can you really produce sci-fi for one million viewers a week? Of course DVD and international sales bump that figure.

So I think this movie talk at this point is just well intentioned fan-bait. Telling the older SG/A fanbase what they want to hear while committing to SGoo as an all or nothing deal.

I think they are going to end up with nothing in the end. As are we.


GateFans Noob
Michael Shanks said a while back that he doubt the SG1 movie to be made too. I recall the writers of the original stargate were always thinking of doing a sequel. It would look at other mythologies not the Egyptian. I would love to see that made. Perhaps that would light a better fire than rebooting the stargate shows.


GateFans Noob
JoMo changes his tune

Back on March 11, 2009, when SGA movie script was being worked on & SGU was in its infacy, JoMo insisted that:

Masterchief writes: “Will SGU’s performance influence the production of the movies, especially the Atlantis movie?”
Answer: SGU’s performance has no connection to the Atlantis movie. If it did, then that would mean we wouldn’t be shooting the movie until 2010 since there is talk of SGU premiering in the fall.

Now, on September 12, 2010, it's all about SGU performance:

Lewis writes: “…if SGU goes off the air after this season then there won’t be any Stargate programming going on. And if the lights are out at the studio then that means nothing is being filmed… not a TV show, not a movie, not even any behind-the-scenes antics. However if Universe does get renewed for a 3rd season, because of good ratings during Season 2, then that means that the ball keeps rolling… it greater increases the possibility of Stargate movies.”

Answer: And that pretty much sums it up. Some fans are under the delusion that an end to SGU will mean a return of Atlantis as a series or, at the very least, a fast-tracking of the Atlantis movie. In fact, the opposite is true. First of all, there are no circumstances by which Atlantis would return for a sixth season. As nice as it would be to see all those story ideas we’d filed away go to script and, ultimately, into production, it can’t happen – and anyone who claims otherwise is either clueless or lying. Given recent developments, the outlook for both the SG-1 and Atlantis movies has improved, and will continue to improve so long as Stargate: Universe continues strong.


Answer: And that pretty much sums it up. Some fans are under the delusion that an end to SGU will mean a return of Atlantis as a series or, at the very least, a fast-tracking of the Atlantis movie. In fact, the opposite is true. First of all, there are no circumstances by which Atlantis would return for a sixth season. As nice as it would be to see all those story ideas we’d filed away go to script and, ultimately, into production, it can’t happen – and anyone who claims otherwise is either clueless or lying. Given recent developments, the outlook for both the SG-1 and Atlantis movies has improved, and will continue to improve so long as Stargate: Universe continues strong.

There JMozz goes with that bribe again.


GateFans Noob
The only movie that I look forward to is the proposed sequel to the original Stargate movie by Roland Emmerich.
Although I doubt the original actors will return ...

I'd love to see the Atlantis movie being made with a different set of writers, they need new ideas fast. Stargate Continuum felt too much like Mobieus (SG 1) to my taste.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yes I read about them.

The only movie that I look forward to is the proposed sequel to the original Stargate movie by Roland Emmerich.
Although I doubt the original actors will return ...

I'd love to see the Atlantis movie being made with a different set of writers, they need new ideas fast. Stargate Continuum felt too much like Mobieus (SG 1) to my taste.

I read about this, and its TWO sequels, not just one! Here are a couple of articles regarding that:

"So it's interesting now that both Devlin and Emmerich are talking about a sequel to the now 15-year old Stargate movie that started it all. The idea would be for there to be two sequels, creating a big-screen Stargate trilogy. Apparently, according to Devlin, that was always the plan. They're saying that both films would take place in that year between the end of the film and the start of the series, so they wouldn't tread on any of the continuity established."

Last Friday, Emmerich said: "It was probably good that we never did these sequels, because it forced us always to do something new. ... In general, I'm not a big fan of sequels. I'm just not a big fan of sequels. Because it's very rare that a sequel really works for me. Like, for instance, Aliens was a great sequel. But most of the time they're kind of a lesser version of the first one."
Another consideration: Russell is now 58 and Spader is a rotund 49 (as anyone who's seen him on Boston Legal can attest), and that may be a bit long in the tooth.
Not to say they couldn't recast, though, and it would be fascinating to see how Emmerich and Devlin's Stargate mythology would have diverged from the elaborate universe we've seen developed in the TV shows.

I would be excited about Stargate sequels, but NOT if they used James Spader or Kurt Russell. They are too old for the parts and it would ruin it for me like the last Indiana Jones movie with Harrison Ford did. Sorta like it would if William Shatner tried to reprise his role as James Kirk in the newest Star Trek. Spock was done well with the old and new Spock. But having them IN the sequels might be okay. At least Spader could be on Abydos. Russell could be a General...but I hope they do these movies, because it would again center the Stargate franchise. But it has to be after these clowns writing SGU are fired and gone.


GateFans Noob
Yeah, unfortunately people like Kurt Russel (call me Snake) and the likes of Harrison Ford, Steven Seagal, etc. are just too damn old for this stuff. Often by the time you're a brand name actor with a few big movies age starts to eliminate you from the action. Go look at RDA in Season One SG. And now?

The problem with a sequel or more movies is that it's an ensemble cast. All or most or nothing. With SGU you could dump any number of them and it wouldn't matter a bit. Bringing SG/A would require some planning far in advance to get people together. Anyway Coop is gone and Wright will be tarred and feathered shortly so I can't see them getting their act together. They really destroyed the franchise with this stupid little stunt of theirs. The Experiment.

edit - hahahah the Overmind got the same points down before I posted.