ST 4 Directed by a Woman (who cares?)

S.J. Clarkson is going to direct ST 4. She's the first female to direct a ST film although other women have directed episodes in the various TV series. Various media outlets are making a big deal about this but it seems to be much ado about nothing in my estimation. I'm more concerned about the fact that the script for #4 involves another lame time travel plot: Kirk meets his deceased father. :rolleye0014: The whole thing seems gimmicky, like they simply want to shoehorn Chris Hemsworth into a role because he's popular right now.

At any rate, lots of people are assuming this selection of a female director signals a SJW template for the movie. I don't know that that's the case to be honest. We're gonna have to wait and see how it turns out.

BTW, here's the pic from the Variety article. :icon_lol::


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is going to make the relative failure of Beyond look like a success. SJW agendas do not play in Star Trek, which was already quite socially aware when it was created. It's pretty much dead now. Somehow, it reminds me of the T-Bird from Ford. Why? When it came out in 1955, it started a fan following which kept the model alive for more than 20 years. By the time it was only 10 years old, the original small roadster had become a GINORMOUS land barge sharing much of it's underpinnings with the Lincoln Mark 4 and Town Car and was nothing like the original. Then, they tried to revive it into the two seat roadster it started out as, but it just was a desperate move and failed fatally. Star Trek, as much as it has been a part of my life, is now dead. :(
This is going to make the relative failure of Beyond look like a success. SJW agendas do not play in Star Trek, which was already quite socially aware when it was created. It's pretty much dead now. Somehow, it reminds me of the T-Bird from Ford. Why? When it came out in 1955, it started a fan following which kept the model alive for more than 20 years. By the time it was only 10 years old, the original small roadster had become a GINORMOUS land barge sharing much of it's underpinnings with the Lincoln Mark 4 and Town Car and was nothing like the original. Then, they tried to revive it into the two seat roadster it started out as, but it just was a desperate move and failed fatally. Star Trek, as much as it has been a part of my life, is now dead. :(

I'm hoping this director just comes in and does a good job. The fact that she has a vagina means nothing to me and quite frankly it's annoying that there's so much emphasis put on it. What's important is if she knows the source material and respects it. Using Star Trek as a SJW vehicle will be the wrong way to go. At this point there's no way to tell if that's the direction she will take, so fingers crossed she doesn't muck it up.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I'm hoping this director just comes in and does a good job. The fact that she has a vagina means nothing to me and quite frankly it's annoying that there's so much emphasis put on it. What's important is if she knows the source material and respects it. Using Star Trek as a SJW vehicle will be the wrong way to go. At this point there's no way to tell if that's the direction she will take, so fingers crossed she doesn't muck it up.

What happened with Tarantino and Pegg I wonder?
What happened with Tarantino and Pegg I wonder?

I think the Tarantino thing is still in the works but will come later. Although that could have just been Hollywood hype to begin with and/or his price was too high and they chose someone else. Maybe it will happen with him and maybe it won't. Personally I don't like the idea of letting someone like Tarantino experiment with Star Trek. They don't need to get all gimmicky and edgy. Just give us some classic Trek and we'll be happy.


Earl Grey

S.J. Clarkson is going to direct ST 4. She's the first female to direct a ST film although other women have directed episodes in the various TV series. Various media outlets are making a big deal about this but it seems to be much ado about nothing in my estimation. I'm more concerned about the fact that the script for #4 involves another lame time travel plot: Kirk meets his deceased father. :rolleye0014: The whole thing seems gimmicky, like they simply want to shoehorn Chris Hemsworth into a role because he's popular right now.

At any rate, lots of people are assuming this selection of a female director signals a SJW template for the movie. I don't know that that's the case to be honest. We're gonna have to wait and see how it turns out.

BTW, here's the pic from the Variety article. :icon_lol::

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This is going to make the relative failure of Beyond look like a success. SJW agendas do not play in Star Trek, which was already quite socially aware when it was created. It's pretty much dead now. Somehow, it reminds me of the T-Bird from Ford. Why? When it came out in 1955, it started a fan following which kept the model alive for more than 20 years. By the time it was only 10 years old, the original small roadster had become a GINORMOUS land barge sharing much of it's underpinnings with the Lincoln Mark 4 and Town Car and was nothing like the original. Then, they tried to revive it into the two seat roadster it started out as, but it just was a desperate move and failed fatally. Star Trek, as much as it has been a part of my life, is now dead. :(
There are two Star Trek Films but let's see how it is. It could be good and infact better than JJ Abrams.

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Last I read Tarantino is working on some Hollywood movie, meaning Once Upon a Time in Hollywood or something like that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

EXCELLENT news. Hopefully, this means no more dumb Kelvinverse. Now, if we can lose Abrams and Kurtzman and anyone remotely associated with them, we could get Star Trek back. If Paramount thinks that the Star Trek fanbase is going to start an online petition or fly a plane over their offices trying to save it, they better think again. :)


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Everything I am hearing tells me that Star Trek 4 is probably a no go. There will be no more Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, no Chris Hemsworth, and Chekhov's actor died. Its like the film is cursed. Besides that, the downward trajectory of the Abrams Kelvinverse films is not a winning prospect for Star Trek on the big screen. Add that to Discovery failing and the desertion of the fanbase, and all of the NuTrek stuff is showing cracks. GOOD. Unfortunately, we are stuck with Kurtzman for the next 5 years so for me Star Trek is dead until then.
Everything I am hearing tells me that Star Trek 4 is probably a no go. There will be no more Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, no Chris Hemsworth, and Chekhov's actor died. Its like the film is cursed. Besides that, the downward trajectory of the Abrams Kelvinverse films is not a winning prospect for Star Trek on the big screen. Add that to Discovery failing and the desertion of the fanbase, and all of the NuTrek stuff is showing cracks. GOOD. Unfortunately, we are stuck with Kurtzman for the next 5 years so for me Star Trek is dead until then.

Hopefully that 5 years will go quickly.


Earl Grey
Everything I am hearing tells me that Star Trek 4 is probably a no go. There will be no more Chris Pine as Captain Kirk, no Chris Hemsworth, and Chekhov's actor died. Its like the film is cursed. Besides that, the downward trajectory of the Abrams Kelvinverse films is not a winning prospect for Star Trek on the big screen. Add that to Discovery failing and the desertion of the fanbase, and all of the NuTrek stuff is showing cracks. GOOD. Unfortunately, we are stuck with Kurtzman for the next 5 years so for me Star Trek is dead until then.
I think it's dead.
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but then again, I'll think they'll shit out a 4th one eventually.

The guys in the video you linked in the STD thread seem to think so also. They're predicting that Chris Pine will be replaced as Kirk and the story about Kirk meeting his father (Chris Hemsworth) will be dropped and they'll go with something else. These guys posit that Paramount thinks it can still make a lot of money from Trek movies so they will definitely do another one. I guess time will tell.

*I'm kind of surprised that they're not willing to pay Chris Pine the contracted $6 million for a production that, with marketing costs, will exceed $200 million. I can't imagine that all the principal actors make that much per film. Regardless, payroll is part of the budget and they should have figured that out a long time ago. And more importantly, why should Pine be penalized for the poor performance of ST Beyond? It was the writing that was to blame for it being a failure at the box office. It was not the fault of the cast who actually are pretty good at their jobs. (Pegg is a little heavy handed as "Scotty".)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The guys in the video you linked in the STD thread seem to think so also. They're predicting that Chris Pine will be replaced as Kirk and the story about Kirk meeting his father (Chris Hemsworth) will be dropped and they'll go with something else. These guys posit that Paramount thinks it can still make a lot of money from Trek movies so they will definitely do another one. I guess time will tell.

*I'm kind of surprised that they're not willing to pay Chris Pine the contracted $6 million for a production that, with marketing costs, will exceed $200 million. I can't imagine that all the principal actors make that much per film. Regardless, payroll is part of the budget and they should have figured that out a long time ago. And more importantly, why should Pine be penalized for the poor performance of ST Beyond? It was the writing that was to blame for it being a failure at the box office. It was not the fault of the cast who actually are pretty good at their jobs. (Pegg is a little heavy handed as "Scotty".)

Pegg ruined Beyond and he ruined Scotty. His take on Scotty is too juvenile and too shallow. Scotty was an engineer, and we saw countless times that he kept things in his head such as the molecular formula for transparent aluminum, he was a master of transporter technology, warp theory, many other things. I think B'Elanna Torres had him outdone in the brains department, but Pegg's Scotty was just that dude in class who made all the jokes, put the glue in the teacher's chair, and got too drunk at parties.
Pegg ruined Beyond and he ruined Scotty. His take on Scotty is too juvenile and too shallow. Scotty was an engineer, and we saw countless times that he kept things in his head such as the molecular formula for transparent aluminum, he was a master of transporter technology, warp theory, many other things. I think B'Elanna Torres had him outdone in the brains department, but Pegg's Scotty was just that dude in class who made all the jokes, put the glue in the teacher's chair, and got too drunk at parties.

Yes, I agree. I was being kind when I said Pegg was "a little heavy handed as Scotty". In truth he seems to be doing a caricature of the character if that makes sense. His version of Scotty is heavily exaggerated and done with too much comic effect. Scotty shouldn't be crackin' jokes and making snarky observations as much as Pegg's version does. I'm not saying he should be humorless, but he should at least be serious enough that we believe him in the role of Starfleet engineer.