SGU Season 1 - Amazon reviews



Micah Brown said:
This review is from: Stargate Universe - SGU: Season 1.5 [Blu-ray]
Series half decent. These half series are a rip off!, June 18, 2010
I have been a huge fan of the SG1 and SGA series since they began. I was really looking forward to the SGU series. Some of the episodes seem decent. BUT (beware of the BIG BUT here) Syfy (which I still hate the name change but that is another matter) decided to take this epic series franchise in a different direction which was to capitalize off of the Battle Star Gallactica mode of filming. They chose to take a great type of filming, which had quite a bit of comedic timing and great character building and build this into a 'serious' type of series. While this may be fine for newcomers to the franchise this left most of the fanbase of the StarGate shows and movies left out of what we have all come to expect.

On in't own merits, SGU is somewhat decent but each episode is done so differently that they still seem to be looking for how this series is to be built. I cannot get into any of these characters at all and was really dissapointed. I still watch the series hoping that I will finally get it but after 2 season (I think..more on that next) I just do not get the direction that they want to take this..and after watching this I can tell they don't knwo which direction they want to take this. It seems like they are using us as a big focus group still.

As for the series 1.5 this is jsut a stupid marketing ploy for Syfy (It's really SciFi) to make some more dough by adding in some extra episodes from season 1 and what will be season 2. I seriously hate these lame marketing ploys but this is Syfy and they really do not care about the fanbase so this is to be expected. They did the same thing with Battle Star Gallectica so it's going to happen since they are trying to capitalize off of that (it aint working...storywise at least).

So bottom line is buy this at your own risk or do the smart thing and wait until season 2 is out so you don't waste your dough on this.
@WebStalkers on Twitter
I would say you deserve being ripped off if you were stupid enough buying the Blu-Ray version of this crap! What did you expect? More darkness? :lol:

Here the links to the review sections at Amazon:

DVD 1.0
DVD 1.5


Always fun reading the fan reviews there (the ones with 5 stars ... :lol: )


GateFans Noob
They can't do math either, it should be Stargate .5 and Stargate 1, thought their value is 0.

Mr. A

Super Moderator +
OCgatergal said:
They can't do math either, it should be Stargate .5 and Stargate 1, thought their value is 0.
True! More like Stargate 0.005 and 0.01