
Well Known GateFan
To Youngjin :) Yeah the British SF structure is different to that of the Americans, its how they operate (basically some old bs thing in terms of can't have a just joined Sargeant outranking a corporal who has been in the regiment for several years, plus anyone who joins the SF is on mega bucks anyway) its also a level of trust and commitment, sort of 'prove your worth' within the regiment as there is a slight difference between SF and the green army. The opposite happens for RMP's (military police) because they need the power of arrest, so they get given their Corporal rank right off the bat without having to do a promotions cardre (which is why everyone hates them).

As for my suggestion of an EDF, yes eventually it would mean public disclosure of the Stargate Program, but not initially. It could be formed from the higher tier military personnel (basically Special Forces) at first before filtering down into the green. It would have to be done slowly, because imagine the political situation as to who runs the EDF (though it would be safe to assume it would be the big 5 within the UN) let alone things like troop commitments etc. It will be very tricky to do all of this, which once again could of added in political intrigue, the idea of humans (Earth ones that is) colonizing other planets, expansion which would naturally butt heads with either local populace or other galactic nations. The imagine a war in which the EDF has to abandon colonies, leaving those populations to an unknown fate and eventually the guys on the ground having to deal with the fallout from higher command decisions (for example some colonies declaring independence having to fight on their own).


Well Known GateFan
The sole purpose of the wormhole drive was to have a deus ex machina for the series finale. Yes, they foresaw, millions of years ago, SGA getting shit-canned by Brad Wrong for an artsy-fartsy egotistical melodrama project bearing the SG moniker about a bunch of backstabbing, weeping crybabies suffering from teen angst and a fat kid who somehow manages to get fatter in spite of having no food for 2 years, lost in space on a pointless ship.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

i never bought into the worm hole drive deal-they never introduced it until the final ep-yes? and then it was like
" ah, no prob will just fire up the worm hole drive and presto"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i never bought into the worm hole drive deal-they never introduced it until the final ep-yes? and then it was like
" ah, no prob will just fire up the worm hole drive and presto"

We have all seen Deus Ex Machina before, but that one sticks out in my mind as being one of the worst thought out ever. It was literally thrown out there. But still the very worst at the top of my list for Stargate was those blasted communications stones. It wasnt just the magical non-science of them (even for Ancients), it was the whole psycho-moral dilemma posed by using them regularly in SGU. And for sex even? The whole complicated mess of what would happen if somebody got pregnant, or committed a crime, or got a disease...:facepalm:. Brad threw that in there to facilitate communication with earth? Yep, he did, and thought his fans would just lap it up.

What I liked best about Atlantis was its premise of being a city-ship, not fully functional or fully explored, but understood enough to make headway over time. The stories concentrated too much on the Wraith and the other worlds in the Pegasus galaxy instead of the ship and the Ancients. The show could have gone an entire half season only being on Atlantis, without Teyla or the Wraith. They had Ford and Shepperd and McKay and Weir, and enough redshirts to lose to accidents and such. The puddlejumpers were totally acceptable because they came with the city and were not built by earth and equipped with alien technology. 100% Ancient.

They totally blew it. There was a wealth of stories in that city. But its all gone...perhaps the premise will appear in a different guise and a different locale. :)


Well Known GateFan
We have all seen Deus Ex Machina before, but that one sticks out in my mind as being one of the worst thought out ever. It was literally thrown out there. But still the very worst at the top of my list for Stargate was those blasted communications stones. It wasnt just the magical non-science of them (even for Ancients), it was the whole psycho-moral dilemma posed by using them regularly in SGU. And for sex even? The whole complicated mess of what would happen if somebody got pregnant, or committed a crime, or got a disease...:facepalm:. Brad threw that in there to facilitate communication with earth? Yep, he did, and thought his fans would just lap it up.

The casual way they used the stones was totally unbelievable. If such a technology existed anyone using it would have been on such lock-down it wouldn't be funny. There would be no sex with sig others back on Earth via proxy. None. Ever. Period! The whole gimmick was beyond insulting to the intelligence of everyone watching. Seriously, I can't say enough bad things about this stupid gimmick. It was beyond dumb and it's shocking that a grown man (men) would have come up with it let alone expected the viewers to swallow it.

What I liked best about Atlantis was its premise of being a city-ship, not fully functional or fully explored, but understood enough to make headway over time. The stories concentrated too much on the Wraith and the other worlds in the Pegasus galaxy instead of the ship and the Ancients. The show could have gone an entire half season only being on Atlantis, without Teyla or the Wraith. They had Ford and Shepperd and McKay and Weir, and enough redshirts to lose to accidents and such. The puddlejumpers were totally acceptable because they came with the city and were not built by earth and equipped with alien technology. 100% Ancient.

They totally blew it. There was a wealth of stories in that city. But its all gone...perhaps the premise will appear in a different guise and a different locale. :)

Yup, they started out with an okay premise (just okay, not great by any means) but then squandered it by spending the next 5 seasons going off on masturbatory tangents that were just lame.


Council Member
The casual way they used the stones was totally unbelievable. If such a technology existed anyone using it would have been on such lock-down it wouldn't be funny. There would be no sex with sig others back on Earth via proxy. None. Ever. Period! The whole gimmick was beyond insulting to the intelligence of everyone watching. Seriously, I can't say enough bad things about this stupid gimmick. It was beyond dumb and it's shocking that a grown man (men) would have come up with it let alone expected the viewers to swallow it.
Amen brother!


Well Known GateFan
Wait a minute. Have I just discovered something here? The stones were made during the time when the Alterans left their original home galaxy (before the Ori took over) which brings up the question, why does it need the ATA gene to activate it when it clearly predates the ATA gene code?


The Belle of the Ball
Wait a minute. Have I just discovered something here? The stones were made during the time when the Alterans left their original home galaxy (before the Ori took over) which brings up the question, why does it need the ATA gene to activate it when it clearly predates the ATA gene code?

the ATA gene wasn't required for Daniel and Vala to use them! I seem to remember the ATA gene was developed to protect their technology from the gou'ald and/or wraith?? wrong track completely or does someone else have a clearer idea of the reasoning?


Well Known GateFan
the ATA gene wasn't required for Daniel and Vala to use them! I seem to remember the ATA gene was developed to protect their technology from the gou'ald and/or wraith?? wrong track completely or does someone else have a clearer idea of the reasoning?

Its because in that episode where Keller and the Bandit girl got switched around they said when Shepard (meaning his ancient gene) activated it. Its so here and there, and everywhere. Whats wrong with having a piece of technology giving it some guide lines and sticking with it! What next, does it dispense car wash soap or something? But yes the ATA gene was developed for the Wraith War thingymabob (and likely afterwards the Goa'uld with the head grab thing, though unsure whether that was pre plague or not).

Rather than doing a double post I'll add to this one!

Speaking about SGU, the main problem with that show was the whole 'knifing people in the back' attitude. In those situations in which a small group of people are in a desperate situation its either band together or die (only reason why they continued to live was because of the blasted ship having a sick sense of humor). Its how we have survived as a species, the individual is phased out and the group takes over. The huge problem is that the writers write the characters like themselves, it shouldn't be 'how would I react in this situation' but more like 'what is the most plausible course of action for this character during this circumstance coupled with previous experiences'.

This is way how I would of done it (and since it is personal opinion therefore it is automatically right by law of the Internet!). The idea of the characters being ground down constantly, going from zero to elven, complete boredom to full fledged adrenal surge. That would mess up a persons mind (and in real life experiences, especially during conflict times), macabre sense of humor would arise within the group. Basically I want to see characters pushed to the very limit, and then snap, to the point where they will actually give up, that is what I want to see in a show which claims to be about 'survival' or 'man versus elements'.


Well Known GateFan
The casual way they used the stones was totally unbelievable. If such a technology existed anyone using it would have been on such lock-down it wouldn't be funny. There would be no sex with sig others back on Earth via proxy. None. Ever. Period! The whole gimmick was beyond insulting to the intelligence of everyone watching. Seriously, I can't say enough bad things about this stupid gimmick. It was beyond dumb and it's shocking that a grown man (men) would have come up with it let alone expected the viewers to swallow it.

Yup, they started out with an okay premise (just okay, not great by any means) but then squandered it by spending the next 5 seasons going off on masturbatory tangents that were just lame.

i thought i put this in some where, guess i forgot

the kino webisode "we volunteer for this" and the rationale for the sex in other bodies thing--might i add that there is no way in hell that it would or could ever be considered a legal order to have any military member have their body used for sex--even if totally volunteered-it would be unlawful by UCMJ for any one to allow it to happen:

"Midway through the interview, Kelly tells Eli that everyone involved in the mind swapping signs a form consenting to the use of their body by another person for personal use. When Eli presses her for specific details, she adds that people do get to see their husbands, wives, boy/girlfriends, saying "that's kind of the point", and that it doesn't bother her. Eli continues to press her for what the forms say. She recalls reading about how the death of one person on either side may result in the death of the other, though Eli notes that they're not entirely sure about this.
Kelly then remembers that she is to be careful about what they do in another's body, and to not do anything that might negatively impact any relationships on board; a fragile balance. Kelly then admits that Eli is cute, which surprises him greatly; he just says that he and Chloe are just friends. In the end, Kelly asks to leave, which Eli obliges to, and thanks her for taking part in the interview."


Well Known GateFan
i thought i put this in some where, guess i forgot

the kino webisode "we volunteer for this" and the rationale for the sex in other bodies thing--might i add that there is no way in hell that it would or could ever be considered a legal order to have any military member have their body used for sex--even if totally volunteered-it would be unlawful by UCMJ for any one to allow it to happen:

Exactly. There's just no way in hell that this would happen in reality. It's highly doubtful that anyone who switched bodies would be allowed to see their loved ones in person even. Taking it to the level of having sex in a stranger's body is beyond laughable when you consider the reality of how this would be treated.

At any rate, this is just another in a long line of HUGE mistakes that comprised SGU. It really was a no-brainer to see that this show would be canceled because of this nonsense. How TPTB couldn't see it is unbelievable to me. BW, RC and JM all had to willfully work at deluding themselves.


Well Known GateFan
Exactly. There's just no way in hell that this would happen in reality. It's highly doubtful that anyone who switched bodies would be allowed to see their loved ones in person even. Taking it to the level of having sex in a stranger's body is beyond laughable when you consider the reality of how this would be treated.

At any rate, this is just another in a long line of HUGE mistakes that comprised SGU. It really was a no-brainer to see that this show would be canceled because of this nonsense. How TPTB couldn't see it is unbelievable to me. BW, RC and JM all had to willfully work at deluding themselves.

Delusion or mid forties, male middle aged crises in the form of sexual fantasies "in script"-vicarious 'taboo' sex to get their rocks off?


Well Known GateFan
^Using the stones to get their rocks off, good one! It's like some bad erotic fan fiction or something.


Well Known GateFan
^Using the stones to get their rocks off, good one! It's like some bad erotic fan fiction or something.

i know it and i go on to the point of nauseum on this

and i know it has all been spoken of before by many others

but once the implications of what they intend by the stone usage-"personal visits"- it wonderously disgusted me in much the same shocking manner as when I was like 10 or 11 and I realised "men do what to women with their penis?!?" :crazy homer face:

the more one considers the implications the worse it gets

consider the young female airman, being used by Wray, being seen going into her house by neighbors; "Oh my god George, just what are those LESBIANS next door up to now!?"

consider that female airman is married or has a boyfriend "what you do at work today?" "not much, though my ass is real sore- i think someone misused my body for sexual purposes-and did way more then they ever would with their own body. in an FTL flash I saw myself surrounded by sex toys of enormous proportions and my legs were tied up to the bed posts. And general oneall says I cant un-volunteer"

or any other female from destiny in a young female airmans body being seen with a known married man (husband of whichever female destinier)--the same implications-"he is cheating on his wife/ those female military-all sluts". Also, any military person not "in the know" and discovers the 'relationship' could have the female brought up on UCMJ violations for adultery (but of course she would be absolved by the SGC)

What of hepatitis, STD's, other infectious issues and pregnancy by using the other's body

and so much more


What ship is this?
Staff member


Well Known GateFan
Trust me, we went through all these issues. And the more you think about the use of the stones in SGU the more sickening it is.

Then there is the issue of the depiction of women in the show:
--- merged: Mar 10, 2013 at 10:26 PM ---
Not to mention some other musings about SGU:
good times...good times. And how we'd laugh and laugh..



Council Member & Author
I've become FB "friends" with someone who is one of the main folks on Imagine my surprise when I discovered that about him.


Well Known GateFan
I've become FB "friends" with someone who is one of the main folks on Imagine my surprise when I discovered that about him.

OMG, you're being seduced by the "light side". :icon_e_surprised::moody:

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
i thought i put this in some where, guess i forgot

the kino webisode "we volunteer for this" and the rationale for the sex in other bodies thing--might i add that there is no way in hell that it would or could ever be considered a legal order to have any military member have their body used for sex--even if totally volunteered-it would be unlawful by UCMJ for any one to allow it to happen:

"Midway through the interview, Kelly tells Eli that everyone involved in the mind swapping signs a form consenting to the use of their body by another person for personal use. When Eli presses her for specific details, she adds that people do get to see their husbands, wives, boy/girlfriends, saying "that's kind of the point", and that it doesn't bother her. Eli continues to press her for what the forms say. She recalls reading about how the death of one person on either side may result in the death of the other, though Eli notes that they're not entirely sure about this.
Kelly then remembers that she is to be careful about what they do in another's body, and to not do anything that might negatively impact any relationships on board; a fragile balance. Kelly then admits that Eli is cute, which surprises him greatly; he just says that he and Chloe are just friends. In the end, Kelly asks to leave, which Eli obliges to, and thanks her for taking part in the interview."

TOTALLY correct.