
Well Known GateFan
Joe and Joe were the EP's at the time, they had the wheel. I do think that they were given a car with the engine redlining and pissing oil everywhere.

Too far away, not enough power, and who would wanna risk Atlantis on that crew?? :lol:

Well, if Atlantis did catch up with them, they could have just "conveniently" left young and the gang on a planet and brought destiny back home

but, i seriously doubt that atlantis' "worm hole drive" was ever considered for anything except the use of it to stop the hive ship


Well Known GateFan
You only seem to be in denial over JM's culpability in ruining the franchise (yes, with a little help). ;)

No, I just don't think he had the juice to get it cancelled.
Praytell, what is he culpable for besides some bad writing?
--- merged: Mar 4, 2013 at 12:51 PM ---
Loretta Mallozzi has demonstrated countless times that he is a compulsive, passive-aggressive liar.

While that may be true, it has nothing to do with what I said.
--- merged: Mar 4, 2013 at 12:52 PM ---
Well, if Atlantis did catch up with them, they could have just "conveniently" left young and the gang on a planet and brought destiny back home

but, i seriously doubt that atlantis' "worm hole drive" was ever considered for anything except the use of it to stop the hive ship

Just the highlighted bit works as well :D


Well Known GateFan
there is hope for sgu fans..apparently netflix will consider footing the production bill and consider it as one of their "own" "new" shows--produced and distrubited by netflix

just one catch; netflix wants a petition signed by at least 100,000 fans. so far,they have 98-don't know how long they have been trying:

also, saw this on the "sidelines" somewhere--full scripts for a sgu season 3:

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
there is hope for sgu fans..apparently netflix will consider footing the production bill and consider it as one of their "own" "new" shows--produced and distrubited by netflix

just one catch; netflix wants a petition signed by at least 100,000 fans. so far,they have 98-don't know how long they have been trying:

also, saw this on the "sidelines" somewhere--full scripts for a sgu season 3:

For some reason, just gives me liberal political causes to sign. Boy are they wrong.


Well Known GateFan
For some reason, just gives me liberal political causes to sign. Boy are they wrong.

seems they are one of those 'causes'-started for a singular reason,but when that goal is fulfilled-they don't want to go away and find another reason for "living" kind of like the march of dimes and their original mission

I didn't even notice the "" in the address--BUT WHO CARES?! As long as they get our gate back!!!!

:anim_59: :anim_59: :anim_59:


Well Known GateFan
No, I just don't think he had the juice to get it cancelled.
Praytell, what is he culpable for besides some bad writing?

So now Mallozzi was just some low-level writer that dared not speak up against his corpulent, evil overlords? :rolleyes:

Dude, JM wasn't just a writer, he was a producer -- an executive producer. He had a say in every single thing that he produced. Every. Single. Thing. He is culpable in the destruction of the Stargate franchise both if he just sat back and took direction from BW/RC and/or if he willingly went along with the ridiculous premise that those monsters came up with for SGU.

Yeah, JM was only responsible for "some bad writing" -- and Josef Mengele was just a simple country doctor. :wink-new:


Well Known GateFan
So now Mallozzi was just some low-level writer that dared not speak up against his corpulent, evil overlords? :rolleyes:
Not at all.

Dude, JM wasn't just a writer, he was a producer -- an executive producer. He had a say in every single thing that he produced. Every. Single. Thing. He is culpable in the destruction of the Stargate franchise both if he just sat back and took direction from BW/RC and/or if he willingly went along with the ridiculous premise that those monsters came up with for SGU.
He was EP for S4 and 5, S4 he was saddled with Carter (a situation that has more than one detractor) So S5 what where you can throw anything you want at him with impunity and I'll agree he screwed the pooch on more than one occasion. As for SGU, thats SGU.
Yeah, JM was only responsible for "some bad writing" -- and Josef Mengele was just a simple country doctor. :wink-new:
Such a accurate and useful comparison.............:rolleye0014:


Council Member
The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

The show was crap.

Thousands of people said "I'm out" every week that the show was on. You could/can see a steady decline in the ratings each week. We actually used to do a ratings prediction thread for the show. Participating in the thread was actually more fun than watching the show itself. (God I miss those days, sigh... :neglected:)

Also, the show was crap.
Yeap, that sounds right.


The Belle of the Ball
Oh, GateWorld knows us well.

Most of us "founding members" here who started SGUS are GateWorld refugees fleeing the heavy handed censorship they were practicing (it was common for posts critical of SGU to be deleted without notice, members banned and so on).

LOL I got banned THERE for what I posted on SGUSUCKS! talk about censorship! ;)


Well Known GateFan
Not at all.

He was EP for S4 and 5, S4 he was saddled with Carter (a situation that has more than one detractor) So S5 what where you can throw anything you want at him with impunity and I'll agree he screwed the pooch on more than one occasion. As for SGU, thats SGU.

Such a accurate and useful comparison.............:rolleye0014:




Well Known GateFan
Think a lot of my dislike for the man (JM) comes from the SGU show and his infamous blog. As for the work on SGA during his time as EP, to be honest it is hard to say since we don't really know the ins and outs of what transpired during production/writing (such as how much creative freedom was given to other writers and production staff), although I can say it was him and Martin Gero that pushed for the Jewel Staite fan wankathon (or as I call it, the precursor to Chloe) that became the main feature in S4 and S5. As always the show became less about the mysteries of Atlantis and the galaxy and more about "Herpa derp, lets put the characters in stupid situations and see how they react derp". While SG1 had it problems, it did have the over arc of defeating the Goa'uld, in SGA there was none of that, (I don't need to repeat myself on the Wraith :P).

When mentioned Carter's appearance on S4, it was odd because it begs the question of who cast the actress in the first place? They didn't have to, though I could understand it since SG1 was closing down and probably wanted that audience transfered over and would of been theoretically made easier with a familiar face. The problem here is assumption. Carter worked well in the team dynamic, while I wanted to see her character grow and expand, going from team science officer to being in charge of Atlantis is a huge leap forward for her. For those people who say or are going to say "Well she's a Colonel" the military structure is different depending on your role within. For example a Doctor will have the rank of Major or Colonel, why? Because of pay scale, Doctors usually get the same amount as the mentioned ranks in civilian street, they don't actually take command of a company or battalion.
This is another reason in SGU it didn't make sense for Lt Scott (who is a pilot) to be in charge of ground teams instead of Lt. James (who is supposedly special forces). Why would you trust an Airforce pilot for ground operations?


Well Known GateFan
Think a lot of my dislike for the man (JM) comes from the SGU show and his infamous blog. As for the work on SGA during his time as EP, to be honest it is hard to say since we don't really know the ins and outs of what transpired during production/writing (such as how much creative freedom was given to other writers and production staff), although I can say it was him and Martin Gero that pushed for the Jewel Staite fan wankathon (or as I call it, the precursor to Chloe) that became the main feature in S4 and S5. As always the show became less about the mysteries of Atlantis and the galaxy and more about "Herpa derp, lets put the characters in stupid situations and see how they react derp". While SG1 had it problems, it did have the over arc of defeating the Goa'uld, in SGA there was none of that, (I don't need to repeat myself on the Wraith :P).

When mentioned Carter's appearance on S4, it was odd because it begs the question of who cast the actress in the first place? They didn't have to, though I could understand it since SG1 was closing down and probably wanted that audience transfered over and would of been theoretically made easier with a familiar face. The problem here is assumption. Carter worked well in the team dynamic, while I wanted to see her character grow and expand, going from team science officer to being in charge of Atlantis is a huge leap forward for her. For those people who say or are going to say "Well she's a Colonel" the military structure is different depending on your role within. For example a Doctor will have the rank of Major or Colonel, why? Because of pay scale, Doctors usually get the same amount as the mentioned ranks in civilian street, they don't actually take command of a company or battalion.
This is another reason in SGU it didn't make sense for Lt Scott (who is a pilot) to be in charge of ground teams instead of Lt. James (who is supposedly special forces). Why would you trust an Airforce pilot for ground operations?

I wonder if beyond attracting fans, if the continued use of Carter, O'Neall, Teal'c and Jackson were also due to contractual obligations?

Incidentally, the use of O'Neall so far into his career is kind of stretching as well. I mean he already had enough time in service to retire (20 yrs) in 1995/96, then he was "recalled". By the time of SGU he would of had nearly another 20 in? That would soon make him eligible for mandatory retirement (40yrs in service).

It would have made more sense to have a split command structure for atlantis with it being an IOA op. A chief scientists and a military commander. Also, when Sheppard was incapacitated, the command would not have gone up the ladder to Caldwell (a "full" Colonel and not assigned to the base) but down to the next highest ranking officer below Sheppard (MAJ Lauren?).

In SGU I also found it extremely irritating with their scripting Wray and her "in our society the military takes orders from civilian leadership". True, however, that is only from elected or a few appointed, senatorial approved positions; the President, vice Pres, SecDEF and Sec of the Army. Some lady, a personnel clerk would not have any authority over any military personnel. This came to issue also when TYJ is shown reporting to Wray that she was getting out of the USAF a military personnel issue for the commander not a civilian clerk.

Again-like I said a long time ago-TJ as a 1LT would not be just a medic, medics are enlisted 1LT's would be a Nurse or perhaps a PA. Again, either it was lazy writing or "I ll do whatever I want with the military in script" or it was the actress with some contractual "I am only going to play an officer or nothing" ego trip. whichever-it was wrong.

In the US Military doctors are afforded the rank and pay grade based on their civilian experience,same with nurses and lawyers. Someone straight from med or law school would be a captain (1lt for nursing) a more experienced MD or a specialist would come in at a higher rank.

I remember when Physician Assistants were Warrant Officers in the Army-a kind of rank "no mans land" in between NCO's and Officers. Officers would shy away from telling them what to do since the warrants tended to be older and have more time in service, and NCO'c couldn't tell them what to do. Consequently, especially in the non medical fields, you would see many warrants with their hair to the max of regulation and being "creative" with their uniform.

Anyhow, in 92 or 93 they switched all PA warrants to a commission, in one day a CW3 became a Colonel and a WO1 became a Cpt-a huge jump in pay considering that many had enlisted time-giving them even more pay.


Well Known GateFan
Exactly Youngjin, I believe I was the first mention (arrogant strut) the problem of TJ being a medic and having the rank of an officer back in the days of SGUS. If she was say, a corporal or sargent that would be acceptable (most of the time with rank comes higher skill set, though not always I've seen some privates CMT class 1). If she was an Lt, she would still be in medical school not on some off world base. To be honest its not hard just establishing characters rank and roles, a simple wiki search would of removed any queries or questions that rattled around in their minds, however they must still be in the mind set up 'only main characters can be officers'. Greer being the exception to this rule but he was relegated to 'man with gun' rather than 'advisor/lead for on world operations and fleet defense' since USMC do that strange thing called fleet protection. In a situation like SGU it should of been more about experience than rank itself, what if for example the highest ranking person there was a clerk Mjr and there was a SFOD Sargent, who would you honestly trust for doing operations?

Back on SGA, again I agree (my opinion starts here) it should of been a three tier operations, scientists, military and then the IOA. Each one having a lead, IOA lays the ground rules and the other two follow and are there to advise to the best of their ability but the decision for 'green lighting' operations remains with the IOA lead. A Colonel would never go out on the ground unless it is for 'face time' or to survey an area, usually the ground pounders are Majors and below.

So here is my obvious hindsight suggestion. In SG1 it was understandable why the groups had many officers of higher ranks, because of say experience needed for the unknown (using what was available). As time grew on, the SGC became an independent military force initially combining from US Forces (Navy, Army, USMC and USAF) and into a multi national EDF (Earth Defense Force). Anyone who joins this new structure has their previous rank removed and has to start again, this is similar to how special forces work, when you pass and are entered into the regiment (using British Forces here as an example) you go back straight to trooper/pvt (for nco) or Lt (for officers) because those who have newly entered don't have the experience for commanding this kind of people or the operations they do. For those wondering about pay issue, think about like this; Do you want the people out there fighting a hidden war to be concerned about pay? Or do you want the explorers, the people who jump at the chance of something frighteningly new, people who love their job. That is just me really :D


My avatar speaks for itself.
there is hope for sgu fans..apparently netflix will consider footing the production bill and consider it as one of their "own" "new" shows--produced and distrubited by netflix

just one catch; netflix wants a petition signed by at least 100,000 fans. so far,they have 98-don't know how long they have been trying:

also, saw this on the "sidelines" somewhere--full scripts for a sgu season 3:

those arnt real scripts tho thats basicly BAD terrible fanfiction and the guy who wrote it is a COMPLETE imbecill.

also note that my comment on the site stretches as far back as june of 2011 ;)


Well Known GateFan
those arnt real scripts tho thats basicly BAD terrible fanfiction and the guy who wrote it is a COMPLETE imbecill.

also note that my comment on the site stretches as far back as june of 2011 ;)

I am not one who hopes for any SGU , although, if say NETFLIX- who appears to be "starving" for ideas and scripts and the cast and crew who will do them-were to produce it and it costs me nothing except what I already pay for NETFLIX-then I'd watch it and see what it was about

That being said, if a committed group dedicated to quality entertainment-again NETFLIX and their fledgling production ops-were to focus on the core of SGU ("at this point every one reading says 'what core?'") and the mission of destiny (they could do this by leaving Chloe and most others in their pods :anim_59:) Then it could be interesting-but only if it took a large diversion from the 2 seasons that were.

The guy and his "scripts" are def. bad fan fiction, sadly though, the netflix petition is for real.

Exactly Youngjin, I believe I was the first mention (arrogant strut) the problem of TJ being a medic and having the rank of an officer back in the days of SGUS. If she was say, a corporal or sargent that would be acceptable (most of the time with rank comes higher skill set, though not always I've seen some privates CMT class 1). If she was an Lt, she would still be in medical school not on some off world base. To be honest its not hard just establishing characters rank and roles, a simple wiki search would of removed any queries or questions that rattled around in their minds, however they must still be in the mind set up 'only main characters can be officers'. Greer being the exception to this rule but he was relegated to 'man with gun' rather than 'advisor/lead for on world operations and fleet defense' since USMC do that strange thing called fleet protection. In a situation like SGU it should of been more about experience than rank itself, what if for example the highest ranking person there was a clerk Mjr and there was a SFOD Sargent, who would you honestly trust for doing operations?

Back on SGA, again I agree (my opinion starts here) it should of been a three tier operations, scientists, military and then the IOA. Each one having a lead, IOA lays the ground rules and the other two follow and are there to advise to the best of their ability but the decision for 'green lighting' operations remains with the IOA lead. A Colonel would never go out on the ground unless it is for 'face time' or to survey an area, usually the ground pounders are Majors and below.

So here is my obvious hindsight suggestion. In SG1 it was understandable why the groups had many officers of higher ranks, because of say experience needed for the unknown (using what was available). As time grew on, the SGC became an independent military force initially combining from US Forces (Navy, Army, USMC and USAF) and into a multi national EDF (Earth Defense Force). Anyone who joins this new structure has their previous rank removed and has to start again, this is similar to how special forces work, when you pass and are entered into the regiment (using British Forces here as an example) you go back straight to trooper/pvt (for nco) or Lt (for officers) because those who have newly entered don't have the experience for commanding this kind of people or the operations they do. For those wondering about pay issue, think about like this; Do you want the people out there fighting a hidden war to be concerned about pay? Or do you want the explorers, the people who jump at the chance of something frighteningly new, people who love their job. That is just me really :D

PARAGONPIE--the EDF would be interesting-maybe in a future iteration of SG(?). But would that require public disclosure of the program?

the three tiered leadership for atlantis could have made the show a bit more interesting though one or more tiers would have to have been made "vilefied" to puch the plot--like the IOA being Go'auld/trust controlled--On that note, by the time the Wraith displayed the threat they are and with the Ori in the MWay-wouldn't any remaining Goa'uld be better as an ally? It would have made,IMO, a more interesting show

With Greer; Ronen was obviously the "Teal'c" of SGA (with some Teyla also) so was Greer meant to be the Ronen of SGU? the "man with the gun" as you say? The problem with the Greer character also is that -in the real world-he does not have enough realistic time in service to be the rank that he is. Most pay grade E8/MSG-1stSGT's in the Army/Marines have at least 14-15 yrs in before promotion. Greer is said to have joined sometime in the mid 90's-so knowing that time in service/time in grade waivers can be obtained for outstanding soldiers/marines we are told Greer is not one of them. I don't buy it that a man with this many behavior issues is a MSG let alone serving in the SGC and at Icarus (sound familiar?). As a MSG and since we do not hear anyone else mentioned (killed at Icarus) anyone with military knowledge knows that this would make Greer the "top NCO" on Icarus and on the Destiny. This would make him Young's "right hand man", the one responsible for the orderly operrations of the unit. We see him do some of these things but we never see it acknowledged. Again- I am sure this is in keeping with the same TPTB thought that made TJ an officer medic.

On your special forces coment and the british forces going down in rank when they go sf. though the american military-particularly Special Forces (Green Berets/Delta) does not reduce rank, when one is assigned to a team they are assigned by speciality-2 each in weapons, engineering/demo/ SF medic and commo. There is also one team leader-usually a major. While the tm ledr is in overall command the leadership falls to the man with the experience. so, if the mission is a bridge demo, the tm leadership falls to the spec's. Even if that man is a spc or sgt and the rest of the team are sergeant frst class' or MSG's they all listen and obey the -technically-lower ranking man who is the tactical expert. But that whole "world" is fuzzy to outsiders at best as SF/green berets nearly are never assigned to non sf positions though occasionally one will pop up as a drill sgt or recruiter-I had the opp to work with a Green Beret in my recruiting station( SF'S command had to give up 5 or 6 nco's a year to recruiting command) he hated the job but because of his professionalism, was one of the best recruiters in our AO. He retired a Green Beret SGM last year and now owns a small dairy farm in WVa :pride:


Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Well, if Atlantis did catch up with them, they could have just "conveniently" left young and the gang on a planet and brought destiny back home

but, i seriously doubt that atlantis' "worm hole drive" was ever considered for anything except the use of it to stop the hive ship

The sole purpose of the wormhole drive was to have a deus ex machina for the series finale. Yes, they foresaw, millions of years ago, SGA getting shit-canned by Brad Wrong for an artsy-fartsy egotistical melodrama project bearing the SG moniker about a bunch of backstabbing, weeping crybabies suffering from teen angst and a fat kid who somehow manages to get fatter in spite of having no food for 2 years, lost in space on a pointless ship.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2


Well Known GateFan
SGU had a point:

See, it's off to the side and somewhere....................

Looks a bit like this one though:

It would explain a bit if the Destiny was actually a Cardassian ship..........

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
SGU had a point:

See, it's off to the side and somewhere....................

Looks a bit like this one though:

It would explain a bit if the Destiny was actually a Cardassian ship..........

I made this exact same comparison two years ago!