ROTTENGATE: Rotten Tomatoes silences Audience Interest Score

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
This is the most pathetic thing ever...


As of February 25, we will no longer show the ‘Want to See’ percentage score for a movie during its pre-release period. Why you might ask? We’ve found that the ‘Want to See’ percentage score is often times confused with the ‘Audience Score’ percentage number. (The ‘Audience Score’ percentage, for those who haven’t been following, is the percentage of all users who have rated the movie or TV show positively – that is, given it a star rating of 3.5 or higher – and is only shown once the movie or TV show is released.)

So, on February 25, 2019, Rotten Tomatoes has removed the Audience Interest score from their website. This is HUGE. All of the fan websites have released videos about this. I will post a few of them below. There are MANY more videos from fan groups, and you can expect several articles and videos over the next week or so.:





ComicArtistPro Secrets

Essentially, this was all done because of the severely negative reception which is waiting for Captain Marvel on premiere night. The score for people who "Want to See" on Rotten Tomatoes had dropped as low as 27% down from more than 90% wanting to see about three weeks ago. Nobody knows exactly HOW this has happened, given that Rotten Tomatoes is partially owned by Warner Brothers (DCEU). I have no solid information, but I believe there was some sort of payment made. Removing the feature from Rotten Tomatoes is not an easy thing, and it happened so suddenly that it looks like some sort of "emergency protocol".

Here is a screencap of the last seen score for "Want To See" for Captain Marvel, before Rotten Tomatoes removed the feature altogether:


That page now looks like this:


Just wow!
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What ship is this?
Staff member
RT is nowadays owned by Comcast. Warner Brothers has a small minority share it retained after it sold Fandango (who owns RT) to Comcast.

Not sure how this all ties back to MCU though it must - the coincidences factor with this and Brie Larson's sudden interviews "clarifying" her earlier comments is just too high.


Well Known GateFan
This hatred towards fans has to stop . All anyone did was say they were not interested and why they were not interested . They were not reviews as the media shills are screaming and saying people are review bombing CM. You cannot review a movie that has not been released yet . The Not Interested Button only escalated after the actress made racist comments about white men . As another person put forth this example that If Robert Downey JR had stood on a podium and said I do not need a 40 year old Black/Asian/Hispanic/Arab female critic telling him what worked for her in Iron Man . It was not made for her ! , that would be racist . But she is allowed to spew her garbage and also having to back peddle and rolling her eyes saying she does not hate white men 3 times is showing she knows what she said is racist and wrong and on so many fronts . It is signalling out a specific race . That's racism .
Then the fact that RT out of the blue revamps there website saying RT saved CM from trolls ? ! Come on . The timing says it all . I heard that the not interested option at RT was as low as 23% when they killed the option to say not interested . Now you can only vote upward , you cannot delete your account from RT and you also cannot get your money back if you bought tickets ahead of time from Fandango . The president of RT is an ex employee of Disney so that in itself says it all tho RT completely denies this had any reasons for switching up the website of RT so abruptly and out of the blue .
So basically your freedom of speech is being silenced . Your choice is being silenced . You are being silenced .
I am not a troll . I and 47,000 other people only stated that we were not interested and that's all . Apparently if you don't like a movie your are a troll .
All we want are good stories and good characters . CM comics had been rebooted multiple times over the years and were not selling . No one was ever interested in a CM movie but the MCU decided to make it anyway. Also the original CM was a man , later changed to a Black Female . If Brie Larson is so high on pushing diversity in movies then why did she not step aside and let a Black Female play CM !
If you want to see a character that is humble , good and has a heart bigger than a planet then go see ALITA .
ALITA BATTLE ANGEL is right up there with Sarah Conner , Ripley , Wonder Woman for being a strong character !
No virtue signalling or racism or hatred towards other races or sexes . Just pure Sci-Fi Entertainment . The attacks from critics and shills is absolutely disgusting . Body shaming Alita . She is too fit and that's wrong . She has breasts and that's wrong ! Saying her eyes are too big and that's wrong. Do they not know she is a CYBORG ? A mix of human and mechanical tech . There also saying James Cameron needs to stop making movies with females in them ! WHAT THE HELL is wrong with these whackos ? James Cameron is above and beyond a brilliant visionary in the entertainment industry . He had artificial highest tech ever prosthesis made for a 13 year old girl who lost her hands having meningitis as a child . They want this man to stop making movie with female characters !
Rumour going around now is that Disney( who now own 20th Century Fox ) will be pulling ALITA BATTLE ANGEL from theaters just before CM hits theaters next week . I hope this does not happen as it will truly show disney's true colours .
I for one am never ever going to see CM and I am done with movies in general . Alita Battle Angel will be the last time I support any movie . Hollywierd has gone too far and the only way to show them our disgust is to not open your wallet to any of this crap coming out of disney and now sadly the mcu .
On another note , yes there were actually horrible posts and hateful tweets regarding CM , but it was a very very small bunch of whack jobs but they were not on the RT website nor were they posted in the Not Interested Section . RT has strict rules for defamatory comments or swearing so they would have automatically been deleted and would have never been seen on the RT website so RT's point of trolls attacking CM is 100% completely false .



Well Known GateFan
Holy CRAP ! Disney booked almost every theater in Australia. ALITA will be gone so you won't even have a choice !
It is happening here in North America, The UK , Tasmania and so on also . I called it as did others .

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Holy CRAP ! Disney booked almost every theater in Australia. ALITA will be gone so you won't even have a choice !
It is happening here in North America, The UK , Tasmania and so on also . I called it as did others .

They can purchase every screen in the world and that is not going to force people to watch this movie. The anger that this film has created against it is almost as bad as the anger built up towards Episode IX of Star Wars. :) I will only watch it after it appears on Kodi or elsewhere that Disney does not get paid for my viewing.
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Well Known GateFan
They can purchase every screen in the world and that is not going to force people to watch this movie. The anger that this film has created against it is almost as bad as the anger built up towards Episode IX of Star Wars. :) I will only watch it after it appears on Kodi or elsewhere that Disney does not get paid for my viewing.

This rumour has been debunked . It is a normal thing to to flood the theaters with upcoming movies so nothing new .
Like you said , either way it won't matter . Brie Larson has pitted so many fans and movie goers against each other and will definitely hurt in there ticket sales .
Also some ,not all are able to get refunds for pre-purchased tickets .
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