Peacemaker - Did the TV show work?


What ship is this?
Staff member
I see no DC series folder so this is in the DC movies folder.

On HBO Max DC created a TV series using the Peacemaker character from The Suicide Squad, played by John Cena. It was released a couple of months ago and apparently both got HBO Max good subscriber increase and was favorably reviewed. These are some of my thoughts.

1) The show is gory at times and VERY foul mouthed and risqué. It has an MA rating and earns it.

2) The writing was overall not too bad. James Gunn both wrote the overarching plot and several episodes and the show in many places has that James Gunn feel to it. That said it does have some cringe moments to it but unlike some of the trash MCU has put out of late it did not define the show.

3) Acting was all over the place. Cena was good (and I don't really care for him) and Robert Patrick is always good. The surprise good performance in the show was from Jennifer Holland as Agent Harcourt. Side note - Jennifer Holland is the fiancée of James Gunn, continuing his pattern of having a circle of friends he puts in all his productions (like Michael Rooker and Nathan Fillon). Danielle Brooks was a miscast - she has talent but in the role given here she kinda broke suspension of disbelief. Freddie Stroma also was okay.

The strange thing is in spite of its flaws Peacemaker does work.
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