How the entertainment industry gets reality wrong


Well Known GateFan
Not the writing or the plot, etc, but the depictions of anything that has a real counterpart in our world.

Like not portraying the basics of real life, the police, doctors, nurses, lawyers, criminal, the military. Basically everything they get wrong and dilute or add to to make it fit their needs
The guy in this video, I think is pretty spot on. While he heavily references SHAMELESS,he does use other references as well.

so what else does Hollywood get wrong or sends the wrong message about reality to viewers?


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Not the writing or the plot, etc, but the depictions of anything that has a real counterpart in our world.

Like not portraying the basics of real life, the police, doctors, nurses, lawyers, criminal, the military. Basically everything they get wrong and dilute or add to to make it fit their needs
The guy in this video, I think is pretty spot on. While he heavily references SHAMELESS,he does use other references as well.

so what else does Hollywood get wrong or sends the wrong message about reality to viewers?

Isn't Hollywood all about twisting reality and making new realities? It's what they do. Hollywood was never meant to be realistic. People who go to the movies or watch TV are not trying to get a documentary on reality, they want to escape and romanticize mundane things.


Well Known GateFan
Isn't Hollywood all about twisting reality and making new realities? It's what they do. Hollywood was never meant to be realistic. People who go to the movies or watch TV are not trying to get a documentary on reality, they want to escape and romanticize mundane things.

no, you are going in the wrong direction my friend! :)

must be my incoherent writing.....

I am talking of things in the same manner as the person in the video was. Things that no matter what, should ever be distorted.

Like the misconceptions perpetrated by the industry of police and the court systems. of medical people and the military. of banks and getting a loan.

just basics. another example-i think he spoke of it in the video, but to use SHAMELESS again for example.

The 15 year old daughter, who just had a baby, goes into school to 'sign herself out' with no parental approval. Then, the guidance counselor asks if she wants to take the GED. He says she can take it that morning in the 1 to 2 hrs she has available.

wrong-they just do not do GED tests like that. first you have to do an assessment test. Then attend classes based on that. The test-which has MANDATORY breaks, is at least 3 to 3 1/2 hrs long. many ppl choose to take it in two parts

that is a great example of how a viewer who may be contemplating dropping out, could be mis-guided by what is wrongly portrayed. And yes, people should not use entertainment as sources of real world info, the fact is though- MANY DO

Or to have some kind of hard and fast truism be portrayed incorrectly. As the man states about credit cards and credit scores for example.

Yes, tell a fictional story but if it is on this planet, then the sky has to be blue and the grass green . Some basics need to remain non fictional


Well Known GateFan
and as i posted in the SHAMELESS thread, the house the family lives in is described as a dump" and their neighborhood a ghetto!!!

that is just laughable!! the show itself later gives the value of the house as near $100,000.

and where i grew up in north Jersey, the neighborhood in the show would be considered a nice one and firmly lower middle class, upper 'working class'

the house would be considered a very nice one.

but disconnected production assistants and set decorators as well as location scouts, ALL OF WHOM probably have never lived in any manner like the one portrayed, and have no clue as to how to properly portray a 'dump' in the 'ghetto'

just one more example of how Hwood gets it wrong though if they were just not so obnoxiously pompous, they could get it right with even just a google search (like they could with military issues too)!


The Belle of the Ball
My pet peeve is watching something like Blue Bloods and seeing a victim ( the detective) investigate their own crime!

No no no! If a detective even knows the victim, in a decent sized city, he won't be allowed near the case! :daniel01: