"Dear Abby Van Netflix"


Well Known GateFan
Dear Abby,

I have never written to you before, but I have of late found myself in an uncomfortable relationship. I don't know how I fell for it or how to leave it.

Several weeks ago, after several weeks of being constantly shown in my 'picks for you' category of my NETFLIX homepage for the show SUPERNATURAL, I finally succumbed to temptation and took a bite of what should have been forbidden fruit.

I feel so dirty,confused and corrupted!!! I really did not want to like the show, and I constantly find myself arguing with its often nonsensical logic, yet I can't get away from its allure!

Abby Van Netflix, I really want to end this relationship! But now I am knee deep into it and feel a commitment to see it through to it's end. I just can't leave it alone not knowing what happens next! Who will look out for it if not me?

I am a good person Abby, and my mother didn't raise me to be such a disreputable person...I need your help! How can I walk away?


confused yet strangely attracted in PA


Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Dear Abby,

I have never written to you before, but I have of late found myself in an uncomfortable relationship. I don't know how I fell for it or how to leave it.

Several weeks ago, after several weeks of being constantly shown in my 'picks for you' category of my NETFLIX homepage for the show SUPERNATURAL, I finally succumbed to temptation and took a bite of what should have been forbidden fruit.

I feel so dirty,confused and corrupted!!! I really did not want to like the show, and I constantly find myself arguing with its often nonsensical logic, yet I can't get away from its allure!

Abby Van Netflix, I really want to end this relationship! But now I am knee deep into it and feel a commitment to see it through to it's end. I just can't leave it alone not knowing what happens next! Who will look out for it if not me?

I am a good person Abby, and my mother didn't raise me to be such a disreputable person...I need your help! How can I walk away?


confused yet strangely attracted in PA


So should I check it out? Is it binge-worthy
So should I check it out? Is it binge-worthy

Supernatural? If you're into mild horror and repetitious soapy male familial relationships then go for it. It morphs from being episodic into being serialized after awhile and becomes all about Heaven vs. Hell. There is some good writing and some bad writing. The first 5 seasons are interesting but after that it becomes repetitive in terms of the brother's relationship. I don't want to give any spoilers though.

I'm not trying to be negative on the show. It's definitely worth a watch if you're into that genre. And the humor can be really good. (There's an episode called "The French Mistake" where they poke fun at themselves and it's pretty hilarious.) So I'd definitely recommend watching the first couple seasons. They're up to something like season #13 at this point so you might not want to get that invested. But it's definitely worth checking out initially.


Well Known GateFan
I watch SPN, and I really like the show. It has it's dips from time to time, but you can always tell the people that make the show are not taking themselves seriously. They are famous for doing Easter Egg shows, too many to name, but those eps are awesome. The actors in RL are best friends ( best men at each other's weddings ) and the show is a cult hit for some years now has been stated as "they show can go on as long as the leads want to continue to make it". Which, since it's a big old love fest there, could be for who knows how long. The show is currently in it's 13rth season and still keeps me coming back. It's looking always a lock for more seasons, which is no surprise.

One of my favorite side characters on the show was, oddly enough, Death.


Well Known GateFan
One of my favorite side characters on the show was, oddly enough, Death.

is that the one Titus Welliver (sp?)? I get the 4 horsemen confused per the actor

in any case, Welliver is a great actor and he has finally gotten his own show on amazon--BOSCH


Well Known GateFan
Yes, I liked the guy that actually plays "Death" on SPN.

What season have you made it to now?


Well Known GateFan


Well Known GateFan
Yep! Crowley is from BSG too.

Tons and tons of actors from all sorts of Sci-Fi will pop up on SPN. Captain Kirk himself, loves the show and tweets with Misha Collins all the time. I wish he would do a cameo that would be amazing.

http://www.warpedfactor.com/2017/11/25-famous-people-who-guest-starred-on.html......There has been plenty but here is a just a few.

famous/ not..many of the spt actors on SPN are very talented.

for some reason I just can not really take much of that Beaver (Bobby Singer) guy though. He is a bit grating


Well Known GateFan
Yeah, Bobby can do that at times. That would be one of those "dips" but still the show is sooooo worth pushing his scenes that are like that. I don't want to give up any spoilers so I should wait till you are all caught up to ask about anymore characters you shall run across.

I have a few more I really liked, and some not so much.
The show is fairly consistent with a certain level of quality but they do drop the ball on occasion. Perhaps the worst example of this is Season 8 episode #15 "Man's Best Friend with Benefits". It was all about bestiality and female degradation. There's absolutely no denying this or soft peddling it, it's in the title of the episode. How this script got approved is beyond me. The person who wrote it is a disgusting perv.

The male cop/witch clearly is having sex with his female human/Doberman servant familiar. The chick is really hot and wears a collar and has to do as her master orders. She also turns into a dog with regularity. The bestiality implication is obvious -- and it's disgusting on many levels. To say they dropped the ball on this one is an understatement.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
The show is fairly consistent with a certain level of quality but they do drop the ball on occasion. Perhaps the worst example of this is Season 8 episode #15 "Man's Best Friend with Benefits". It was all about bestiality and female degradation. There's absolutely no denying this or soft peddling it, it's in the title of the episode. How this script got approved is beyond me. The person who wrote it is a disgusting perv.

The male cop/witch clearly is having sex with his female human/Doberman servant familiar. The chick is really hot and wears a collar and has to do as her master orders. She also turns into a dog with regularity. The bestiality implication is obvious -- and it's disgusting on many levels. To say they dropped the ball on this one is an understatement.

" "Man's Best Friend with Benefits". It was all about bestiality and female degradation."

Say what? :icon_e_surprised: :shame: :smiley-015:

Seeing just that episode alone would make me stop watching the show. I have not started my binge yet, but I can't thank you enough for giving the Season and Episode number for that one. Thanks! If you know of any others which deal with sociopath/pedophile/cannibalism/torture, please tell me. I refuse to watch anything along those lines.


Well Known GateFan
It is not that big of a deal. It is more like he cared about her and she happened to be cursed with turning into a dog sometimes.

Another benefit in the show's title, could be her saving lives to some extent too.

The show has a ton of symbolism in it, it is not all meant to be literal.