When the older "not that great" shows have become suddenly entertaining


Well Known GateFan
The old and semi new shows from TV, that I would not have watched before, suddenly become great viewing given the new competition

one I found on FREEVEE (Amazon)

( so far) Its just pretty basic good guys chase down person under threat and stop the bad guys, stuff with a twist of AI that points them in the right direction

simple, not too much to think about, entertainment, written and produced very well


Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
We watched that show before and I wouldn't mind watching it again sometime. I thought the story was interesting enough. Glad that you're enjoying it.


Well Known GateFan
I have to agree, it got a bit heavy handed in later season but the first few were great and the last were totally tolerable compared to many of the ones today where every single ep is making some incredibly over top point, that I really don't want shoved in my face every single waking moment of my day.