Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
This is not a question. It is in fact a Marvel TV series, which addresses the question in the title. It's an animated series, as opposed to live-action, but it involves the characters from the Marcel Cinematic Universe in situations which are similar to yet different from those we have seen before in the movies. The first season consists of nine episodes and each episode is a new story in its own right, although I noticed some build on top of others.

In each episode, the question "What if" is answered. The premise is that things could have turned out very differently if only this one thing had been different. For example, in one of the episodes, Captain America didn't come to be. Instead, we got Captain Carter. I thought that was a funny little anecdote to share with people who are familiar and fans of Stargate. Now there are two Captains Carter, albeit they're very different from one another.

I found the episodes quite enjoyable to watch, so would recommend them to anyone who already likes they MCU stuff. The show can of course be found on Disney+. By the way, a lot of the actors from the movies came back to voice the animated characters, although not all of them did.