Stargate to be rebooted with movie. FINALLY! From the original creator Roland Emmerich


Well Known GateFan
What were the supposed Emmerich "gems"?

Godzilla sucked so hard it caused a vortex. The Day After Tomorrow was horrible dreck. Independence Day started out good but imploded at the end. And 2012 was bad on many, many levels (for example, following the ideas of the "heroes" would have killed everyone while listening to the "villain" saved a lot of lives - always a bad sign).

Were these movies *directed badly* , or did they just have crap stories??

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
What were the supposed Emmerich "gems"?

Godzilla sucked so hard it caused a vortex. The Day After Tomorrow was horrible dreck. Independence Day started out good but imploded at the end. And 2012 was bad on many, many levels (for example, following the ideas of the "heroes" would have killed everyone while listening to the "villain" saved a lot of lives - always a bad sign).

I will agree with you on Godzilla. But The Day After Tomorrow and Independence Day beat out movies like Total Recall 2012, ST 2009 and Into Darkness, and Iron Man 3 IMO. I love Independence Day. :) Yes, there were corny moments and shaky science, and Day After Tomorrow was over the top with that, but still I enjoyed them immensely. Whatever the case with those movies, I just see anybody else but the creator doing Stargate as being rather illogical. I could understand if the creator was dead. Roddenberry cant do any more Trek. But Emmerich is still alive and HE is the one who wants to do it. They did not have to dig him out of hiding like they did Marlon Brando.

You guys suggesting that anybody else but Emmerich do Stargate are not making any sense. Stargate is the Stargate movie, and whatever the new movies are going to be. Brad Wright's spinoffs/series are somebody else's vision.

We were discussing Dune in another thread, and both of us noted how much the story and feel differed between the David Lynch interpretation and the actual Frank Herbert version. Many people prefer the Lynch version, despite the fact that it deviates from the book significantly. I recently watched the Herbert mini-series version and although the production values seem a bit lower, the storytelling is much better and closest to the book.

In this case, whatever Emmerich does with the next Stargate movies I am going to accept unconditionally as "Stargate". Even if it is less imaginative or even less entertaining than the Wright interpretations, I will always regard Emmerich's Stargate as the standard bearer.


Well Known GateFan
I have been sending crawlers out for info on this project and I come up with nothing. :( I tapped a contact I have at MGM Los Angeles and she knows nothing. Whatever this movie is going to be, it will be produced by a separate production company with only the rights being licensed from MGM. What I was looking for is any stirrings from Brad Wright. Comments, articles, anything at all. I think he has gone into retirement or become reclusive. He has done nothing since SGU, not even on other production crews. I think it would be a very bad thing for Emmerich to even entertain a nightmare of a Brad Wright co-production.

How did Brad put it?

View attachment 29390

Brad Wright said in 2002 that "Devlin can wish to do a sequel to Stargate all he wants. MGM owns the rights, and I doubt very much that they'll ask him to do it. He knows better."

View attachment 29391


The pre-stirrings need to start before this thing can be considered a real deal production. As far as I know, this is still just in the idea phase. If anybody knows anything, please add it here. :)

Maybe they are waiting on J.J.? :anim_59: