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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Yep. Can you imagine an IQ test where bush people score the highest? The western world would collapse in embarrassment.
--- merged: Nov 29, 2014 at 10:52 AM ---

It supports his argument that non-whites are inferior at some level.

He wants to try and do that with a test score? :anim_59:
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Modern Egyptians are a mix of Arab and African peoples. I am talking about pre-Ptolemaic Egyptians. Phenotypically speaking (the basis of "race"), the ancient Egyptians would be considered "black people" in America.

The DNA that has been extracted from mummies has the same genetic markers as modern Egyptians. That is still not proof positive since handling of the mummies over the years may have contaminated them. Until uncontaminated human remains with viable DNA can be found in Egypt from the migration caused by the drying of the sahara and near east, there will be debate on who kick started the Egyptian civilization.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
IQ tests are bullshit. No matter what anyone pretends they are or aren't, they are affected by education and surrounding environment. I'll compare mine to yours and my number will dwarf yours. Even so, I still think it is utterly meaningless.

I have made my IQ test results public. Why don't you take an on-line test and make yours public?

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Mine dwarfs his as well. :) But I dont even give my own test score any more merit than anyone elses because I know the test is bullshit. What I dont get is what the benefit to Jim is to believe that IQ scores are relevant. Is it going to improve his job prospects? Increase his income? Give him another inch of penis? :anim_59:

No, it does not. If your IQ test results dwarfed mine, you would have posted it here already.

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Considering that they are 82.9% of the population, that is not unexpected.

Extrapolate the ratio to population demographics of convicted ethnic pedophiles and whites still come out on top as the biggest pedophiles.

Jim of WVa

Well Known GateFan
Extrapolate the ratio to population demographics of convicted ethnic pedophiles and whites still come out on top as the biggest pedophiles.

No they do not. Whites are over 82% of the population but only commit 80% of the pedophile attacks.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Im waiting for somebody to make some sort of correlation between high IQ scores and success in America. :) My numbers are way up there, and I have become very successful. I do not know what Bluce's numbers are, but he is even MORE successful. Where does Jim fall in this grouping? If his accomplishments and ongoing successes are...attenuated, in comparison, what does that infer in relation to Jim's IQ?

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
No they do not. Whites are over 82% of the population but only commit 80% of the pedophile attacks.

About this...in the US whites are only 63% of the population today and dropping. By 2030 or before, they will be only 48% and the majority non-white generation has been birthed already. Globally, they are only 8% and dropping. Despite this, white MALES are still the vast majority of all pedophiles arrested and convicted in the United States AND the EU. They are 100% of all kiddie porn violators. Why is this?
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Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Considering that they are 82.9% of the population, that is not unexpected.

:) I love it when you just pull figures out of your ass like this....where did you get that number for the white population? According to the 2012 Census, the following numbers are true:

As a whole, the nonwhite population increased by 1.9 percent to 116 million, or 37 percent of the U.S. The fastest percentage growth is among multiracial Americans, followed by Asians and Hispanics. Non-Hispanic whites make up 63 percent of the U.S.; Hispanics, 17 percent; blacks, 12.3 percent; Asians, 5 percent; and multiracial Americans, 2.4 percent.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Hardly earth shattering, but your scores are a little higher than mine:

View attachment 30521

This is silly, Jim. ONLY the IQ test taken when you were a child is recorded in your cumulative records. Mine is WAAAAY higher than yours (more than 10 points). The only other one recorded (if taken) is the ASVAB test for the military or the other aptitude tests given by the CIA which are classified. That sparkly looking online certificate means nothing. Take that to some employer or college and you will be laughed out of the zip code.

Im looking at your DEMONSTRATED intelligence, and you are not impressing anyone here with it. I really do not think anyone would be talking about it if you weren’t bringing it up, but since you have....:). What sort of people are talking about "race is real" in the US? Not intelligent people. Not educated people. Which group in the US most closely resembles your ideas about "race" and crime (as a result of race)? I see it over at Stormfront and the rest of it in the lower socio-economic classes of the deep south. The scientific community and most all of the general population is aware that "race" is nothing but a social construct having no scientific basis. You spend time searching for others who believe as you do, and you only seem to find backwards little blogs or white guys over 70 years old who still believe that nonsense.


Well Known GateFan
Im waiting for somebody to make some sort of correlation between high IQ scores and success in America. :) My numbers are way up there, and I have become very successful. I do not know what Bluce's numbers are, but he is even MORE successful. Where does Jim fall in this grouping? If his accomplishments and ongoing successes are...attenuated, in comparison, what does that infer in relation to Jim's IQ?

There's no denying that intelligence is a component of success. But just because someone is highly intelligent that doesn't mean that they will employ that intelligence in any lucrative way. The world is full of smart people who don't use their intelligence anywhere near its full capacity.

There are also people who wouldn't score that high on IQ tests but who do succeed in life because they work hard and apply themselves to their chosen field. Have you ever heard the term "talent will out"? That's what I'm talking about here. A person can be naturally talented and/or highly intelligent but if they don't utilize that intelligence it's fairly meaningless. Contrast this to someone with a lower IQ who works and strives and takes steps to educate themselves about a certain field of endeavor and in the end succeeds. That's basically "will" in action compared to "talent" or "intelligence".

(Admittedly it's a sign of intelligence for one to recognize their cognitive limitations and then go about changing them so they can reach a higher level of success. But I don't think IQ tests can measure that trait, that "will" in a person.)