Okay, so here it is.


Well Known GateFan
Well you appear to be strangling yourself in your avatar :P

If you want a job done right do it yourself mama always said. ;)


Well Known GateFan
To call something a foolish notion is to say the person holding that notion is foolish also because obviously they believe that notion to begin with. Why would someone take less offense at having their notion called stupid verses having themselves called foolish? It's essentially the same thing.
Not really dude. Pick any "hot button" topic (religion, politics, death penalty, abortion and so on) and you can find debate on the issue if you want to, you will also find however "mud slinging" matches as well. One is constructive (debate), one is not (mud slinging). Now, do they frequently meet each other, sure, is it nessesary, no.

shavedape said:
I agree whole heartedly with how you added "...and here's why" to your examples. That aspect of the discussion is more important than worrying about calling someone foolish verses calling their idea foolish. Chances are if they can't defend their position they're going to take offense no matter what terminology you use.

I disagree. I think it has everything to do with the mindset of how you go into the debate. If you go in to discuss the issue and learn from the process, then you can truly have a debate. If your only goal is to prove you are correct, no matter what, then yes, you can have a debate, but the chances of it turning into a "flamefest" increase in proportion to how "passionate" about the issue you are.


Well Known GateFan
Not really dude. Pick any "hot button" topic (religion, politics, death penalty, abortion and so on) and you can find debate on the issue if you want to, you will also find however "mud slinging" matches as well. One is constructive (debate), one is not (mud slinging). Now, do they frequently meet each other, sure, is it nessesary, no.

I disagree. I think it has everything to do with the mindset of how you go into the debate. If you go in to discuss the issue and learn from the process, then you can truly have a debate. If your only goal is to prove you are correct, no matter what, then yes, you can have a debate, but the chances of it turning into a "flamefest" increase in proportion to how "passionate" about the issue you are.

I don't think we're really disagreeing much here Gatefan, rather, I think we're nitpicking semantics which is why I used the term "splitting hairs" earlier. I get where you're coming from but all I'm saying is the difference in the two examples isn't great enough for most people to differentiate between. To put it in simpler form, if you insult someone's idea chances are good that they will take that as an attack on their whole being, because, basically, you've just insulted the content of their mind.

Perhaps there's a way to go about this method more diplomatically where the other person wouldn't be so quick to take offense but then chances are the comment wouldn't have been couched in insult form to begin with...

...and we arrive right back where we started. :D


Well Known GateFan
There are ways to be more offensive without resorting to flammatory remarks. Usually, to me, when people start using flammatory language/debasing, I think that hurts their argument because if their argument is strong, there would be no reason for flaming. Sorta undermines their argument, to me at least.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I agree kinda.

There are ways to be more offensive without resorting to flammatory remarks. Usually, to me, when people start using flammatory language/debasing, I think that hurts their argument because if their argument is strong, there would be no reason for flaming. Sorta undermines their argument, to me at least.

I agree, but sometimes a properly grilled troll is tasty! LOL. Rest assured, the infammatory language and debasing is NOT ALLOWED in our public forums. None of them. But in Flame Hell, everything goes (to a degree). That is a balanced solution, IMO. You cant have ALL lollipops and cotton candy, because reality is not like that.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, when SparkyPinkUnicorn comes along, he has some jelly beans stashed Im sure.

Sorry all I saw was cotton candy. :P

SparklyPinkUnicorn has a stash of jelly beans, chocolate drops and lollipops hidden behind the root beer waterfalls deep within the forest. Im sure he will show up. :)



GateFans Member
Did someone say cotton candy???
