
Well Known GateFan
So, according to this lore what happened to the head Six and Angel Gaius?
Do you really believe all colonists would have given up all tech?
If the cylons never die, then we are they not still here, or are they supposed to be?
Did they interbreed with the earthlings?

This is just some of the questions that the ending left me with.

Well RDM intended that ppl be left with questions (i'm guessing ppl who are very frustrated with the sgu ending and watched the BSG ending probably had to get new tv's afterward :D)

angel 6 and gaius can be anyone, there not 'locked into' these forms. they are purpotedly still here among us. maybe their "mission" now is to prevent the cycle from re-occurring or maybe it is to help it along once again? (remember in the end TPTB cleverly tied in real footage of robots especially those freaky Japanese ones (which soon are supposedly going to be capable of providing 'sexual favors' eew those japanese)! Perhaps this was RDM's way of answering the question that the 2 'angels' posed to each other, it was something like 'maybe all of that won't happen again'--of course showing our real robotic advances helps answer that it is 'happening again'. Of course these 2 are not the only 'angels' about. They could be intentionally working at cross-purposes(hence more chaos). I have thought that perhaps the ancient Kobol gods were 'angels' perhaps on Kobol the 'game' was to make themselves known to all, show power and rule theoistically. this would allow them to introduce the Kobol version of robotic cylons and help the humans make space faring tech. Remember on Kobol, Sharon told Laura about Athena's tomb=="whoever she was, whatever she was, Athena's tomb is up there". The colonial cylons do not know who the gods were and they do not know about the "head" creatures--until Caprica 6 starts to see 'Baltar'. Perhaps that was part of the 'grand chaotic plan'--assume the role of gods, cause dissent on Kobol and evacuation, dissappear and allow the religious strife we saw in CAPRICA take place/ All just another take on what they helped to cause previously--a different 'flavor' of chaos.

The ppl who came to our Earth, they probably didn't give up all tech. I t would be against human nature. I am sure they did not want to resort to wearing animal skins, so maybe they adapted some tech to make spinning wheels and looms? Think about us-we say we are going to stop doing this or that, go green, eat less,etc.,, we do it half way and never fully commit with the exception of a few. We know Adama uses his raptor, Tyrol used one or a viper to get to 'England', Apollo is going to have to use one to do his globetrotting--what better way to form the legend of mythical Apollo and his golden fiery chariot than with a raptor or viper spewing hot firey exhaust?
The impression that I got is that cylons can die-of old age. It is obviously something they have never tried-they haven't been around for too long-and that they can 'will' it somehow (think of the elves and half elves of TLOTR's-they can choose to be mortal or not) like a self programming adjustment (?) And in the rough and tumble world of our pre-history, I am sure that many of them, and Galactica's humans, will fall victim to the 'savages' on Earth. I am sure a blonde 6 or a Sharon would make a great trophy for some 'ugh-ugh' paleolithic male. We know interbreeding is possible-Sharon did it and the cylons knew it was scientifically possible hence their breeding farms on Caprica. And-one thing that I feel was very clever--the Sharons and their being 'asian'. Anthropologists and the like have never come up with a good, sound reason for the differences in appearances in humans, ESPECIALLY between Asians and the rest of us (Caucasians, blacks). Some say their eye-folds are due to the adaptations to the sun, well humans in Europe and western Asia living at the same latitudes never developed these traits. Many Japanese and Koreans today have their eye folds removed thru cosmetic surgery-their ability to deal with the sun and everything else is unchanged. Frankly, many of our real explanation for their differences are Euro-centric and borderline racist. I have never read anything on why Asians have dark brown or black hair either. SO the introduction of the Sharon models landing and settling in Asia=thereby their introduction (thousands of Sharons-even hundreds) could go a long way in posing a fictional reason for the actual differences.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen them get 'here' a little later-like around 15,000BC--the 100,000 yrs ago thing was to facilitate a 'match' with the whole mitochondrial Eve thing--a 'pet-peeve' of RDM's to be sure--it wasn't necessary. A later date could have been used to expand on the themes of the original series--that the builders of our very old and still not understood objects==the Great Pyramids (do you know that after these were built, construction of later Pyramids got worse--they even had collapses, they couldn't make the bases square-the knowledge was somehow lost, even as their civilization and power grew), the Granite structures in Peru/Chile where the stone is so hard it can only be cut by diamond, not with clubs and rocks as science would have us believe (no I am not a fanatical 'ancient astronaut' believer. actually I think that there were older human civilizations that developed faster that others due to social org and resources) and others. However to do this in show, would have been harder for RDM and gang as they would have had to assume that a sufficient number of fans were well versed enough in Mythology/history/archaeology or anthropology to 'get it'--thus showing the National Geographic article on 'eve' and tying that to Hera was a more convenient method.
No offense to anyone (it would be the fault of education systems anyhow) but I think that many of those who didn't get the ending-and still dont get it after explanations--is a result of their not knowing even a basic smattering of the history of ancient Earth or the mythos of ancient peoples (on the whole Apollo and others turning into legend and mythology-this is a place where the lore of SG1 and BSG intersect nicely with the whole ancient gods being Go'auld thing).

yeah just ask specific questions and I will shoot you 'answers', either mine or others as I have picked them up from the BSG/CAPRICA Syfy forums (what a difference between them and the SGU one heh?)


Well Known GateFan
No offense Yongjin02 but 99.999% of TV viewers are not going to analyze the subtle and obscure mythos of a show. They want answers -- plain, simple answers, especially if they've invested several years into watching a particular show.


No offense Yongjin02 but 99.999% of TV viewers are not going to analyze the subtle and obscure mythos of a show. They want answers -- plain, simple answers, especially if they've invested several years into watching a particular show.

I actually enjoy his take on the show. It makes me enjoy the show more.


Well RDM intended that ppl be left with questions (i'm guessing ppl who are very frustrated with the sgu ending and watched the BSG ending probably had to get new tv's afterward :D)

angel 6 and gaius can be anyone, there not 'locked into' these forms. they are purpotedly still here among us. maybe their "mission" now is to prevent the cycle from re-occurring or maybe it is to help it along once again? (remember in the end TPTB cleverly tied in real footage of robots especially those freaky Japanese ones (which soon are supposedly going to be capable of providing 'sexual favors' eew those japanese)! Perhaps this was RDM's way of answering the question that the 2 'angels' posed to each other, it was something like 'maybe all of that won't happen again'--of course showing our real robotic advances helps answer that it is 'happening again'. Of course these 2 are not the only 'angels' about. They could be intentionally working at cross-purposes(hence more chaos). I have thought that perhaps the ancient Kobol gods were 'angels' perhaps on Kobol the 'game' was to make themselves known to all, show power and rule theoistically. this would allow them to introduce the Kobol version of robotic cylons and help the humans make space faring tech. Remember on Kobol, Sharon told Laura about Athena's tomb=="whoever she was, whatever she was, Athena's tomb is up there". The colonial cylons do not know who the gods were and they do not know about the "head" creatures--until Caprica 6 starts to see 'Baltar'. Perhaps that was part of the 'grand chaotic plan'--assume the role of gods, cause dissent on Kobol and evacuation, dissappear and allow the religious strife we saw in CAPRICA take place/ All just another take on what they helped to cause previously--a different 'flavor' of chaos.

The ppl who came to our Earth, they probably didn't give up all tech. I t would be against human nature. I am sure they did not want to resort to wearing animal skins, so maybe they adapted some tech to make spinning wheels and looms? Think about us-we say we are going to stop doing this or that, go green, eat less,etc.,, we do it half way and never fully commit with the exception of a few. We know Adama uses his raptor, Tyrol used one or a viper to get to 'England', Apollo is going to have to use one to do his globetrotting--what better way to form the legend of mythical Apollo and his golden fiery chariot than with a raptor or viper spewing hot firey exhaust?
The impression that I got is that cylons can die-of old age. It is obviously something they have never tried-they haven't been around for too long-and that they can 'will' it somehow (think of the elves and half elves of TLOTR's-they can choose to be mortal or not) like a self programming adjustment (?) And in the rough and tumble world of our pre-history, I am sure that many of them, and Galactica's humans, will fall victim to the 'savages' on Earth. I am sure a blonde 6 or a Sharon would make a great trophy for some 'ugh-ugh' paleolithic male. We know interbreeding is possible-Sharon did it and the cylons knew it was scientifically possible hence their breeding farms on Caprica. And-one thing that I feel was very clever--the Sharons and their being 'asian'. Anthropologists and the like have never come up with a good, sound reason for the differences in appearances in humans, ESPECIALLY between Asians and the rest of us (Caucasians, blacks). Some say their eye-folds are due to the adaptations to the sun, well humans in Europe and western Asia living at the same latitudes never developed these traits. Many Japanese and Koreans today have their eye folds removed thru cosmetic surgery-their ability to deal with the sun and everything else is unchanged. Frankly, many of our real explanation for their differences are Euro-centric and borderline racist. I have never read anything on why Asians have dark brown or black hair either. SO the introduction of the Sharon models landing and settling in Asia=thereby their introduction (thousands of Sharons-even hundreds) could go a long way in posing a fictional reason for the actual differences.
Personally, I would have liked to have seen them get 'here' a little later-like around 15,000BC--the 100,000 yrs ago thing was to facilitate a 'match' with the whole mitochondrial Eve thing--a 'pet-peeve' of RDM's to be sure--it wasn't necessary. A later date could have been used to expand on the themes of the original series--that the builders of our very old and still not understood objects==the Great Pyramids (do you know that after these were built, construction of later Pyramids got worse--they even had collapses, they couldn't make the bases square-the knowledge was somehow lost, even as their civilization and power grew), the Granite structures in Peru/Chile where the stone is so hard it can only be cut by diamond, not with clubs and rocks as science would have us believe (no I am not a fanatical 'ancient astronaut' believer. actually I think that there were older human civilizations that developed faster that others due to social org and resources) and others. However to do this in show, would have been harder for RDM and gang as they would have had to assume that a sufficient number of fans were well versed enough in Mythology/history/archaeology or anthropology to 'get it'--thus showing the National Geographic article on 'eve' and tying that to Hera was a more convenient method.
No offense to anyone (it would be the fault of education systems anyhow) but I think that many of those who didn't get the ending-and still dont get it after explanations--is a result of their not knowing even a basic smattering of the history of ancient Earth or the mythos of ancient peoples (on the whole Apollo and others turning into legend and mythology-this is a place where the lore of SG1 and BSG intersect nicely with the whole ancient gods being Go'auld thing).

yeah just ask specific questions and I will shoot you 'answers', either mine or others as I have picked them up from the BSG/CAPRICA Syfy forums (what a difference between them and the SGU one heh?)

My biggest issue with the ending is that I like the writers to tell me the end. I hated Lost's end and Soprano's even more. I don't mind making me work to figure out plotlines throughout the show, but when it ends I do.


Well Known GateFan
I actually enjoy his take on the show. It makes me enjoy the show more.

Oh I'm not saying his take on the show is wrong. I'm just saying that most people simply won't (or can't) do the mental heavy lifting required to come to the conclusions he has. Viewing TV is a passive activity, both physical and mental. Sure a few people might like to be intellectually challenged by their viewing choices but the majority do not. The majority of TV viewers are passive drones and the ratings prove this. They don't want to think, they want to be delivered from the task of thinking. Cynical? Yes, but true nonetheless. ;)


Oh I'm not saying his take on the show is wrong. I'm just saying that most people simply won't (or can't) do the mental heavy lifting required to come to the conclusions he has. Viewing TV is a passive activity, both physical and mental. Sure a few people might like to be intellectually challenged by their viewing choices but the majority do not. The majority of TV viewers are passive drones and the ratings prove this. They don't want to think, they want to be delivered from the task of thinking. Cynical? Yes, but true nonetheless. ;)

I agree. The average Tv viewer is a boob. That is why the reality stuff is so popular and we make stars out of "Snookie" and the ilk. I do believe however that in this forum where most of us are far beyond that, it is an absoulte joy to see what somebody with Yongjin's conviction and intellect can do with the show. :)


Well Known GateFan
No offense Yongjin02 but 99.999% of TV viewers are not going to analyze the subtle and obscure mythos of a show. They want answers -- plain, simple answers, especially if they've invested several years into watching a particular show.

I take no offense to anything, ever :biggrin: Anyways..if you listen to the podcasts on the BSG dvd's Moore and his partners say that plain and simple is not what they are delivering (I think they speak on it a lot in the ep when Starbuck comes 'back from the dead' and is never explained). This show and CAPRICA are shows that require interactive though from the viewers, if you just view and take it in for plain old entertainment, you are not going to see much. It is what it is, take or leave it, love it or hate it. It did receive a lot of critical acclaim and, for what its worth, the cast and crew were part of a global peace inititiative at the UN. So some one "get's it".

No offense to those hardcore SG fans or other base 'pew-pew' shows, but the reasons you state are precisely why there is such a disconnect among fans of these disparate shows. The differences between the SGU and BSG/CAPRICA forums on Syfy is another 'living' example off this divide. I like SG stuff too, however I prefer BSG. I get that SG1 nad Atlantis are meant for 'surface' viewing AND they have some underlying themes as well AND that BSG is meant to be viewed for what IS NOT stated/shown as well as for what is on-screen.
And, the most common retort to this kind of post is something like "so your saying SG fans are dumd and cant comprehend anything and BSG fans are intelligent...blah,blah,blah". No that is not what I am saying..BSG is different from other shows, period. It is what it is.


Well Known GateFan
like I said, its not all my ideas:
" just ask specific questions and I will shoot you 'answers', either mine or others as I have picked them up from the BSG/CAPRICA Syfy forums (what a difference between them and the SGU one heh?)"


like I said, its not all my ideas:
" just ask specific questions and I will shoot you 'answers', either mine or others as I have picked them up from the BSG/CAPRICA Syfy forums (what a difference between them and the SGU one heh?)"

I take no offense to it. Like I said, I like picking your brain about it, it makes watching the show more enjoyable to me.




I have been reading through these links, they are quite extensive and wanted to take the proper time to comprehend all the differnt complexities of the theories invloved. I have made it through the first full one. About whether or not Daniel was the first hybrid or not. I have still not seen the movie Razor so, I am undecided but after I am done rewatching all of BSG I think I will go find Razor and then continue on to do a rewatch of Caprica. At some point during my journey I think I wil be better able to decide whether I agree with this or not. As to the Angels and head cylons, I understand but I am still not a hundred percent sure that is what was intended by the writers. The way I understand what you are saying is that is what the writer's wanted anyhow, to have to try to mull it over to figure out what it meant. Correct?


Well Known GateFan
I have been reading through these links, they are quite extensive and wanted to take the proper time to comprehend all the differnt complexities of the theories invloved. I have made it through the first full one. About whether or not Daniel was the first hybrid or not. I have still not seen the movie Razor so, I am undecided but after I am done rewatching all of BSG I think I will go find Razor and then continue on to do a rewatch of Caprica. At some point during my journey I think I wil be better able to decide whether I agree with this or not. As to the Angels and head cylons, I understand but I am still not a hundred percent sure that is what was intended by the writers. The way I understand what you are saying is that is what the writer's wanted anyhow, to have to try to mull it over to figure out what it meant. Correct? podcasts--i think in the eps where starbuck re-appears from the dead--you can hear Eick and Moore t/a it. they kind of mimc and mock some of the more 'simpler fans' who they think-do to no fault of the fans-have been 'raised on a diet of 1st act, 2nd act dilemma, solved by closing credits all in 60 minutes (which are really more like 42-commercials) and expecting the same from them. They definetaly want ppl to think about it. This is what fuels some fan wars between like SG and BSG fans with the BSG fans--who clearly don't get Moore's intention either-calling the SG fans dumb and unable to grasp complex stories. Like I said..BSG is just 'different'-you have to know that going in to it or you may become confused, frustrated and let down:(

Yes, for some unknown reason-Razor and the plan are still not available for instant viewing on netflix. Razor I would say is critical to getting the whole picture; The Plan just kind of tidying things up--those perceived 'plot holes that Moore allowed Eddie Olmos to close --like when Sherry Godfrey-another copy of number 6--is seen by everyone(so not in Baltar's head) and then seems to disappear during a cylon attack. The Plan shows you how she got away and some other interesting cylon skin job things.

about Daniel--we may never find out-depends on how B&C does and if it is picked up as a series.Then, will it continue CAPRICA (in the way BSG did with multiple stories running at once?) and the characters roles in the war or will it just be "blood and pew-pew"?
There are other things in RAZOR from the flashback scenes when a young Adama finds people locked away behind a door on a cylon research vessel adjacent to a lab filled with body parts and the greystone "goo-tub" (or one of their design) so there is clearly some connection between the cylons, skin job research and goo tubs between greystone and the cylons.what is it? Any how, in the locked room the door is opened just enough to see 2 people-a guy in his 20's and a girl in her tweens(?) The guy looks and sounds a he%% of a lot like Leoben and the girl has blue eyes and blonde hair and resembles a young number 6--so are these two 'templates' for their later skin job forms? My detractors took this the wrong way took things too literal--"that actor is such and such, this is his picture it is not the same guy who plays Leoben and the girl is definately not the actress who plays 6" not my point--they were made to resemble their possible future selves. I contend that just as we see Zoe being made a skin job based on her actual biometrics than the cylons with Final Five help eventually-had to have human templates to copy the biometrics from--make sense?
If not, why make the skin jobs look like they did-beautiful, handsome--different and stand outs in a crowd, if they are to be covert war machines then wouldn't the cylon brain construct "people" who are non descript and un-remarkable? The ship the man behind the door says they were taken from was the diana from Gemenon--I think that also plays in (Diana another skin job and Gemenon-quite possibly the place where the cylon rebellion gathers human support from the religious fanatics and Lacey's (holy mother superior) command) the plot-just not sure how.
But again--we may never know:(


So, Razor is going to be that hard to find, that is going to stink. I missed it and have never seen it, I think I am missing a big piece of the puzzle. Crud.


Well Known GateFan
So, Razor is going to be that hard to find, that is going to stink. I missed it and have never seen it, I think I am missing a big piece of the puzzle. Crud.

oh-you can buy it-i still see it in walmart and target so i am sure you can pick it up pretty easily:)


oh-you can buy it-i still see it in walmart and target so i am sure you can pick it up pretty easily:)

Gee, I wonder how much it will be? And It had better not have a darn scratch on it. Ergh. I will scream if that happens again. :rolleyes:


Well Known GateFan
Gee, I wonder how much it will be? And It had better not have a darn scratch on it. Ergh. I will scream if that happens again. :rolleyes:

Get it from a local store, it's probably in the bargain bin by now. IIRC, Razor came with my S4 set for NuBSG


Get it from a local store, it's probably in the bargain bin by now. IIRC, Razor came with my S4 set for NuBSG

I should make a point to look for it, I hate going to stores and it not being there. LOL.


Yeah in the bargain bin next to sg1 and sg atlantis :P

Now Boys, Play nice. LOL.
As long as I can find the darn thing. And like I said no more frakin scratches. I had problems with YF too. But not till the end and not as severe.
What is wrong with the world today. :facepalm: