No more monkey business!


Well Known GateFan
SciphonicStranger, when you told me of your plans for world domination via an army of trained monkeys I thought it was just the rum talking. Imagine my surprise to see this report come out of Houston today (so that's where your dark lair is, eh?):


GRIMES COUNTY, Texas -- One of the monkeys that was turned loose during the tri-county fire has been killed. The monkey was fatally shot and turned over to Waller County Animal Control Officer Don Jones. The monkeys have shown aggressive behavior, officials said. A game warden was bitten by one.

"She gave him part of her candy bar, so he ate it," veterinarian Dr. Wendell Baker said. "Then she got in her car, the monkey jumped in the car with her, and, before she knew it, he bit her, took the candy bar, left and went up a tree."...One of the monkeys stole a deputy's cellphone. He got the cellphone back, but it had teeth marks...Jones said 10 monkeys were released by their owner because of the fire...Seven monkeys have been captured, officials said. Two monkeys have not been found, but officials said there is a good chance that they died in the fire...

Kudos on the strides you've made in your diabolical plan. When success is achieved and you're king of the world can I have a cabinet position, perhaps the "Secretary of Things and Such"? Muchas grass-see-us mi amigo!


Objects may be closer than they appear
You damned dirty ape, nothing gets by you. :facepalm:

The plan was to take out Los Angeles first and Houston was just our staging ground. The monkeys are only supposed to steal candy bars in Stage one. Stage two...???? Stage three....profit!

And when we pull this off there is a spot for you in the new world order if you can just keep your mouth shut for now. :)


Objects may be closer than they appear
BTW ape, had you joined us in the 12 Monkeys rewatch last week you would be much further up the ladder in our new world monkey order. But there are some coded messages in that thread that can help you catch up. ;)


Well Known GateFan
I'll get to work on collecting as many candy bars as I can. ;)


There certain candy bars the monkeys prefer? What about M&M's? Milk Duds?


Candy...............Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....I have not had a candy bar in my mouth in ages..:rolleyes: