Just some random...


What ship is this?
Staff member
Jay Cutler is a Nancy boy, a Nancy boy I tell you! :icon_lol:

He can be a bit of a drama queen but in his defense no QB can be consistently effective with what passes for blocking on the Bear OL.


My avatar speaks for itself.

SERIOUSLY! im not in the mood for your BS.

Indeed. It's not a lot so I spread them out over multiple posts to make it look like something. But then someone came around and put them all in a single post.

YOU were spamming and spamming is not nor will it ever be "OK" here nor is it "OK" anywhere else to flood a new thread with 16 posts in a row.
and since you have an attitude about it next time i might just throw your whole spamming session in the bin instead rather then trying to be nice about it then to be met by this BS attitude of yours.