Jurassic World


Well Known GateFan
Just saw the movie . It was not too bad at all !!! I have to say that red head made me melt a few times . Especially when she got all girly sweaty ...

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Just saw the movie . It was not too bad at all !!! I have to say that red head made me melt a few times . Especially when she got all girly sweaty ...
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Yes, but she distracted you from the FILM! :anim_59:

I think most of us who have seen it say that it is enjoyable and a good movie. It is just not as WOW as the first one. More of a package/formula (except the dumb trained raptors). How can they keep destroying Jurassic Park/World AND get approval to build new ones open to the public?


Well Known GateFan
Naturally - the first movie was based on an excellent book by Michael Crichton. and with Crichton now dead there is obviously no one intelligent watching over his "legacy" and body of work. Just someone very greedy! :P

Well, also Stan Winston who also did terminator and Aliens (which the special effects again look so lifelike) passed away in 2008 was not involved in this movie as well.


Well Known GateFan
Was pretty meh, very mediocre. But I guess nostalgia factor is strong and dinosaurs for the new generation of kids. Can't believe how grossly incompetent everyone in charge were, especially the chick. She ends up getting lots of people killed. I predict sequel will be court drama with her getting sued. Then T-rex out of nowhere with Tommy Guns in its tiny little arms! Americuh Jurrasicuh...Fuck yeah...