IDW Announces Official ‘Doctor Who’ And ‘Star Trek: TNG’ Crossover


Earl Grey
In exciting news for both Whovians and Trekkies, comic book publisher IDW has announced that they will be publishing the first official cross-over story between ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation’ called ‘Assimilation2.’‘Assimilation2’ will be an eight issue series and will feature Captain Picard and his crew joining forces with the Doctor and the Ponds as they fight to save the universe against a Cyberman/Borg alliance.The story was co-written by current longtime ‘Doctor Who’ comic author Tony Lee and ‘Star Trek Infestation’ comic book authors Scott and David Tipton. Illustrated by J.K. Woodward (‘Falling Angel’), the comic book will have a limited edition wrap around photo cover version as well as a variant cover featuring the Doctor, Amy and Rory aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise from Joe Corroney (‘Star Trek Ongoing’).
Woah...What if this was turned into a possible episode?


Objects may be closer than they appear
Why wouldn't the Borg simply assimilate the Cybermen and steal their tech? :confused:

Bluce Ree

Tech Admin / Council Member
Why wouldn't the Borg simply assimilate the Cybermen and steal their tech? :confused:

When you compare their level of tech to anything in the TNG universe, isn't it like assimilating a technologically advanced trash can?

I don't think they should mix the two universes. Dr Who is fantasy sci-fi and TNG is hardcore sci-fi.