Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga

Lord Ba'al

Well Known GateFan
Quite unexpectedly, I let myself get swept away by this movie. It might not look like much at first glance, but it managed to hit me quite hard. Maybe it's because I was watching it all by myself, so there wasn't any "peer pressure", but I actually got rather choked up nearer to the end, when things were building to the climax. The scene where they perform their final song just blew me away. My throat was still sore an hour afterwards. The movie also gave me good chuckles from time to time. Not that I was rolling over the floor, but it was funny enough. I just went back and watched that climactic scene again. And maybe I'll give it another go for good measure. It's not often that my emotions run wild, so why not.

If you're already sure you're not going to watch the movie but you still might be curious as to that scene I mentioned, the official Netflix channel has it up on Youtube. I'll put it in spoiler tags to be safe. I can tell you though that the scene has a LOT more impact if you were to take the time to go through the movie to get the story behind it.

If you're not afraid of some emotions and you have some time to spare you're not sure what to do with, I'd recommend to give this movie a chance. You can blame me afterwards.
