Brad Wright really believes that investors will fill the financial gap left by Syfy? Just LOL!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
I just ran across this little tidbit at Genre Addict:


It’s a slim hope to resurrect the series that Wright is alluding to, but any hope is better than none at all.

SGU has ten episodes left to air. After that, the series will cease airing on Syfy but the story will remain incomplete, that is, unless the budget hole left by Syfy is replaced another way.
There is a chance that MGM, who have recently tidied up their financial issues, could get behind made-for-DVD movies. There is a chance, which is even more slim, that a new TV network might jump on board. Some have suggested a good fit with Showtime, but personally I think Starz would be ideal.
Either way, the tipping point for either of these scenario’s is demonstration that the fan-base is sufficient enough to warrant the investment, since SGU is a very expensive series to produce.

The first thing to do as a fan is to get behind the Save SGU campaigns that are running. You can start by vising Save SGU on Facebook as they have a ton of campaign links for you to follow.
But the greatest thing you can do is open your wallet and start buying Stargate Universe merchandise. Most importantly are the DVD’s. The greatest chance of seeing SGU again seems to reside in made-for-DVD movies, and they’ll only happen if SGU DVD’s demonstrate a market.

You can find all the SGU DVD’s here: Stargate Store on Amazon

And if tons of DVD’s sell, then a TV Network out there might see the light too. So go forth and save this fantastic series, it deserves it!
LMAO!:rotflmao::laughing: :rotflmao::laughing:

Where to start?

First of all, the fact that THIS particular Stargate show was undeniably and clearly cancelled for LOW RATINGS and LACK OF INTEREST by Stargate fans (or the general audience) makes this entire thought train a wreck. First, let me say very clearly:


There is a HUGE audience of about 4 or 5 million who have been without Stargate since SG-1 and Atlantis were cancelled. The Stargate shows which are Stargate are SG-1 and Atlantis, not Stargate Universe. Those first two shows are clearly related to the premise of the movie, with the stargate being the center of action and adventure. With Atlantis, the city should have been the center of the story, but it effectively created an entire web of exciting new aliens in the Pegasus. Still, the most important room of Atlantis was always the Gate Room.

2. THE PROBLEM IS THE ENTRENCHED WRITERS. Get new writers who want to write STARGATE.

The writers have been there too long and they are out of ideas. On network shows, writers were cycled in and out regularly so that new ideas could happen. But these writers have been doing Stargate TV for so long now that they got bored and even COMPLACENT. They actually entrenched themselves and probably thought, "I am indispensable. Nobody else can do Stargate except me!" :roll: The creation of Stargate Universe was an abomination. The center of Stargate Universe was the relationships between "the wrong people" on a derelict ship out on the edges of the universe. WTF? That premise has NOTHING to do with Stargate. No connection to anything in the original movie, and the introduction of the magical communications stones as the primary means of "travel" (and to earth, no less) was nothing less than a soap opera in space. SGU was NOT Stargate, and thats why Stargate fans did not watch it. WE LOVE STARGATE! When Stargate is back on the air, WE WILL WATCH IT! No tricks, no "new directions", just a new look, a new take on STARGATE. That means action/adventure/science/drama. Forget about the heavy interpersonal drama. That will develop as the characters are developed. Make us like the central characters, and make them a team. And the main purpose of that team is to travel through the freakin STARGATE, mkay?

3. FOLLOW THROUGH AND DO IT RIGHT, which does not necessarily mean throwing money at it, it means sticking to the Stargate premise. Atlantis was done right, and it used relative unknowns as actors.

Brad Wright's Stargate is dead. The canon he and his associates created is still in place (ending with Atlantis). Let him retire, give him a big check and a party at a fancy restaurant and say goodbye. But he has to go. Putting him in charge of any new Stargate project would be a big mistake. Same with Joseph Mallozzi. There are more engaging fanfic scripts for Stargate Atlantis and SG-1 than were ever written by Wright or Mallozzi. Green Screen could bring costs down, and could even serve as a foundation for an extension of Atlantis (since the sets are now gone). If ratings soar, then sets can be built. Or, start in a completely new scenario. But the basic formula has to be there:

  • A stargate which is the center of things overall. That stargate has to be based somewhere, and protected by a defensive structure of some kind.
  • A TEAM. From the movie to Atlantis, the characters central to the story were a TEAM. If your characters in any new Stargate venture are not a team, then its not Stargate, plain and simple.
  • Places to go with the stargate. They have to be interesting, strange places, either populated by humanoids or aliens or not at all, but travel to SOMEWHERE on a very regular basis is essential. Thats where the adventure comes in.
  • Enemies. They need to be alien enemies, even if they look human...yes, they can even be rubber-faced. The fans never had a problem with that, why did Brad and Mallozzi and Cooper? Its fun, it makes the interaction between the aliens and our heroes the primary focus instead of "wtf are they saying?"
  • CONTINUITY. It cant drift off into soapy drama or lose focus of what the show is about, which is the freakin STARGATE!
The formula which works, is the formula which HAS WORKED. So, if any of the new decision makers at MGM are listening to us, you can already see what worked and what didnt. Stargate SG-1 worked, Stargate Atlantis worked, and they worked because they followed the basic formula as listed above. The formula established by the MOVIE. Do it any different on its most basic level, and its not Stargate. Its not so hard is it?


GateFans Noob
They can attempt to spin the numbers any way they want but accounting is only interested in the bottom line. This show is a lost leader and nobody dumps boats loaded of cash at it. The reasons cited for it nonproducing revenue is like a junkie or a complusive gambler blaming everything and anything for their sorry, sad existance. It's called free will, Bernice rolled the dice and lost. Show runners need some diplomatic skills because the fiefdom approach isn't working. Perhaps that is the audience he was seeking, the mindless easy to be led sheep people. Well that isn't the built in fanbase that he had. His core audience experienced the Apollo program, the moon landing, the energy crisis, several wars, Watergate, Regeanomics, the fall of ther Berlin Wall, Iran contra-affair, Bill Clinton's crap which ranks right up there with SGPOO, personal computers and the list goes on. The very same people who he said wasn't smart enough for his show. Yeah, We're still laughing about that one.

Well Bernice, Fawn Hall has sang. Justice has been served, open wide for your big spoonful of crow. The man is incapable of accepting his failure and he will never say he is sorry for his comments to the fans. Your show is crap Bernice, let it go.


Well Known GateFan
"slim chance" -- that says it all

I think it would be hilarious if each of us sent Brad Wright $1 with instructions that he was to use it to save SGU. We could put a little P.S. on the bottom of our letters telling him that if he didn't get enough $1 donations to save SGU he could use the money to buy a bottle of (cheap) booze and a box of Kleenex.


GateFans Noob
I think it would be hilarious if each of us sent Brad Wright $1 with instructions that he was to use it to save SGU. We could put a little P.S. on the bottom of our letters telling him that if he didn't get enough $1 donations to save SGU he could use the money to buy a bottle of (cheap) booze and a box of Kleenex.

He could buy booze for Sherry and move her out to California with him. It's closer to Malibu.


GateFans Noob
Well said!

I just ran across this little tidbit at Genre Addict:


LMAO!:rotflmao::laughing: :rotflmao::laughing:

Where to start?

First of all, the fact that THIS particular Stargate show was undeniably and clearly cancelled for LOW RATINGS and LACK OF INTEREST by Stargate fans (or the general audience) makes this entire thought train a wreck. First, let me say very clearly:


There is a HUGE audience of about 4 or 5 million who have been without Stargate since SG-1 and Atlantis were cancelled. The Stargate shows which are Stargate are SG-1 and Atlantis, not Stargate Universe. Those first two shows are clearly related to the premise of the movie, with the stargate being the center of action and adventure. With Atlantis, the city should have been the center of the story, but it effectively created an entire web of exciting new aliens in the Pegasus. Still, the most important room of Atlantis was always the Gate Room.

2. THE PROBLEM IS THE ENTRENCHED WRITERS. Get new writers who want to write STARGATE.

The writers have been there too long and they are out of ideas. On network shows, writers were cycled in and out regularly so that new ideas could happen. But these writers have been doing Stargate TV for so long now that they got bored and even COMPLACENT. They actually entrenched themselves and probably thought, "I am indispensable. Nobody else can do Stargate except me!" :roll: The creation of Stargate Universe was an abomination. The center of Stargate Universe was the relationships between "the wrong people" on a derelict ship out on the edges of the universe. WTF? That premise has NOTHING to do with Stargate. No connection to anything in the original movie, and the introduction of the magical communications stones as the primary means of "travel" (and to earth, no less) was nothing less than a soap opera in space. SGU was NOT Stargate, and thats why Stargate fans did not watch it. WE LOVE STARGATE! When Stargate is back on the air, WE WILL WATCH IT! No tricks, no "new directions", just a new look, a new take on STARGATE. That means action/adventure/science/drama. Forget about the heavy interpersonal drama. That will develop as the characters are developed. Make us like the central characters, and make them a team. And the main purpose of that team is to travel through the freakin STARGATE, mkay?

3. FOLLOW THROUGH AND DO IT RIGHT, which does not necessarily mean throwing money at it, it means sticking to the Stargate premise. Atlantis was done right, and it used relative unknowns as actors.

Brad Wright's Stargate is dead. The canon he and his associates created is still in place (ending with Atlantis). Let him retire, give him a big check and a party at a fancy restaurant and say goodbye. But he has to go. Putting him in charge of any new Stargate project would be a big mistake. Same with Joseph Mallozzi. There are more engaging fanfic scripts for Stargate Atlantis and SG-1 than were ever written by Wright or Mallozzi. Green Screen could bring costs down, and could even serve as a foundation for an extension of Atlantis (since the sets are now gone). If ratings soar, then sets can be built. Or, start in a completely new scenario. But the basic formula has to be there:

  • A stargate which is the center of things overall. That stargate has to be based somewhere, and protected by a defensive structure of some kind.
  • A TEAM. From the movie to Atlantis, the characters central to the story were a TEAM. If your characters in any new Stargate venture are not a team, then its not Stargate, plain and simple.
  • Places to go with the stargate. They have to be interesting, strange places, either populated by humanoids or aliens or not at all, but travel to SOMEWHERE on a very regular basis is essential. Thats where the adventure comes in.
  • Enemies. They need to be alien enemies, even if they look human...yes, they can even be rubber-faced. The fans never had a problem with that, why did Brad and Mallozzi and Cooper? Its fun, it makes the interaction between the aliens and our heroes the primary focus instead of "wtf are they saying?"
  • CONTINUITY. It cant drift off into soapy drama or lose focus of what the show is about, which is the freakin STARGATE!
The formula which works, is the formula which HAS WORKED. So, if any of the new decision makers at MGM are listening to us, you can already see what worked and what didnt. Stargate SG-1 worked, Stargate Atlantis worked, and they worked because they followed the basic formula as listed above. The formula established by the MOVIE. Do it any different on its most basic level, and its not Stargate. Its not so hard is it?

Overmind One, there is nothing more to be said. Bravo.


Council Member & Author
Oh, god, I love the whole "investors" thing.

It's only going to be a good thing for an investor if there's a chance of making money on it.

From what we've been told and what we've seen in the ratings, there is NO way this show was showing a profit.

Any savvy investor will stay away from an "opportunity" such as this, especially in this rather shitty financial climate we all find our ourselves in. I don't even think someone would invest knowing it would be a loss (for the IRS deduction).


GateFans Noob
"investors" hmm?? yeah, good joke.
there are better chances for a upstate new york style blizzard in hell.....


Well Known GateFan
"Crazy" isn't just a Patsy Cline song

Oh, god, I love the whole "investors" thing.

It's only going to be a good thing for an investor if there's a chance of making money on it.

From what we've been told and what we've seen in the ratings, there is NO way this show was showing a profit.

Any savvy investor will stay away from an "opportunity" such as this, especially in this rather shitty financial climate we all find our ourselves in. I don't even think someone would invest knowing it would be a loss (for the IRS deduction).

Yes, it's fascinating to watch BW go on about investors because it's such an insane idea to posit. No one in their right mind is going to invest in a proven failed venture. No one. The problem is with Wright's psyche. His early success with Stargate has blinded him to reality. He actually believes that if he's at the helm of a Stargate show that it can't possibly be a failure. Funny how he has no problem pursuing his artistic vision when it comes to spending other people's money, eh? Talk about a disconnect from reality. The dude is bonkers. The best thing for him is to crash and burn professionally, which he seems to be doing just fine. ;)


GateFans Cadet
You know, I had a shocking thought today...

I don't know if I would really care if they got a movie.:icon_e_surprised:

Ain't that a mind-blower?

Maybe it's because I really don't see it fairing well in the market....*shrug*


GateFans Noob
*Psst!* Hey, Brad! Don't listen to all these nay-sayers! This is such an awesome idea! Invest ALL your money and re-mortgage your house to fund this! And encourage all your (cough) friends to do the same, like Joe and Rob! And that woman, Rummy, Sherry or whatever. Every penny, remember!

(But I don't think you should ask RDA this time)

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

*Psst!* Hey, Brad! Don't listen to all these nay-sayers! This is such an awesome idea! Invest ALL your money and re-mortgage your house to fund this! And encourage all your (cough) friends to do the same, like Joe and Rob! And that woman, Rummy, Sherry or whatever. Every penny, remember!

(But I don't think you should ask RDA this time)

LMAO! :facepalm: :rotflmao::laughing::rotflmao::laughing:

"And that woman, Rummy, Sherry or whatever"



GateFans Noob
if i owned

if I owned a network I would say ok we will take SGU and then one year from now say do Atlantis or we are cancelling SGU. hahahahaha.


Well Known GateFan
if I owned a network I would say ok we will take SGU and then one year from now say do Atlantis or we are cancelling SGU. hahahahaha.

Um, actually, no, if you owned a network you would only take what is profitable. SyFy/MGM only thought SGU would be profitable because its two predecessors had been successful. Now, in full knowledge of the truth, no network "owner" in their right mind would green light more SGU crapola. The proper response of a network owner to Brad Wright would be "More SGA, period!"

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member

The last gap that MGM sank money into was discovered to be BW's asshole. Who needs to travel by wormhole when you've got a whole universe full of shit to explore?

Hahahahaha! I bet all sorts of strange aliens live in there! :laughing:


GateFans Noob
Um, actually, no, if you owned a network you would only take what is profitable. SyFy/MGM only thought SGU would be profitable because its two predecessors had been successful. Now, in full knowledge of the truth, no network "owner" in their right mind would green light more SGU crapola. The proper response of a network owner to Brad Wright would be "More SGA, period!"

yes your logical is flawless unless oh wait my logic makes since because SGA is profitable and since I get paid anyways since I own a network I choose to take the hit in profits which probably wont be enough to take the network out of the black anyways so that I get SGA and future Stargate series which will turn a profit.


Well Known GateFan
yes your logical is flawless unless oh wait my logic makes since because SGA is profitable and since I get paid anyways since I own a network I choose to take the hit in profits which probably wont be enough to take the network out of the black anyways so that I get SGA and future Stargate series which will turn a profit.

I'm sorry my "logical" didn't make "since" to you, but your "logic" would see your network crashing and burning in a matter of months following the implementation of that economic paradigm. But hey, it's your fantasy so go crazy with it dude. I'm not here to piss on your parade. Enjoy!