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Well Known GateFan
Steve Jobs Biography

I know this isn't sci-fi as such but I couldn't find a section purely for other books.

Basically I was wondering if anyone had read the new Steve Jobs book that came out a few days ago. From what I hear it's a decent read and is a proper study of the man rather than a lesser promotion of apple as a company. I am still a bit hesitant to lay down £12 or so on something that might not be worth reading; no offense to the man himself, I just want to make sure that this hasn't been rushed out too soon or anything.


Earl Grey
I have been reading the intelligent investor by Benjamin Graham


Well Known GateFan
As you may know, I really enjoy reading wither historical fiction or fiction books that involve ageless or immortal characters (the main reason why I like the Anne Rice Vamp Chronicles and some of her other works--not the vamps but the perspective given on history by those immortal characters)

recently I have been into reading some good King Arthur type books and some other non Arthurian books of post Roman and dark age britain

this is what I have read and they are all, IMO, quite good

The Warlord Series by Bernard Cornwell
-these are THE WINTER KING

Another novel set a bit later- right at the moment of the Norman Invasion, is a book that some may give up on due to the manner of the writing
the author uses, as much as possible, no English word that has been derived from Latin
sometimes he uses old english (saxon/frisian) and even 'makes up' some words

one catches on though after about 50 pages or so

the story is based on an actual event of Saxon/ Danish (all "English" of the time) resistance to the Normans

it is called THE WAKE by Paul Kingsnorth

the book I am reading now, VOICES OF THE STARS is another about immediate post Roman Britain. Of course, Britain in its south and western midlands as well as much of 'Wales', was still very much Roman in as much as any other part of the Empire was 'roman' in the early 5th century

The author is a woman-Rowena Whaling, who uses a diff tact in writing the story of Arthur and all of its players. She uses known history and legends, as well as myth. Of course she inputs Merlin and the druidic influences to the story as well as the non druidic 'religions' that existed in Britain that pre-date the arrival of celtic ppls and their druids. Also used is the new Christian religion as well as the roman worship of the traditional gods and the newer 'soldier's god' Mithras

the twist with this author is that her explanations of the British religions and nature beliefs are far more detailed as she is a practising worshipper of The Goddess/Earth Mother

she also shatters the illusions that so many non read (on the subject) Arthurian 'fans' believe--that is, the story of Hollywood and the Renaissance stories that were written and 'Christianised' versions of the Arthur legen--complete with knights and shining armour plated warriors

of course, the fighting men of this time-on both sides of battle actually but especially the Romano Britons- wore the uniform and armour of the Roman legions and fought in the Roman style. Even the original "legally arrived" Saxons under Hengist and Horsa who were legally brought in with Rome's blessing (after they pulled out their non British legions from Britain mind you!) whose ppl were already foederati of Rome in northern Gaul. They had Roman military title and training as roman auxillary troops. They most likely understood and spoke some latin as well. these ppl were brought in by King Vortigern-a Roman Prefect more likely, to Britain from Gaul to help defend against Pict raids

the popular belief-of those that know anything at all-is that all Saxons were invaders. not true, this did not happen until later and then, these legal Saxons, thought themselves as 'british' and would have fought alongside any Arthur or 'Arthur composite figure' against the Saxon, Angle, Jute and Frisian invaders

and her inclusion of the intersection of native british (celt and pre celt), romano british, saxon and other cultures in this setting of chaotic change is a wonderful addition to the story

so, yeah, that's the kind of 'weird stuff' I read :) :)


The Belle of the Ball
Currently been reading Allison Weir's Queens of the Conquest ... From Mathilda queen of William the Conqueror to Maude, the mother of HenryII.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Currently re-reading Cibola Burn (The Expanse) to get an idea of the places they have deviated and added stuff.


What ship is this?
Staff member
Amazon product
Good if you need a structural explanation of the syntax of C based languages.