Alrighty... where is the Destiny going, anyway?


GateFans Noob
As we approach the last episode, and still have yet to learn more about this mysterious "God signal" in the cosmic background radiation of the universe, it's still bugging me:

Where is the Destiny headed? What is its mission, anyway?

From what I understand of the Big Bang theory, it's not an explosion IN space but an explosion OF space. I can get that from any number of Wiki / info pages. So the Big Bang didn't explode outward from any "central point" but rather space itself exploded and is now expanding uniformly everywhere in the universe.

So the background cosmic radiation signal is in fact everywhere in the universe at the same time. Right? Or am I reading this theory incorrectly in some way?

If it is indeed everywhere, then you wouldn't need to "go" to any kind of origin point for the Big Bang because there wasn't any central origin.

Where, then, is the Destiny headed, and why? It's not like any one galaxy can take better readings on the background cosmic radiation signal, and there's no actual "center of the Universe" because, well... there just isn't.

For the big overarching plot, you'd think they would've given us more by now... something, a little nibble or hint, right? Or was it sloppy writing throughout, and a misunderstanding of the Big Bang and/or cosmic background radiation - since they apparently have no science consultants?

What's the point of the Destiny's journey?

Good question! The truth? Don't know.
Personally I think TBTW mixed some phyical theories and specimen together for their "God-Signal". It's true, there is a background radiation in space (and also on earth) but there is nothing about any God. That sounds are plain and simple echoes of the Big Bang itself. No God - again. The only "God" I know in physics is the "God-particle", the theory particle no one have found for now.
The only -> theoretical <- possibility for this mystical "God-Signal" could be the theory about the " Brane-dimensions" because this theory is (from the current state of any physics) the only one which could MAYBE accept an older echo from the former universe/dimension.

There was a science-guy at the show? Really? I remember AT mentioned some counselors back in SG-1-times. But I'm pretty sure they didn't have one since the second or third season of SGA anymore (because than they began to run mad with the scientific stuff). For SGU the science-background sounded so weird I cannot believe any scientist would greenlight any of this mysterious signals or the most of the explanation the most of the scientists (especially Rush) gave. I only have one degree in Psychics and can only shake my head about what TPTW tried there. The most stuff didn't make sense and ran straight against any current theory.