"Shaky Cam" ACTUALLY causes nausea, motion sickness. Who knew? LOTS OF PEOPLE DID!

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Well, whaddaya know....shaky cam DOES cause people to get sick! Physically sick.

Cloverfield Sickness:


District 9 Sickness


Whose bright idea was it to film stuff in the "shaky cam" technique? If you film something with your cellphone or camera, YES it will appear to be shaky on playback. But not that much! Watching Blair Witch or Cloverfield made thousands of viewers physically ill with motion sickness and nausea.

I did not know this!


What ship is this?
Staff member
Doesn't surprise me. To me however the issue is that it makes the picture blurry right when I am trying to focus in on things.

Overmind One

GateFans Gatemaster
Staff member
Doesn't surprise me. To me however the issue is that it makes the picture blurry right when I am trying to focus in on things.

Yep, that is part of the effect and stress too. Anyone who has experienced migraines can relate to that blurry to focus to blurry thing. :(. That, and also the nauseous feeling of movement and light. Add loud noise to that and you have a really bad waking nightmare.